Sunday, January 30, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: Tomorrow: Second Intersectional Planning Meeting for the Justice Summit

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christopher Schulz <>
Date: Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 3:20 PM
Subject: Tomorrow: Second Intersectional Planning Meeting for the Justice Summit
To: Pamela Santiago <>, Scott Davis <>, Jonathan David Winn-Taryor <>, Minh Nguyen <>,,, Rebecca Elisabeth Ramshaw <>,,,,, Lynn Sereda <>,, Sophia Mehl <>,, Bang!!N <>, Francis Gaze <>, Jasmine Z <>, Charmi Ajmera <>,, Cassie Hoeprich <>,,,,, Jacqueline Ma <>, Neena Goswamy <>,, Dulce <>,,, Autumn Thomas <>, Holly George <>, Ariel Wetzel <>, Mario Lemafa <>, Kavit Sumud <>,, Pacharee Sudhinaraset <>, balbir k singh <>, Star Angelina Murray <>, Nina Triffleman <>,,,,, noah seidel <>, "Escenthio Marigny Jr." <>, Liam Wright <>, Cody Lestelle <>, Eunice Su-sian How <>,, Ian Zemke <>,,,,, Claire Simon <>,,, Joseph Marcus <>, Zakery Lee <>,,,,, Teresa Bailey <>, Jessica Wallach <>, Maria Hunter <>,, Jacob Greenberg <>, William Damon <>,,, Shealeigh Heindel <>

Hey everyone,

A reminder for those who were there with us last time, and an invitation for those who weren't:

Second Intersectional Planning Meeting for the Justice Summit
Monday, January 31; 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
UW Seattle Campus, Mary Gates Hall room 206

Two Mondays ago, the 17th, we kicked off this project for planning a Social Justice summit in a meeting that drew around 25 people from a wide range of organizing backgrounds on campus, as well as leaders in Seattle and unaffiliated students. We thought it was a good start to this process of bringing together organizers and ideas of different social and ecological justice movements. Our first meeting gave us the chance to meet each other and respond to an initial proposal for the summit. Thank you to everyone who came and shared ideas! If you were not able to come last time, you can find the summit proposal we reviewed at this site:
This week, we'll be building on our previous responses by mapping out the issues we want to see come together, then breaking into task groups that follow these interests to brainstorm concrete ideas for summit activities. An agenda, put together by members of Antechamber, follows, but please let us know if you have any suggestions or modifications. We hope that as this project develops other groups and individuals will have an equal part in facilitating these meetings.

  • Introduction & open announcements (5 min)
  • Guidelines for Interaction (10 min)
  • Naming: What Shall We Call this Project? (5 min)
  • Communication & Outreach (brief)
  • Relationship Mapping exercise (30-40 min)
  • Small-group brainstorming on events and collaborations (20 min)
  • Regroup & Synthesis (10 min)
  • Return to naming (10 min)
  • Break, eat food, & mingle! (as long as you like)
So please come join us and be part of this process. There will be food!

See you soon,
on behalf of the Antechamber Collective

Saturday, January 29, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Work Party Saturday: Spring is coming!

Hey Farm friends,

It's almost planting time on the UW Farm! We've got some work to do to get things ready for this year's growing (and chick-raising!) season.

This Saturday the 5th, come down for a work party at the Farm from 9-12.

On the To-Do list:

- Make over the Chicken Tractor as a permanent home for some new ladies come springtime
- Harvest wormbin compost
- Harvest some greens that have been sitting in the ground
- Clean up beds to make room for new seedlings
- Spruce up the "Back 40" compost area
- Use the new soil blocker on new seeds

Bring a breakfast/lunch item to share, if you'd like.

See you soon!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

[TheUWfarm] farm signage... again

It has come to my attention that there were some technical difficulties with my email address after I emailed the farm earlier in the week about educational signage/booklets. So to reiterate and if your interested in this wonderful opportunity to take part in increasing the farm's institutional memory and making our space more transparent and easily accessible to newcomers this is a great project for you!!! Just to make sure there are no more technical difficulties reply to this email address:, with the subject line: signage and I'll put you on the list of A squad list of folks who will be helping for this project.
Hazah hazah hazah,

[TheUWfarm] information session for sustainable ag & conservation course - 6PM tomorrow

Hello All!

I will be holding an information session for people interested in learning more about the sustainable agriculture and conservation course on Shaw Island this summer.

This session will be held tomorrow evening - 6PM at the Botany Greenhouse.

If you are interested in learning more about the course details please attend!



Elizabeth Wheat, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow
Program on the Environment
Education Coordinator - UW Farm

TheUWfarm mailing list

[TheUWfarm] UW_Bothell students' project: Shoreline Farmers Market! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 09:15:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Ursula Valdez <>
Subject: UW_Bothell students' project: Shoreline Farmers Market!

Hi all:
As part of the course work for UW-Bothell BES 485 Conservation Biology that I am co-teaching with Martha Groom, students need to work on an applicable project. Some of the students are working on Community-based projects and below is an example of what students initiative can lead to.
If you are interested in conservation and sustainability issues please see below and support the efforts of this pair of students. Please, also pass along this info to those who you think may be interested.

Ursula Valdez
Box 351800,Department of Biology
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1800

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 00:01:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Maximilian Dixon <>
To: BES485-W11: ;
Subject: Shoreline Farmers Market!: BES485-W11

Greetings all you sustainable, local, organic supporters! We have some great news!

Brendan Lemkin and myself are starting a Farmers Market in Shoreline. We attended the first
planning meeting for Shoreline's future town center this evening. Our goal was to present our idea
of a future farmers market to the city employees working on the project, as well as the community
members in attendance. The idea was very well received and had been brought up in previous
community workshops conducted by Shoreline in the past. This is a critical juncture for this
project and having the city's support in the incorporation of a seasonal farmers market into the designing and planning the future town center is our number one goal.

The future project will include further revitalization of the linear park space between 175th St and 185th St. between Aurora Ave N and Midvale Ave N. There are many proposals and ideas for what might be the best way to use this space and we strongly feel that a farmers market would complement any design or application. A FM would also serve as a great place for community gatherings and be an asset to the local economy, as well as supporting active lifestyles, sustainability, and local agriculture.

WEDNESDAY MARCH 9th will be the next town center planning meeting and we hope that anyone who
supports our project and would like to join us can make it! Your support will be greatly

The project manager for the Future Town Center in Shoreline is:

Jon Jordan

Hammer him with support for the farmers market and local sustainable farming! Please contact him and anyone you know in Shoreline! Thanks!

This is our blog so that you can comment on our project and or stay in the loop with our progress!

Thank you!

Project on Shoreline website:

[TheUWfarm] SER Cordially Invites UW Farm to Restoration Event this Saturday


We're with the Society for Ecological Restoration UW Student Guild.  The general purpose of our organization is to help degraded lands become healthy ecosystems again by removing invasive species and planting native plants.  

Some of you know that we have been wanting to collaborate with the UW Farm for some time and would like to take the opportunity to invite you to join us at our restoration event.  

When: Saturday 10 - 2pm
Where: Near the tennis courts at McCarty Hall. 

We have tools and snacks at the ready, so just bring some warm dry clothes and come hang out! We've got to save the planet, starting with UW.

If you're interested in doing undergraduate research, this would be a good chance to chat with some of our astute though silly-natured horticulture graduate students and see what they're up to.

Viva shovels
~ Dylan and Alex

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: {Seattle Good Food Network} 1/25: Mark Winne -Challenging the Industrial Food System in 21st Century America

Hello Farmers,

I think that some of you may be interested in this talk - it is tonight, and I just learned about it so I want to pass it along in hopes some of you might be able to go. 


Begin forwarded message:

Food, Freedom, and Authority: Challenging the Industrial Food System in 21st Century America
Mark Winne is presenting in Seattle at Temple Beth Am
Tues January 25, 2011, 6:30-8pm

Mark Winne has worked for 40 years as a community food activist, writer, and trainer. From organizing breakfast programs for low-income children in Maine to developing innovative national food policies in Washington, DC, Winne has dedicated his professional life and writing to enabling people to find solutions to their own food problems as well as those that face their communities and the world. 

Of his first book, Closing the Food Gap: Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty, Dr. Jane Goodall said, "It is heartening to find a book that successfully blends a passion for sustainable living with compassion for the poor." In his latest book, Food Rebels, Guerrilla Gardeners, and Smart-Cookin' Mamas: Fighting Back in an Age of Industrial Agriculture, Winne explores the challenges of our 21st Century food system and discuss ways we can ensure a food supply that is healthy, affordable, and safe for all. 

Don't miss this incredible opportunity! Questions? Email Alysa Rosen at or call (206) 525-0915.

The event is FREE and open to the public. RSVP's are always encouraged but not required. 

Location: Temple Beth Am is located at 2632 NE 8OTH STREET, at the east end of NE 80th Street, just off of 25th Ave. NE, to the immediate east of University Prep School. Mark's talk will be in the Social Hall.

Directions: Enter at main entrance, and there will be signage to the social hall/Mark's talk.

Parking: Available on the street on 80th NE and on 25th

Elizabeth Wheat, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow
Program on the Environment
Education Coordinator - UW Farm

Monday, January 24, 2011

Re: [TheUWfarm] CSF Approved

Fantastic. Congratulations UW farm. It's only about one tenth of the UW president's annual salary, but, hey, it's just what the UW farm needs. The next challenge is to get Beth a salary.

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:19 PM, <> wrote:
Congratulations are in order. This is very important. I commend you all.


On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Joseph Marcus wrote:

Dear Farm Community,today we had a meeting with the Campus Sustainability Fund and learned that our proposal was
approved (contingent on a few letters of support). This means the farm will receive just about $80,000 dollars to
expand our operations on campus. This is a huge success! Thank you for all the work and support! Get ready for the
future! and big thank you to the CSF!


TheUWfarm mailing list

Re: [TheUWfarm] CSF Approved

Congratulations are in order. This is very important. I commend you all.


On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Joseph Marcus wrote:

> Dear Farm Community,today we had a meeting with the Campus Sustainability Fund and learned that our proposal was
> approved (contingent on a few letters of support). This means the farm will receive just about $80,000 dollars to
> expand our operations on campus. This is a huge success! Thank you for all the work and support! Get ready for the
> future! and big thank you to the CSF!
> Love,
> Joe


Hello farmer friends,
I'll be working at the farm this week
Tuesday: 930-1230, Thursday: 930-1230, Friday 930-230
Come on down and we'll get our hands dirty!

Also.... There has been much discussion at the farm for the need of better signage and orientation booklets. These two items will be a great help to us. They will create some institutional memory in the face of rapid student turnover,  more transparency to the innerworkings of the farm, strengthen our work towards our educational mission and more! If you are interested in gathering information on things like: cover crop, crop rotation, crop histories, planting distances, student leadership, etc and making it into an aesthetically pleasing handbook and then goregous farm signage then write me back with "signage" for the subject line and I will write you back make a doodle poll and figure out when we can meet.

Re: [TheUWfarm] CSF Approved

Fantabulous! You guys are awesome!

On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Joseph Marcus wrote:

> Dear Farm Community,today we had a meeting with the Campus Sustainability Fund and
> learned that our proposal was approved (contingent on a few letters of support). This
> means the farm will receive just about $80,000 dollars to expand our operations on
> campus. This is a huge success! Thank you for all the work and support! Get ready for
> the future! and big thank you to the CSF!
> Love,
> Joe

[TheUWfarm] CSF Approved

Dear Farm Community,
today we had a meeting with the Campus Sustainability Fund and learned that our proposal was approved (contingent on a few letters of support). This means the farm will receive just about $80,000 dollars to expand our operations on campus. This is a huge success! Thank you for all the work and support! Get ready for the future! and big thank you to the CSF!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Farmweek newsletter January 23

Farmweek Newsletter | January 23, 2011

Upcoming Farm Events and General Information

Tuesday Farm Lunch

All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in FSH 108

Monthly Pizza Bake

Next one: TBA

February All Farm Meeting

Feb. 2, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse


New ways to get farm information!

We have a website!

(and blog)

Facebook Fan Page - become a fan!


Send all submissions for the weekly newsletter to

During the academic year, the newsletter will go out weekly on Sunday evenings.


Farm To-Do

Now - Jan. 28

General To Do's

  • Check in on chickens!  Do they have food and water?  Do they need to peck at your shoe a little?  Did they lay any eggs?  Do you have some red cabbage for them?
  • Fix the chicken tractor(new wheel/ chicken wire will be in tool cabinet/near chicken tractor)
  • Research microgreens/aquaponics operation (farm student paper in book cabinet)
  • Remae (cover with white material (found at top of tool cabinet)) all young chard and kale
  • Build hoophouses/cold frames(Zach is organizing)
  • Wood chip any open unplanted areas that are bare(Ask Keith)
  • Finish winnowing wheat
  • New site soil testing (Talk with Joe)
  • Make sign up list for bringing breakfast to dirty dozen & hang next to volunteer hours list. Add your name to sign up list for breakfast bringing!
  • Acquire crock pot for oatmeal?(seems a good idea)
  • When favas are big enough, ½ to Quanset & plant other ½ in empty spaces
  • Get wood for cob oven
  • Continue to combine manure and leaf compost as appropriate

Area A

  • I Plant cover crop in brick border bed(favas?)

Area C

  • Scrape away sawdust under fig tree and replace with soil and compost
  • Worm bin (check for flooding/siphon if necessary.  Possibly make and laminate sign to emphasize closing technique for metal lid).

Back 40

  • Pull any arum near compost piles and put in in the garbage
  • Bee committee (talk with Joe)
  • Build more sturdy top for pallet compost bins (awaiting materials)
  • Get new compost thermometer?
  • Cloches for plots near B-G trail?


Trouble viewing this newsletter? View it online here.

UW Farm Updates

New Summer Farm Course: Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation in the San Juans

Great news! A new course - "Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation" in the San Juans -will be offered this summer (B term) through the Friday Harbor Labratories. It will be co-taught by Beth Wheat and Carson Sprenger. A course description can be found here.

Applications are due Febuary 1st! This class will be held on Shaw Island, not at Friday Harbor. We are only accepting 15 students. If you are interested and have questions please feel free to contact Beth Wheat.

UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week

Be sure to take a look at our farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:

While you're at it, become a fan of our Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter!

Want to get involved in a committee? Now's your chance!

It's the start of a fresh quarter, and the perfect time to start getting your hands dirty. We have a compost crew, outreach team, green team, chicken crew, and vision team, all ready for you to jump right into. For more information, check out each committee page on our website, and find contact information for our committee leaders here.

Want to get more involved?

Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings!

Off Farm Stuff

Summer Internships with Real Time Farms - Be a Food Warrior

Real Time Farms is currently accepting applications for the first Food Warriors Summer Internship Program. Students who live in Seattle, Los Angeles, New York City, Boulder, and Michigan and who have a passion for local food are encouraged to apply! Internship applications are due February 16, 2011.
Real Time Farms is a social enterprise that aims to bring transparency to our food system. Our online local food guide helps consumers learn where their food comes from, whether eating in or eating out.
Our Food Warriors Summer Internship Program will give interns a deeper understanding of regional food webs, particularly how food is grown and sourced, while documenting growing practices, regional farm information and the relationships between farms, farmers markets, and locally sourcing restaurants.
If you have questions, please feel free to send an email to

Clean Greens-Food "Justice Starts With Us" with Guest Speaker Brahm Ahmadi

Time: January 29, 2011 from 6pm to 10pm
Location: Garfield Community Center, 2323 East Cherry St. Seattle, WA 98122
Organized By: Lottie & Magie

Clean Greens Farm and Market is happy to announce our first annual 'Food Justice Starts with Us' Dinner Event, taking place on Saturday, January 29, 2011. The goal of this event is to raise funds for Clean Greens' food justice projects, as well as to raise awareness of the food access issues that our local communities face.

For our first-ever fundraising event, we will be serving a meal cooked with local, seasonal foods by members of the Clean Greens community. Clean Greens welcomes Brahm Ahmadi, co-founder of People's Grocery in Oakland, CA, who will be giving a keynote on Oakland's food justice movement. Towards the end of dinner, a short film on Clean Greens' ongoing food justice work will be premiered. After dinner, we will be having a dessert auction, and guests can enjoy their dessert while listening to a local jazz band perform.

Founded in 2007, Clean Greens is a food justice organization that is owned and operated by residents of Seattle's Central District. Our mission is to decrease the incidence of disease in our communities by increasing residents'access to healthy, pesticide-free produce at affordable prices. We are committed to delivering clean produce to all people in our communities, which we grow on our 22-acre farm in Duvall, Washington, and distribute via our Central District farm stand and CSA program.

*also looking for volunteers for the event. Please contact Magie or Lottie

Buy tickets here

See more details and RSVP on CleanGreens

Make Money as an Urban Farmer

A workshop presented by Sustainable Commercial Urban Farm Incubator (SCUFI) Program.

When: February 19th & 20th, 2011, 8am – 6pm, Berkeley, California
Featured Trainer: Custis Stone, of Green City Acres, an urban Small Plot INtensive (SPIN) farm in Kelowna, BC Canada.

Curtis will share with you how in 2010 he used the SPIN-Farming®system to build a multi-lot 1/2 acre urban farm that in its six month first season grossed $20,000. If Curtis can do it, so can you! A team of workshop trainers will help you:

  • Learn how the SPIN farming system and SCUFI program can help you build your own high-income urban farm. 
  • Hear how the SCUFI program can help you with training, financing, and securing land to launch your own urban farm business.
  • Meet people at the forefront of the growing sustainable commercial urban farm field, share ideas, gain knowledge, pool resources and form alliances to build your own profitable urban farm.

Saturday: Indoor lectures and demonstrations at David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA.
Sunday: Outdoor hands-on field and business exercises at an East Bay urban farm site (location TBA).

Farming 6 small urban plots totaling 1/2 acre, Curtis sells to a farmers market, restaurants and a 20 member CSA veggie box program. Moving of veggies, compost, tools and a 400 lb rototiller are all done with a bicycle towing a custom 6' trailer. Before starting his SPIN farm in Fall 2009, Curtis had little experience farming or gardening. Curtis proves the SPIN farming system can be done inexpensively and effectively by people with limited farming or gardening experience. SPIN-Farming is being practiced by a growing community of farmers across the USA and Canada. People taking the two-day training also become eligible to apply for an urban farm training plot at a SCUFI program site in the SF Bay Area or elsewhere. For more details about the 2-day workshop, Curtis Stone and his Green City Acres farm, SPIN, and the SCUFI program, you can view and download:
a one-page flyer
an 8-page brochure
Early registration: $200.  After January 31: $250. Snacks, beverages & lunch included

Visit here to register. Questions? Email

Mason Bees For Pollination Class

Saturday, January 29, 10 am – noon
Phinney Neighborhood Association: 6532 Phinney Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103 (location tentative)
             North America is in the midst of a pollination challenge with the honeybees; our fruit and garden crops suffer as result.  Native, non-aggressive mason bees can dramatically increase fruit yields while improving the entire city ecosystem.  Take action on the pollination challenge in your neighborhood by learning to manage mason bees.  In this class, you'll learn how to be successful in raising mason bees, you'll see fun techniques to try in your yard, and you'll receive hands-on experience with harvesting mason bees.  Instructor Dave Hunter has been working with mason bees for nearly 20 years. He has been partnering with US scientists, University researchers, the ARS/Logan Bee Lab, and multiple experts across the country to help gardeners become more aware of their pollination requirements.  He recently opened the internet to assist gardeners with successfully raising mason bees.

Visit the website for more information

Best Regards,
Jill Eikenhorst
City Fruit Coordinator

Zimride, a New UW Rideshare Program

Hi wonderful and fantastic farmers!

I am a graduate student at the Evans School of Public Affairs and was hoping you could help get the word out about Zimride, the UW's new rideshare program.  It's not food-related, but it is a great way of getting around more sustainably, whether to campus or for off-campus trips and excursions when walking, busing, or biking are not (yet!) options.

A group of students is working in conjunction with the UW Office of Transportation Services to launch a new ridesharing service here on campus called Zimride. Zimride is a private UW network that makes it easy to share the seats in your car or catch a ride with fellow UW friends and colleagues. The service connects drivers and riders through Facebook as well as its own online forum and can be useful for people who drive regularly to and from campus, or for those who want to coordinate occasional rides on or off-campus, such as to sporting events, ski trips, or even long-distance trips on weekends or holidays.

To help make Zimride a successful and active service here on campus, we need your help reaching out to UW Farm folks and others.  Can you pass along the message below to your the farm listserv, post on your blog, or otherwise help get the word out?

Also, you can check out Zimride and start using it right away. Visit our site and register with your UW NetID. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to provide additional information. Thank you so much for everything you do through the farm, and for helping us create a more sustainable, social, and fun form of transportation for our community.

You can contact me at
-Chris Hoffer
Master of Public Administration Candidate (2011)

Permaculture Design Course: Learn permaculture design, food production, and energy efficiency

February 27 - March 20, 2011
Wild Thyme Farm, Oakville, WA

Instructors: Marisha Auerbach, Dave Boehnlein, and Kelda Miller

Special Guests: Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski, Jenny Pell, Rick Valley, Leonard Barrett, Mark Lakeman, John Henrikson, Kirk Hansen & more...

Globally, we are experiencing unpredictable changes in climate, economy, and resources.  Through intentional design, we can anticipate what adaptive skills will be necessary for a joyful and abundant future.  In this permaculture design course, students will be immersed in strategies to build community resilience and respond to uncertainties of the future.  Our stellar teaching team will offer a 144-hour  permaculture curriculum with a focus on hands-on skill-building in food production, plant propagation, and energy systems.  The Wild Thyme Farm, a premier permaculture demonstration site, offers an immersion in examples of beautiful and productive polyculture gardens, a 100 acre FSC certified forest, and strategies for rural revitalization. Through presentations, slides, games, lectures, field trips, and hands-on opportunities, this permaculture course will offer diverse learning styles to emphasize ways that students can design their lives and engage their communities in s!
 trategies for a sustainable future.

* Permaculture Ethics & Principles
* Observation & Site Analysis
* Energy Conservation
* Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
* Mapping & Design Exercises
* Animal Husbandry
* Forests, Agroforestry, & Tree Crops
* Soil Building & Ecology
* Cooperative Economics
* Plants, Propagation & Planting Strategies
* Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
* Water Harvesting, Management, & Conservation
* Urban Permaculture & Village Design

Cost: $1950 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.
Early bird registration:  $1800 by January 15, 2011

Click here for more information



UW Student Farm |
University of Washington Campus


Saturday, January 22, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Volunteer & Intern Opportunities at Seattle Tilth

Hey UW Farmers,

As many of you know, the UW Farm has been working with Seattle Tilth on our expansion this year. Tilth is a fantastic local organization working on teaching and growing new farmers/gardeners all over the city. They sent us a big list of volunteer and internship opportunities that are open in the coming months - take a look below to see if anything catches your eye.

Note: We are specifically partnering with Tilth's Seattle Youth Garden Works program, and it would be great to get more youth mentors from the farm participating!

Volunteer & Intern Opportunities at Seattle Tilth
Build professional and personal skills, meet people, and contribute to the community while volunteering at Seattle Tilth!
Opportunity for school credit. Find out more about our volunteer and intern opportunities on our website or follow the links below.


  • Garden Volunteers
    Join a crew to help maintain our community learning gardens in north and south Seattle or in Issaquah.
  • Master Composter/Soil Builders
    Receive in-depth compost education with a team of diverse Seattle residents, then share your valuable knowledge and experience with the wider community.  Applications will be available in late Jan/Feb and due Feb/March.
  • Graphic Design Volunteer/Intern
    Help create our online and print annual report of 12 pages. Layout and design skill required. Opportunity for school credit. Please send your resume and work sample to:


Garden Internships

  • Garden Steward Interns
    Learn about sustainable landscape management and organic food gardening while practicing leadership skills in one or more of Seattle Tilth's gardens in north or south Seattle or in Issaquah.

Teaching Internships

Participate in our children's garden education program while developing your teaching and gardening skills.

Administrative Internships



Liza Burke
Communications & Volunteer Manager
Seattle Tilth

4649 Sunnyside Ave N., Room 120
Seattle, WA  98103
(206) 633-0451 ext. 103

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Evite Invitation: Just Garden Launches 2011 Spring into Bed

Add to your address book to ensure that you receive Evite emails in your inbox.
Hosted by Just Garden
You're invited to
Just Garden Launches 2011 Spring into Bed
View Invitation
Having trouble viewing this email? Copy and paste this link into your browser:{'key':'ALMBNRORWQ'}
Evite respects your privacy. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy
Note: Replies to this email will go directly to the person who sent this message, not to Evite.

[TheUWfarm] Goat Farm Fieldtrip Doodle!

 Farmers, we have another exciting Farm Field Trip possibility for Winter Quarter - Tour de Urban Goat Farms! This will happen at the end of February or early March. Fill out this Doodle by January 26th (this week) so we can decide on a day/time that works!


Mary Mills is a friend of the Farm, 5th grade teacher, and goat keeper. She's offered to connect us with some fellow goat keepers in the city and see what urban animal husbandry can truly look like. We may even be able to make it a bike tour!


Again, please indicate which days/times are possible for you on the above Doodle by January 26th.



Best in dirt,


[TheUWfarm] Save the Date! Farm Food Festival-- Blues for Food Fest-Magnuson Park

Good Morning UW Farm!
I'm guessin' that some of you may be interested in a farm food festival! 
I would like to invite all of you on behalf of the P-Patch Community Garden Trust  and the Washington State Blues Society to the Blues for Food Festival  Saturday September 3, 2011.  (Magnuson Park P-patch Pavilion-right down the street from the UW!)
For the last 5 years we have gathered great music and literally TONS of fresh organic produce for the local food bank!  This festival is zero waste!
Last year we only had ONE tiny bag of trash (the size of a grocery bag).  Over 400 people joined the event last year!  Everything was either composted or recycled.
Here is the website.
If you have questions, ideas for how to get the word out to the UW community or Seattle at large, or are interested in volunteering for the event,
Please contact me,
I look forward to hearing from you!
Here's to fresh organic produce and gardening!
Tracy L. Stober
Blues for Food Fest
206-658-3052 (cell)
(UW Farm is awesome!  I love the fact we have a farm on campus......FYI: I also work for the UW in the Korea Studies department)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

[TheUWfarm] cool job



From: Schofner, Heather []
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 3:08 PM
Subject: Organic Farm Instructional Technician position at The Evergreen State College

Greetings from Olympia!

We are currently looking to hire an Organic Farm Instructional Technician to oversee the campus' beautiful organic farm. I'm hoping that you would be kind enough to help us get the word out about this great opportunity. Naturally, we're taking a grassroots approach to this recruitment, and any forwarding you can do of our job announcement would be greatly appreciated. I've pasted some information below, and a full description of the position and application guidelines can be found on our website,

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks so much!

Heather Schofner

Human Resource Services

The Evergreen State College

(360) 867-5350


Keith Possee
Medicinal Herb Garden
Biology Department
Box 351800
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1800
phone: (206) 543-0436
FAX: (206) 616-2011

TheUWfarm mailing list

Monday, January 17, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation in the San Juans

Hello Farmers,

I'm writing to alert you to a new course - "Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation" in the San Juans - which will be offered this summer (B term) through the Friday Harbor Labratories - it will be co-taught by me and Carson Sprenger. A course description can be found on the following webpage -

Applications are due Febuary 1st! This class will be held on Shaw Island not at Friday Harbor.

We are only accepting 15 students. If you are interested and have questions please feel free to contact me.


Elizabeth Wheat, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow
Program on the Environment
Education Coordinator - UW Farm

TheUWfarm mailing list

[TheUWfarm] Re: Farmweek Newsletter January 17

Sorry all, this week's pizza bake is actually on Saturday! For more information, visit the facebook event page here.


On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Michelle Venetucci Harvey <> wrote:
Farmweek Newsletter | January 17, 2011

Upcoming Farm Events and General Information

Tuesday Farm Lunch

All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in FSH 108

Monthly Pizza Bake

Next one: Jan. 20th

January All Farm Meeting

Jan. 12, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse


New ways to get farm information!

We have a website!

(and blog)

Facebook Fan Page - become a fan!


Send all submissions for the weekly newsletter to

During the academic year, the newsletter will go out weekly on Sunday evenings.




Trouble viewing this newsletter? View it online here.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service! Work hours are up on the calendar page - come volunteer Mon-Fri.

UW Farm Updates

Pizza Bake this Thursday, January 20! 3:30 - 5:30

Stop by the farm for some dancing and pizza, straight out of our outdoor cob oven. Everyone welcome!

UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week

Be sure to take a look at our farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:

While you're at it, become a fan of our Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter!

Want to get involved in a committee? Now's your chance!

It's the start of a fresh quarter, and the perfect time to start getting your hands dirty. We have a compost crew, outreach team, green team, chicken crew, and vision team, all ready for you to jump right into. For more information, check out each committee page on our website, and find contact information for our committee leaders here.

Want to get more involved?

Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings!

Off Farm Stuff

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshops (Information from Lettuce Link)

Even though the garden is quiet and the trees are bare, it's time to start thinking about fruit tree care.  Remember - healthy trees equals healthy fruit!  We'd like to recommend the following opportunities to learn more about caring for your fruit tree:

Clean Greens-Food "Justice Starts With Us" with Guest Speaker Brahm Ahmadi

Time: January 29, 2011 from 6pm to 10pm
Location: Garfield Community Center, 2323 East Cherry St. Seattle, WA 98122
Organized By: Lottie & Magie

Clean Greens Farm and Market is happy to announce our first annual 'Food Justice Starts with Us' Dinner Event, taking place on Saturday, January 29, 2011. The goal of this event is to raise funds for Clean Greens' food justice projects, as well as to raise awareness of the food access issues that our local communities face.

For our first-ever fundraising event, we will be serving a meal cooked with local, seasonal foods by members of the Clean Greens community. Clean Greens welcomes Brahm Ahmadi, co-founder of People's Grocery in Oakland, CA, who will be giving a keynote on Oakland's food justice movement. Towards the end of dinner, a short film on Clean Greens' ongoing food justice work will be premiered. After dinner, we will be having a dessert auction, and guests can enjoy their dessert while listening to a local jazz band perform.

Founded in 2007, Clean Greens is a food justice organization that is owned and operated by residents of Seattle's Central District. Our mission is to decrease the incidence of disease in our communities by increasing residents'access to healthy, pesticide-free produce at affordable prices. We are committed to delivering clean produce to all people in our communities, which we grow on our 22-acre farm in Duvall, Washington, and distribute via our Central District farm stand and CSA program.

*also looking for volunteers for the event. Please contact Magie or Lottie

Buy tickets here

See more details and RSVP on CleanGreens

Seattle Tree Fruit Society Grafting Workshop and Other important Information

The next STFS meeting will be a Grafting Workshop. We will not be having the Spring Fruit Show as such this year - it will be spread between 2 events.  One will be the Grafting Workshop on Feb 12th and the other part will be a Spring Lecture Event slated for May 14th.

Another important news item:
- There will be no scion wood from Mt. Vernon this Spring. What we need is for you to bring scionwood that you have, labeled with variety, to the Feb 12th Grafting Workshop.

STFS February 12th - Grafting Meeting/Workshop and Potluck, 9 am - 4 pm 
Location:  Cedar Valley Grange,  20526 - 52nd Ave W. Lynnwood, 98036 (Very near Lynnwood Park & Ride)  Take Interstate 5 exit 179 (220th St SW), turn RIGHT on 220th go about a ½ mile, then turn LEFT onto 52nd Ave W, go almost a mile, the grange is on your LEFT.  Easy.
          9am to 11:30   Grafting Techniques Class
                                      taught by Greg Giuliani, Gil Schieber, and Bill Davis
          11:30-12     Potluck
          12 – 4pm    Hands-On Grafting Workshop: (Greg Giuliani, Gil Schieber, and Bill Davis), Create your own tree
For Sale at Workshop:  Rootstock, Scion wood, grafting knives, grafting tape, bands, sealant,all you need for grafting your own tree!  You can bring the items you have or scion wood to graft a special tree for yourself.

Mason Bees For Pollination Class

Saturday, January 29, 10 am – noon
Phinney Neighborhood Association: 6532 Phinney Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103 (location tentative)
             North America is in the midst of a pollination challenge with the honeybees; our fruit and garden crops suffer as result.  Native, non-aggressive mason bees can dramatically increase fruit yields while improving the entire city ecosystem.  Take action on the pollination challenge in your neighborhood by learning to manage mason bees.  In this class, you'll learn how to be successful in raising mason bees, you'll see fun techniques to try in your yard, and you'll receive hands-on experience with harvesting mason bees.  Instructor Dave Hunter has been working with mason bees for nearly 20 years. He has been partnering with US scientists, University researchers, the ARS/Logan Bee Lab, and multiple experts across the country to help gardeners become more aware of their pollination requirements.  He recently opened the internet to assist gardeners with successfully raising mason bees.

Visit the website for more information

Best Regards,
Jill Eikenhorst
City Fruit Coordinator

Antechamber Collective Social Justice Summit, Today!

It's finally time: Today on Monday, the 17th, or MLK Day, we are holding our launch meeting for the Social Justice Summit. At 6pm in Mary Gates 206, we will finally be bringing together all the people from various activist groups we have been talking to around campus. We want this first meeting to be a chance for all of us to meet one another and familiarize ourselves with our respective interests and projects. This will also be our big brainstorming meeting: we will look at the basic proposal for the forum and then build on it collaboratively.

For those of you who are not clear on the Social Justice Summit idea, the initial proposal is below.

So come today to share your ideas and learn about other socially-conscious students and their work. There will be snacks involved.

In solidarity,
the Members of the Antechamber Collective

Description: The Antechamber Collective a group at the University of Washington (Seattle campus) interested in exploring the interconnectedness of the multitude social and ecological problems and various local groups working in the Seattle area to address them. We want to discuss with your group the potential of participating in a social/ecological justice summit at UW Seattle. The purpose and form of this summit is multi-faceted and open to being shaped by those who choose to participate. From the perspective of us in the Antechamber Collective, the purpose is to build direct action organizing capacity through increased communications and mutual visibility and understanding among the many different groups on campus and in the Seattle area. We have no particular agenda ourselves, save promoting a culture of solidarity and humble exploration among all activists fighting for Justice. Thus, to us, the summit is to represent--in a public manner--the capacity of the People in our area to democratically manifest common action without the limiting guidance of the conventional political mechanisms.

Concretely, we will make this happen by way of an organizing committee--to meet every other week through this Winter--composed of individuals from activist groups of all kinds. We are visiting different groups to discuss this idea and to get contact information of people who are interested in being part of this committee or at least being the contact point for your  group re anything to do with this organizing process.

It is important for us to emphasize that we are approaching this as a learning experience and practical networking endeavor. We hope to learn a lot about not only organizing in this process but also about the various terrains in which people are fighting for justice, the complexities of different particular struggles and especially how these different struggles are connected to each other. We hope that you will join us in working toward a climate of greater collaboration and complementarity in the fight for a better world and invite you to voice any concerns or questions you have in regard to this proposal before deciding to participate in this process.

Registration is now available for the Real Food Challenge Seattle Conferences on January 22nd and 23rd!

In Seattle, we're putting on TWO one-day Real Food Challenge Northwest Leadership Conferences for students interested in learning about institutionalized food justice issues and taking on the challenge!  The trainings will unite students working on (or getting ready to start) real food campaigns on their campuses!  

The Conference schedule is tentative as follows:
Saturday and Sunday, Jan 22nd and 23rd:
8 - 9: Registration and complimentary pastry breakfast 
9 - 930: Opening and Group Welcome:  Expectations and Agenda
930 - 1030: Stories from the Real Food Challenge:  The Real Food Wheel 
1040 - 11: Introduction to the Real Food Challenge
11 - 12: Foodservice 101:  An Intro to the Foodservice Industry 
12 - 1: Social Lunch: Provided 
1 - 2: The Real Food Calculator:  An Intro to Auditing School Food Purchases 
215 - 3: Outreach and Messaging Basics:  Role Playing and Getting to Work 
315 - 5: Campaign Planning:  A Guide to Campus Campaigning 
5 - 530: Kuleana and Closing:  Success Stories of RFC 
6: Special Community Dinner at the UW Farm

The conference will be held on the UW campus at the Botany Greenhouse (found off of the Burke-Gilman Trail).  Spaces are limited to 25-30 students for each day.

Only $10 per person per day gets you complimentary breakfast and lunch, a day of leadership and campaigning workshops, and meeting other students from other Seattle and Western WA schools working on similar issues at their prospective schools. 
Go to the Real Food Challenge website to register today!

Don't miss out on:

  • New friends and allies from the Western Washington region!
  • Delicious meals with real food!
  • Applicable and FUN workshops on organizing, campaign planning, and the struggle for justice in the food system!
  • Having a solid plan so your group can hit the ground running when school starts this fall!

For questions about the conference, please contact Samantha Ryder, the Northwest Regional Field Organizer for the Real Food Challenge, at

Hope to see you there!

Real Food Challenge
Northwest Regional Field Organizers

Presentation about Full Circle Farm: A meeting for CSA Members and an invitation to New Subscribers

Wednesday, Feb 2 from 11:15 AM to Noon in Visitors' Dining Room of UW Tower

For nearly a year, we have had weekly deliveries of organic produce & other goods coming to the UW Tower from Full Circle Farm (FCF). The boxes of produce are ordered by employees here so that they don't have to make an extra shopping trip. They also are contributing to the sustainability of a local farm and other organic farms in a network of mutual support.

Several things have changed since we started this, both on the farm and at the tower drop-off site. Learn more about the options and updates from FCF representative Michele Catalano.

She'll address current subscribers, as well as those who may be interested to start. If you are someone who wants to hear more about how our community is supporting organic growers, you are invited to attend.

Gather in the Visitors' Dining Room at 11:15. For those who wish to stay on, there's a brown bag (BYOB) lunch and further discussion until 1:00.

Please RSVP to if you plan to attend, or call Syd for more info, 543-1537.

Permaculture Design Course: Learn permaculture design, food production, and energy efficiency

February 27 - March 20, 2011
Wild Thyme Farm, Oakville, WA

Instructors: Marisha Auerbach, Dave Boehnlein, and Kelda Miller

Special Guests: Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski, Jenny Pell, Rick Valley, Leonard Barrett, Mark Lakeman, John Henrikson, Kirk Hansen & more...

Globally, we are experiencing unpredictable changes in climate, economy, and resources.  Through intentional design, we can anticipate what adaptive skills will be necessary for a joyful and abundant future.  In this permaculture design course, students will be immersed in strategies to build community resilience and respond to uncertainties of the future.  Our stellar teaching team will offer a 144-hour  permaculture curriculum with a focus on hands-on skill-building in food production, plant propagation, and energy systems.  The Wild Thyme Farm, a premier permaculture demonstration site, offers an immersion in examples of beautiful and productive polyculture gardens, a 100 acre FSC certified forest, and strategies for rural revitalization. Through presentations, slides, games, lectures, field trips, and hands-on opportunities, this permaculture course will offer diverse learning styles to emphasize ways that students can design their lives and engage their communities in s!
 trategies for a sustainable future.

* Permaculture Ethics & Principles
* Observation & Site Analysis
* Energy Conservation
* Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
* Mapping & Design Exercises
* Animal Husbandry
* Forests, Agroforestry, & Tree Crops
* Soil Building & Ecology
* Cooperative Economics
* Plants, Propagation & Planting Strategies
* Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
* Water Harvesting, Management, & Conservation
* Urban Permaculture & Village Design

Cost: $1950 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.
Early bird registration:  $1800 by January 15, 2011

Click here for more information

Teach Out! Engaging our Local Food Cycle: An Opportunity to Learn about a Local Co-op

First Event of 2011! Central Co-op, coordinated by the Food Justice Project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice
Saturday, January 22nd, 10am-2pm

Please support our commitment to alternative transportation methods by biking, walking or taking public transit to this event!
CAGJ's Food Justice Project invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with key players in the local food region through monthly visits to farms, community kitchens, and community gardens! The site visits will include hands-on work that is needed by or is appropriate to the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action! Through these visits, CAGJ hopes to facilitate a place for the voices of our local food producers to be heard and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated.

CAGJ's Food Justice Project invites you to join us in visiting Central Co-op, who has made CAGJ a Community Partner for the past couple of years! Can your cooperative grocery store be an agent and an ally in the struggle for food justice? Come to learn about what Central Co-op does to promote access to land and food, and fair lives for those who do food work. Join Central Co-op and the CAGJ Food Justice Project to help us think about our cooperative purpose, mission, vision and values, through a food justice lens.

**To RSVP, please email Molly. We will send you directions and details upon receiving your RSVP. All activities will be appropriate for children and we can work out disability accommodations if needed.

Regional Food Policy Council Meeting

The Regional Food Policy Council will meet on Friday, January 14, 2011 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon in the PSRC Board Room at 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA.  The agenda is available at on their website.  


UW Student Farm |
University of Washington Campus


[TheUWfarm] Farmweek Newsletter January 17

Farmweek Newsletter | January 17, 2011

Upcoming Farm Events and General Information

Tuesday Farm Lunch

All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in FSH 108

Monthly Pizza Bake

Next one: Jan. 20th

January All Farm Meeting

Jan. 12, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse


New ways to get farm information!

We have a website!

(and blog)

Facebook Fan Page - become a fan!


Send all submissions for the weekly newsletter to

During the academic year, the newsletter will go out weekly on Sunday evenings.




Trouble viewing this newsletter? View it online here.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service! Work hours are up on the calendar page - come volunteer Mon-Fri.

UW Farm Updates

Pizza Bake this Thursday, January 20! 3:30 - 5:30

Stop by the farm for some dancing and pizza, straight out of our outdoor cob oven. Everyone welcome!

UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week

Be sure to take a look at our farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:

While you're at it, become a fan of our Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter!

Want to get involved in a committee? Now's your chance!

It's the start of a fresh quarter, and the perfect time to start getting your hands dirty. We have a compost crew, outreach team, green team, chicken crew, and vision team, all ready for you to jump right into. For more information, check out each committee page on our website, and find contact information for our committee leaders here.

Want to get more involved?

Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings!

Off Farm Stuff

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshops (Information from Lettuce Link)

Even though the garden is quiet and the trees are bare, it's time to start thinking about fruit tree care.  Remember - healthy trees equals healthy fruit!  We'd like to recommend the following opportunities to learn more about caring for your fruit tree:

Clean Greens-Food "Justice Starts With Us" with Guest Speaker Brahm Ahmadi

Time: January 29, 2011 from 6pm to 10pm
Location: Garfield Community Center, 2323 East Cherry St. Seattle, WA 98122
Organized By: Lottie & Magie

Clean Greens Farm and Market is happy to announce our first annual 'Food Justice Starts with Us' Dinner Event, taking place on Saturday, January 29, 2011. The goal of this event is to raise funds for Clean Greens' food justice projects, as well as to raise awareness of the food access issues that our local communities face.

For our first-ever fundraising event, we will be serving a meal cooked with local, seasonal foods by members of the Clean Greens community. Clean Greens welcomes Brahm Ahmadi, co-founder of People's Grocery in Oakland, CA, who will be giving a keynote on Oakland's food justice movement. Towards the end of dinner, a short film on Clean Greens' ongoing food justice work will be premiered. After dinner, we will be having a dessert auction, and guests can enjoy their dessert while listening to a local jazz band perform.

Founded in 2007, Clean Greens is a food justice organization that is owned and operated by residents of Seattle's Central District. Our mission is to decrease the incidence of disease in our communities by increasing residents'access to healthy, pesticide-free produce at affordable prices. We are committed to delivering clean produce to all people in our communities, which we grow on our 22-acre farm in Duvall, Washington, and distribute via our Central District farm stand and CSA program.

*also looking for volunteers for the event. Please contact Magie or Lottie

Buy tickets here

See more details and RSVP on CleanGreens

Seattle Tree Fruit Society Grafting Workshop and Other important Information

The next STFS meeting will be a Grafting Workshop. We will not be having the Spring Fruit Show as such this year - it will be spread between 2 events.  One will be the Grafting Workshop on Feb 12th and the other part will be a Spring Lecture Event slated for May 14th.

Another important news item:
- There will be no scion wood from Mt. Vernon this Spring. What we need is for you to bring scionwood that you have, labeled with variety, to the Feb 12th Grafting Workshop.

STFS February 12th - Grafting Meeting/Workshop and Potluck, 9 am - 4 pm 
Location:  Cedar Valley Grange,  20526 - 52nd Ave W. Lynnwood, 98036 (Very near Lynnwood Park & Ride)  Take Interstate 5 exit 179 (220th St SW), turn RIGHT on 220th go about a ½ mile, then turn LEFT onto 52nd Ave W, go almost a mile, the grange is on your LEFT.  Easy.
          9am to 11:30   Grafting Techniques Class
                                      taught by Greg Giuliani, Gil Schieber, and Bill Davis
          11:30-12     Potluck
          12 – 4pm    Hands-On Grafting Workshop: (Greg Giuliani, Gil Schieber, and Bill Davis), Create your own tree
For Sale at Workshop:  Rootstock, Scion wood, grafting knives, grafting tape, bands, sealant,all you need for grafting your own tree!  You can bring the items you have or scion wood to graft a special tree for yourself.

Mason Bees For Pollination Class

Saturday, January 29, 10 am – noon
Phinney Neighborhood Association: 6532 Phinney Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103 (location tentative)
             North America is in the midst of a pollination challenge with the honeybees; our fruit and garden crops suffer as result.  Native, non-aggressive mason bees can dramatically increase fruit yields while improving the entire city ecosystem.  Take action on the pollination challenge in your neighborhood by learning to manage mason bees.  In this class, you'll learn how to be successful in raising mason bees, you'll see fun techniques to try in your yard, and you'll receive hands-on experience with harvesting mason bees.  Instructor Dave Hunter has been working with mason bees for nearly 20 years. He has been partnering with US scientists, University researchers, the ARS/Logan Bee Lab, and multiple experts across the country to help gardeners become more aware of their pollination requirements.  He recently opened the internet to assist gardeners with successfully raising mason bees.

Visit the website for more information

Best Regards,
Jill Eikenhorst
City Fruit Coordinator

Antechamber Collective Social Justice Summit, Today!

It's finally time: Today on Monday, the 17th, or MLK Day, we are holding our launch meeting for the Social Justice Summit. At 6pm in Mary Gates 206, we will finally be bringing together all the people from various activist groups we have been talking to around campus. We want this first meeting to be a chance for all of us to meet one another and familiarize ourselves with our respective interests and projects. This will also be our big brainstorming meeting: we will look at the basic proposal for the forum and then build on it collaboratively.

For those of you who are not clear on the Social Justice Summit idea, the initial proposal is below.

So come today to share your ideas and learn about other socially-conscious students and their work. There will be snacks involved.

In solidarity,
the Members of the Antechamber Collective

Description: The Antechamber Collective a group at the University of Washington (Seattle campus) interested in exploring the interconnectedness of the multitude social and ecological problems and various local groups working in the Seattle area to address them. We want to discuss with your group the potential of participating in a social/ecological justice summit at UW Seattle. The purpose and form of this summit is multi-faceted and open to being shaped by those who choose to participate. From the perspective of us in the Antechamber Collective, the purpose is to build direct action organizing capacity through increased communications and mutual visibility and understanding among the many different groups on campus and in the Seattle area. We have no particular agenda ourselves, save promoting a culture of solidarity and humble exploration among all activists fighting for Justice. Thus, to us, the summit is to represent--in a public manner--the capacity of the People in our area to democratically manifest common action without the limiting guidance of the conventional political mechanisms.

Concretely, we will make this happen by way of an organizing committee--to meet every other week through this Winter--composed of individuals from activist groups of all kinds. We are visiting different groups to discuss this idea and to get contact information of people who are interested in being part of this committee or at least being the contact point for your  group re anything to do with this organizing process.

It is important for us to emphasize that we are approaching this as a learning experience and practical networking endeavor. We hope to learn a lot about not only organizing in this process but also about the various terrains in which people are fighting for justice, the complexities of different particular struggles and especially how these different struggles are connected to each other. We hope that you will join us in working toward a climate of greater collaboration and complementarity in the fight for a better world and invite you to voice any concerns or questions you have in regard to this proposal before deciding to participate in this process.

Registration is now available for the Real Food Challenge Seattle Conferences on January 22nd and 23rd!

In Seattle, we're putting on TWO one-day Real Food Challenge Northwest Leadership Conferences for students interested in learning about institutionalized food justice issues and taking on the challenge!  The trainings will unite students working on (or getting ready to start) real food campaigns on their campuses!  

The Conference schedule is tentative as follows:
Saturday and Sunday, Jan 22nd and 23rd:
8 - 9: Registration and complimentary pastry breakfast 
9 - 930: Opening and Group Welcome:  Expectations and Agenda
930 - 1030: Stories from the Real Food Challenge:  The Real Food Wheel 
1040 - 11: Introduction to the Real Food Challenge
11 - 12: Foodservice 101:  An Intro to the Foodservice Industry 
12 - 1: Social Lunch: Provided 
1 - 2: The Real Food Calculator:  An Intro to Auditing School Food Purchases 
215 - 3: Outreach and Messaging Basics:  Role Playing and Getting to Work 
315 - 5: Campaign Planning:  A Guide to Campus Campaigning 
5 - 530: Kuleana and Closing:  Success Stories of RFC 
6: Special Community Dinner at the UW Farm

The conference will be held on the UW campus at the Botany Greenhouse (found off of the Burke-Gilman Trail).  Spaces are limited to 25-30 students for each day.

Only $10 per person per day gets you complimentary breakfast and lunch, a day of leadership and campaigning workshops, and meeting other students from other Seattle and Western WA schools working on similar issues at their prospective schools. 
Go to the Real Food Challenge website to register today!

Don't miss out on:

  • New friends and allies from the Western Washington region!
  • Delicious meals with real food!
  • Applicable and FUN workshops on organizing, campaign planning, and the struggle for justice in the food system!
  • Having a solid plan so your group can hit the ground running when school starts this fall!

For questions about the conference, please contact Samantha Ryder, the Northwest Regional Field Organizer for the Real Food Challenge, at

Hope to see you there!

Real Food Challenge
Northwest Regional Field Organizers

Presentation about Full Circle Farm: A meeting for CSA Members and an invitation to New Subscribers

Wednesday, Feb 2 from 11:15 AM to Noon in Visitors' Dining Room of UW Tower

For nearly a year, we have had weekly deliveries of organic produce & other goods coming to the UW Tower from Full Circle Farm (FCF). The boxes of produce are ordered by employees here so that they don't have to make an extra shopping trip. They also are contributing to the sustainability of a local farm and other organic farms in a network of mutual support.

Several things have changed since we started this, both on the farm and at the tower drop-off site. Learn more about the options and updates from FCF representative Michele Catalano.

She'll address current subscribers, as well as those who may be interested to start. If you are someone who wants to hear more about how our community is supporting organic growers, you are invited to attend.

Gather in the Visitors' Dining Room at 11:15. For those who wish to stay on, there's a brown bag (BYOB) lunch and further discussion until 1:00.

Please RSVP to if you plan to attend, or call Syd for more info, 543-1537.

Permaculture Design Course: Learn permaculture design, food production, and energy efficiency

February 27 - March 20, 2011
Wild Thyme Farm, Oakville, WA

Instructors: Marisha Auerbach, Dave Boehnlein, and Kelda Miller

Special Guests: Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski, Jenny Pell, Rick Valley, Leonard Barrett, Mark Lakeman, John Henrikson, Kirk Hansen & more...

Globally, we are experiencing unpredictable changes in climate, economy, and resources.  Through intentional design, we can anticipate what adaptive skills will be necessary for a joyful and abundant future.  In this permaculture design course, students will be immersed in strategies to build community resilience and respond to uncertainties of the future.  Our stellar teaching team will offer a 144-hour  permaculture curriculum with a focus on hands-on skill-building in food production, plant propagation, and energy systems.  The Wild Thyme Farm, a premier permaculture demonstration site, offers an immersion in examples of beautiful and productive polyculture gardens, a 100 acre FSC certified forest, and strategies for rural revitalization. Through presentations, slides, games, lectures, field trips, and hands-on opportunities, this permaculture course will offer diverse learning styles to emphasize ways that students can design their lives and engage their communities in s!
 trategies for a sustainable future.

* Permaculture Ethics & Principles
* Observation & Site Analysis
* Energy Conservation
* Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
* Mapping & Design Exercises
* Animal Husbandry
* Forests, Agroforestry, & Tree Crops
* Soil Building & Ecology
* Cooperative Economics
* Plants, Propagation & Planting Strategies
* Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
* Water Harvesting, Management, & Conservation
* Urban Permaculture & Village Design

Cost: $1950 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.
Early bird registration:  $1800 by January 15, 2011

Click here for more information

Teach Out! Engaging our Local Food Cycle: An Opportunity to Learn about a Local Co-op

First Event of 2011! Central Co-op, coordinated by the Food Justice Project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice
Saturday, January 22nd, 10am-2pm

Please support our commitment to alternative transportation methods by biking, walking or taking public transit to this event!
CAGJ's Food Justice Project invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with key players in the local food region through monthly visits to farms, community kitchens, and community gardens! The site visits will include hands-on work that is needed by or is appropriate to the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action! Through these visits, CAGJ hopes to facilitate a place for the voices of our local food producers to be heard and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated.

CAGJ's Food Justice Project invites you to join us in visiting Central Co-op, who has made CAGJ a Community Partner for the past couple of years! Can your cooperative grocery store be an agent and an ally in the struggle for food justice? Come to learn about what Central Co-op does to promote access to land and food, and fair lives for those who do food work. Join Central Co-op and the CAGJ Food Justice Project to help us think about our cooperative purpose, mission, vision and values, through a food justice lens.

**To RSVP, please email Molly. We will send you directions and details upon receiving your RSVP. All activities will be appropriate for children and we can work out disability accommodations if needed.

Regional Food Policy Council Meeting

The Regional Food Policy Council will meet on Friday, January 14, 2011 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon in the PSRC Board Room at 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA.  The agenda is available at on their website.  


UW Student Farm |
University of Washington Campus