Hello Friends of the Food Forest,
This is an update about how to get involved this summer in the
important phases of ground-breaking and ground-making for the Food
Forest. If you've been interested in the Food Forest and have been
waiting for the right time to get involved, read on! Now is that time,
as it will take many helping hands in the months ahead.
Friends of the Food Forest are needed for…
- A Volunteer Team to coordinate work parties.
In June and July, we will generate volunteer interest, and develop key
skills and methods (including attending the June 30 BFF "train the
trainer" workshop, where we'll learn about permaculture sheet mulching
and creating plant guilds). Beginning in early August, we'll work with
the Steering Committee to coordinate work parties to continue site
- Helping hands at the work parties.
Dates to be determined. August-September (and beyond!). Mark your
calendars for September 29th, National Public Lands Day, and tree
planting for the Food Forest!
- Outreach
Help us spread the word, continue to generate interest and invite new
volunteers to participate in the work parties.
If you'd like to be involved in these elements of the Food Forest, let
us know at joannawright2012@gmail.com, and we will be in touch. Please
note: the Volunteer Team will begin meeting in the next couple of
weeks, so if that's of interest to you, let us know soon!
•RSVP for Saturday June 30 workshop in soil building and planting the
food forest. 10am to 12 noon at El Centro de la Raza (2524 16th Ave
S.) You will gain skills and help others when we work on site. •If you
can't make the June 30 workshop and still want to help, contact us and
we will let you know when we will meet.
•Show up at a Saturday work party in September, starting Saturday
September 8, 2012 at the Beacon Food Forest.
And remember… you do not need a background in permaculture, or even
any gardening experience, in order to volunteer with the Food Forest!
We are all in this together, learning from each other along the way.
We need you, with your unique gifts, time, hands, and energy, to bring
this to fruition.
Please forward this message on to your friends.
Growing together,
Joanna Wright
Friends of the Beacon Food Forest