M: 12:30-3:30
Hi all,
Spontaneousish work party this Saturday, 1-4 pm at the CUH farm!
Reply to this with any questions. Hope you've had a great Break! I sure have in Nashvegas (my hometown)
Rachel Duthler: Danny Woo Community Garden Coordinator
InterIm Community Development Association
D: 206.624.1802 x 28 F: 206.624.5859
310 Maynard Avenue S, Seattle WA 98104
From: Emma Boorboor [mailto:eboorboor@fwwlocal.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:25 AM
To: Sarah E. Reichard
Subject: GE Food Forum Next Thursday
Hi Sarah,
About two months ago you sent around an internship posting for me. I also really appreciate you connecting me with Andrea at Seattle Tilth. She has been a huge help. Can you also share this invite to our GE Food Forum?
It would be great to have you there as well. Thanks, Emma
Dear Friend,
From now until November, you are going to be hearing a lot about genetically engineered food and the ballot initiative I-522. Some of the things you hear will be misinformation paid for by Monsanto and other agribusiness corporations working to keep you in the dark. To get the facts about GE food and stand up for your right to know, join Food & Water Watch at the
Thursday March 21 7:00 – 8:30 PM
525 N 85th St, Seattle, WA 98103
The bottom line is that all consumers have the right to know what's in the food they eat. That is why Food & Water Watch is working to pass the ballot initiative I-522 to mandate the labeling of all genetically engineered food in the state of Washington. Whether you've been studying up for years or you're just wondering what all the buzz is about, join us at the Right to Know GE Food Forum on March 21st from 7 to 8:30 PM.
GE foods have been on our local grocery store shelves for over ten years without our consent or knowledge. With GE Salmon slated to hit the shelves soon, the debate over labeling has never been more urgent. The good news is that Washington voters get the chance to settle the debate this fall by voting yes on I-522.
We don't get to vote until the fall but the discussion has already begun. Join us on March 21st to be a part of it. The forum will kick off with tables set up by local groups where guests can look at informational demos and eat local food. This will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Trudy Bialic of the Yes on I-522 campaign, Micaela Preskill, State Advocate for WashPIRG, Denise Breyley from Whole Foods, and Chris Bell, Sustainability Officer at Pike Place Fish.
To RSVP please follow this link:
Hope to see you there,
Emma Boorboor
Seattle Field Organizer
Food & Water Watch
My name is Jose Vargas, organizer with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 21, based in Seattle. I’m reaching out to organizations at UW who might have members interested in a part-time job working in labor.
Currently we are accepting applications for our Organizer-in-Training (OIT) program, a great part-time job opportunity for students interested in social justice and the labor movement. Attached are two flyers that offer more information and application instructions for the OIT program. I encourage UW URBAN FARM members interested in the OIT program to apply.
In addition, would you be interested in sending an announcement over the UW URBAN FARM listserve?
Please send me an email if you have any questions about the OIT program.
In solidarity,
Jose Vargas
Jose Vargas
5030 1st Ave S, #200, Seattle, WA 98134
Come on down to the CUH Farm for our first work party of the 2013 growing season, Saturday March 9 12-3 pm!
Whether you're an experienced hand at work at the Farm or in a garden or have never picked up a trowel, you are welcomed and appreciated here. Come learn, work, play, and eat with fellow farm-food enthusiasts.
We'll be...
* Planting out starts and seeds
* Preparing beds with compost
* Harvesting from the winter
Feel free to email me with any questions!
- Rachel