Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Hello Farmers!

I invite you to volunteer with me for the annual fund raising dinner for Community Alliance for Global Justice (CAGJ). CAGJ is an incredibly effective organization in Seattle working with labor and trade issues directly related to the local, national and global food system. Volunteering for the dinner is a great way to help out the almost entirely volunteer run organization, meet great people organizing around food justice issues AND eat delicious local food prepared exquisitely.

Below you will find information about all the volunteer needs of the dinner. I would love to see you there! you can email me or matt canfield (email below) with any questions!

Take care!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matt Canfield <matt.canfield@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 7:42 PM
To: ross k <rover.ross@gmail.com>, "simonetti.andrew@gmail.com" <simonetti.andrew@gmail.com>

CAGJ's annual Strengthening Local Economies Everywhere! (SLEE) Dinner is our most important fundraiser and community event of the year!  And volunteers make it happen!  Join our amazing group the week or night of the dinner, where you will meet great people all dedicated to the same cause: Food Justice and Food Sovereignty for all!  And we'll have a fun after-party too.
More info about the event on our website here.

SLEE Volunteer Opportunities!
*All volunteers the day of the dinner get in for free, and will get to enjoy the yummy dinner at the end of the evening.
*Volunteer for 4 hours minimum the week before the dinner, and get 1 solidarity ticket.
For more info and to sign up, please email Volunteer Coordinator, Matt Canfield:  volunteer@seattleglobaljustice.org
Thank you!

Week Prior: Week of Aug 31 - Sept 6
Donation Pick ups
Anyone with a car who has time! LET US KNOW WHICH DAY/TIMES you are available

Flyer at U-District Farmers Market SAT 8/31, 9-11 or 11 - 1
Flyer at Broadway Farmers Market SUN 9/1, 11 - 1 or 1 - 3

Below volunteers opportunities all take place at dinner location:
University Christian Church, 4731 15th Ave NE, near UW campus

Friday, September 6, 2013

Food Prep (8 people) 10:00 - 3pm

Set-up (8 people) 10:00 - 3pm

"DAY OF" NEEDS: September 7, 2013

Food Prep: 2 shifts (10 people/shift)
Saturday 10:30AM-3PM no experience necessary
Saturday 3-9PM, experience would be helpful

Set up 2-4 PM (8 people)
Help set-up the Dining room and other spaces, make them beautiful!

Bar Tending  - 2 shifts
Set-up 3:30, Serve at one of two bars,  5 – 6:30 (4 people)
Serve at one bar during dinner, 6:30 – 9PM (2 people)

Servers 4-9:30PM (20 people)
THIS IS WHERE WE NEED THE MOST PEOPLE THE NIGHT OF! No experience needed!   No fancy outfit needed either!  Come early – at 4pm - for orientation – this is very important!  Stay to help serve dinner – you will have 2 or 3 tables, and will be serving the same platters of food to every table.

Clean Up 9-11PM (8 people)
All hands on deck to clean up after the dinner is over! We will also need people with cars willing to drive stuff back to the office.


Sent mobiley.

Monday, August 26, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Work and fun times at Mercer Court this week!

Hello farmin' community, 

If you haven't heard, last week we planted a bunch of plants at our BRAND NEW site at the Mercer Court Apartments! 

In order to get this site rockin' and rollin' we'll need some extra help from all you lovely folk.

Join Caitlin and I this week:

Botany Greenhouse: 8:30am-12pm
Mercer: 1-4pm


Botany Greenhouse: 8:30am-12pm
Mercer: 1-4pm

The Mercer Court Apartments are right on Pacific before you hit the university bridge. You won't miss it because theres a sign and a bunch of plants! 

All the best,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

[TheUWfarm] This week at the Farm: Harvest, Honey, and Pizza Bake

Hey Folks-

Lots going on at the Farm:
Wednesday 8/21 from 9am-1pm, we'll be harvesting down at the CUH. And, as always, farmers get a cut of the produce. 

Saturday 8/24 from 10am-4pm at the Botany Greenhouse, we've got a whole day of action. We'll be assisting the Bee Course in their honey harvest, bring a container for extra honey! And in the afternoon we'll be baking pizzas in the wood-oven, bring some toppings to share. 

About the Bee Course:
The Bee Course is a summer internship program that teaches bee biology, pollination, and beekeeping in a scientific context. Students learn to keep bees and participate in group projects that investigate a certain aspect of the bee world. The course is funded by student fees, honey sales, and donations. Students also participate in community projects and the bee hives also serve the purpose of general public education.

Check the Facebook page for event details and the new Farm Schedule. 

Hope to see everyone out this week!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

[TheUWfarm] CUH Work Party and New Volunteer Hours

Hey folks,

Just a reminder that there will be a work party this Saturday (8/17) at the CUH from 10-2. Get stoked!

Also, new volunteer hours are up for the CUH and Botany Greenhouse. Check the Facebook 'about' section. And 'like' the page! Wooh, I'm getting stoked just typing this. 


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

[TheUWfarm] UW Farm Events and Updates

Hello Farm Friends,

Hopefully your Summer is going excellent. To stay connected with the Farm, up on events, and to see the new Work Calendar, 'like' the UW Farm Facebook page.
Here are some upcoming events at the Farm:

Dirty Dozen meetings are every Tuesday @ 8:30am in the Botany Greenhouse 

Work party on Saturday Aug. 17th 10-2pm 

Pizza Bake Aug. 24th 

Dawg Daze event(s)- info to come!
Food stand at HUB and CUH- dates to come! 

And as a bit of housekeeping, if you wish to stop receiving emails from us, please click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this message. 

Thanks everybody, and have a great day!