April Showers Bring May Showers.... It's been a wet and productive week! Community Pot luck Join the UW Student Food Coop and the UW Farm for a Spring Community Potluck in our Mercer Clubhouse on 5/8 at 6:30pm. Come meet people over great food. Please bring a dish to share. Everyone is welcome! Sign up here. Compost Awareness Week Event There will be a special Compost event this Friday 1-4pm as part of Compost Awareness Week. Kay will be down at the Botany Greenhouse, and come by and dig your hands into the worm bins! Drop-ins encouraged anytime between 1-4. [Job] Martin Family Orchards Fruit Vendor The Martin Family Orchards are looking for farmer's market fruit vendors for this summer. Work outside and eat fruit! Base pay + commission. Email martinfamily@aol.com or visit them at the University Farmer's Market to apply. [Course] ENVIR 495 - The Urban Farm - What? A three credit class with information, practical hands on work, and inspiring ideas for the aspiring Urban Farmer! When? - Summer A Term - Tuesdays - 12 to 5 with one weekend (required) field trip and service learning at the UW Farm. Why? It is a great opportunity to learn more, make connections and get involved with urban farming on campus and beyond. |