Monday, August 16, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Summer update: plentiful food, expansion, and the visioning team

Hello Farm!!

Summer has got the farm booming with tons of vegetables and food. This is a general call for both ends of what we are doing at the farm, growing food and eating food. Come down, work and dine! This is especially important in the last few weeks of August as many of our farm interns, and myself will be out of town. 

Also an update on expansion and a call for more visionaries:
As many of you may know over the past year the farm has pushing for more space on campus so that we can grow as a hub for education, but also food production. We have been vying for an additional acre so we can begin to provide food  to the burgeoning student food co-op and also HFS. Foege field had been the ideal spot, and in many ways it still is, however, unfortunately that spot didn't work out and for the sake of maintaining the close allies we have had within the administration of the college of arts and sciences and not chasing a dead end at this time we will be looking for space elsewhere. Our current efforts now center on building our fiscal strength through grants and fund raising, making our current location the best it could possibly be-- really uping the ante with education, networking and improving our signage, as well as exploring our options for other locations on campus. If you want to be a part of this wonderful process of truly changing our campus for the better, and gain hands-on skills in landscape and buisness planning, navigating the inner-workings of our University and its regulations, diplomacy, and just having a great time dreaming up a wonderful program in urban agriculture I highly recommend joining the farm visioning team!!!!! I can't even begin to explain how much I have gotten out of my involvement with it over the past six months. The visioning team is open to all who want to get involved, regardless of how much you've been involved with the farm in the past. As with everything on the farm COME ONE AND COME ALL. If you are interested please reply to me from the email address you'd like to have put on the visioning list-serve, so you can be updated on meetings and expansion happenings. Put "farm vision" in the subject line.

Enjoy the heat, swim, play, and EAT!

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