Monday, October 18, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Farmweek October 18, 2010

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Farmweek Newsletter | October 18, 2010

Upcoming Farm Events and General Information

Tuesday Farm Lunch

All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in Anderson 022

Monthly Pizza Bake

Next one: Nov. 18th

November All Farm Meeting

Nov. 3, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse


New ways to get farm information!

We have a new website!

Facebook Fan Page - become a fan!


Send all submissions for the weekly newsletter to

During the academic year, the newsletter will go out weekly on Sunday evenings.


 UW Farm Dirty Dozen Weekly To-do List

Area A:

  • A1- harvest sorghum and weed leeks
  • A2- plant kale when ready (in Quonset Hut)
  • A10-11- sow mixed winter grain; cover where wild blackberries were (left of raspberries)
Area B:
  • B6 + other buckets- determine status of buckets and plant something!
  • B7-B8- plant chard (in greenhouse or Quonset Hut)
Area C:
  • Kale- harvest and remove; plant cover crop
  • Empty/tagless buckets- determine what needs to be planted!
  • Cabbage looks sad- find a way to make it happy! (pest problems)
  • C4- determine what needs to be planted
  • C6- harvest bok choi and tat soi; plant cover crop
  • C7- chop the cover crop into the soil; level it out
  • C8- complete cover crop incorporation into soil
  • C9- plant cover crop
Area D:
  • Small buckets- compost/soil mix- plant cover crop
  • Weed beds in front of fence
  • Bed tags
  • D13- slug problem, beer traps needed! Bring beer!
  • Pull solanus (black shiny berries) and make chutney
Back 40:
  • Spread woodchips
  • Collect materials for compost (dry leaves in one pile, greens in another)
  • Weed permaculture garden (if you're feeling generous)
  • Harvest walnuts
Kincaid space:
  • Harvest amaranth
  • Plant cover crop
  • Pull out trellis
  • Thin leeks
  • Weed
  • Pull out squash
  • Harvest strawberries
  • Plant cover crop
  • Pulling brassicas
  • Clean fridge!

UW Farm Updates

Fundraising Campaign for the Farm - Help us Spread the Joy!

We are beginning a fundraising campaign - and we'd would like send a mailer to our farm supporters. So we are collecting addresses - these addresses will not be shared outside the farm community!

We will send this to as many people as possible - you can add lots of people - your parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors - basically anyone you know with $5 to share. Are you inspired to donate? You can do so here right now!

And if you can't donate now - help us out by adding some folks to our list of supporters. Here is a link to a form. Add your friends to our list of supporters today!

Want to get more involved?

Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings!

Tuesday Farm Lunch Topic this Week: Seed Saving (with Doug Ewing!)

More information on our classes page.

UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week

Be sure to take a look at our new farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:

While you're at it, become a fan of our new Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter!

Off Farm Stuff

Seattle Youth Garden Works (SYGW) Work Parties

Come lend a hand at the SYGW Farm! We will be putting the garden to bed for the season: composting, planting cover crop, mulching and doing some general organization and clean-up of the site. You will get a chance to see the new .85 acre garden site which is currently a pasture and learn more about SYGW. RSVP by emailing

Saturday, October 30 from 10 am - 2 pm

Food Group on Campus - Get Involved

UW Farmers are encouraged to network with other groups. The Food Group on Campus had its first meeting of the quarter last Wednesday, and will be having meetings monthly. To learn more, email

Some of the activities discussed at their first meeting are connected to the UW Farm and Co-op. These include:

1. Cook Off (Iron Chef Style) Fundraiser (Our biggest event on the agenda!)
• We hope to get UW Farm and UW Student Food Cooperative involved
• We will select recipes and give the historical and cultural background of each dish.
• We hope to find a couple of restaurants to sponsor the event.
• We need an MC and the audience will be UW students, staff, alumni and friends.
• We have some ideas about location, but if anyone knows of a perfect place, let us know!
• We hope to utilize ingredients from the UW Farm.

Why are we doing this? We are doing this to raise money to fund other activities to help/inform our community and/or to do a Food Drive to donate to a local charity or to use for a class to teach low-income and/or homeless people to cook healthy meals.

2. We plan to get involved with UW Farm and UW Student Food Coop and other health/nutrition related clubs to help in a campus wide Food Campaign by spreading the word about good, healthy, affordable and sustainable food. We have made a few connections at our first meeting. If anyone is part of or knows of a club that may want to be involved, please contact Food Group! We plan on having a Work party, pizza bake or something along those lines in order to meet, throw around ideas and do something together on campus

3. Teaching kitchens on campus and in the community. The South Campus Center was recently allocated to public health and we hope to renovate the building to include kitchens. The dream is to have both teaching kitchens and a "studio" style kitchen with audience space and TV camera capabilities.

Puget Sound Regional Food Policy Council Looking for a Policy Intern

PSRC is seeking an Intern to provide technical support to professional staff related to the development of a regional food policy needs assessment assist with research, the development of reports, and will respond to the information needs of staff.

For full job description and application instructions, see website here and pdf here.

SLICE Cooperative Conference this Saturday - Come hear panelists from the co-op and UW Farm!

Join regional cooperators for a powerful day-long conference on everything ranging from cooperative basics for people starting or interested in starting a new co-op to general information for anyone who supports co-ops and cooperation, and advanced collaboration opportunities for existing cooperatives and cooperators. Saturday, October 23 at Seattle Central Community College.

• Hear the opening keynote address from Rosalinda Guillén, executive director of Bellingham, Washington's De Comunidad a Comunidad (Community to Community), a women-led grassroots organization that works on practical solutions to social injustice through self-organizing by disempowered communities to build their own institutions to meet their own self-identified needs. Among other innovative and exciting projects, Guillén and Community to Community are working to create a culturally appropriate cooperative development center, and are supporting local farmworkers in their efforts to establish worker cooperative agricultural enterprises.

• Enjoy a lunchtime keynote address from Jim Anderson of Ohio Employee Ownership Center at Kent State University and a founder of Evergreen Cooperatives, an inspiring Cleveland-based project designed to build a federation of worker cooperatives modeled on the Mondragon Federation in Spain. Evergreen Cooperatives includes an industrial laundry, a solar installation company, and a nascent large-scale urban greenhouse for growing lettuce. Commitments from the "Eds and Meds" (large educational and medical institutions in the University Circle area of Cleveland) enable these new worker cooperatives to hit the ground running, hiring and building equity for workers from surrounding neighborhoods devastated by the ongoing collapse of our industrial economy.

• Attend workshops on the following topics: decision-making, communication, and governance; incorporation; finances; eating cooperatively; living cooperatively; and working cooperatively.

• Participate in a cooperative primer and discussions concerning cooperative economics, the next generation of cooperators, and the global cooperative movement.

To register, visit Brown Paper Tickets.

For more information, visit

There's a Fungus Among Us - Free Event at Botanic Gardens

In partnership with the Puget Sound Mycological Society, and with generous support from the Arboretum Foundation, the UWBG is hosting this special event in an attempt to inventory the mushroom species growing at the Washington Park Arboretum. Come join in this scientific scavenger hunt; no experience necessary.

Thursday, October 28. Scheduled "hunts" at 10:15 - 12:30, 1:15 - 3:00 pm, 3:15 - 5:30 pm.

Public Lecture 6:30 - 7:30: "The Role of Mushrooms in the Ecosystem with Marian Maxwell

For more information or to register, visit or call 206-616-3381

PCC Farmland Trust Hiring Americorps Position

PCC Farmland Trust is hiring an Americorps Stewardship Intern to assist with our Farmland Stewardship Program. This is a great opportunity to learn more about farmland preservation and stewardship, natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, non-profit/land trust management, and issues related to local food systems.

This position is in partnership with the Northwest Service Academy (NWSA), an AmeriCorps program of ESD112. All applications must be submitted to NWSA. No calls please. Visit our online posting for the complete job description and instructions on how to apply.

Alleycat Acres Urban Farming Collective Teach Out

The regular "Teach Out! Engaging our Local Food Cycle" series put on by the Community Alliance for Global Justice are an opportunity to learn about and work for a local community farm.

On Sunday, October 24, 12 pm - 4 pm, CAGJ's Food Justice Project invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with key players in the local food region through monthly visits to farms, community kitchens, and community gardens! The site visits will include hands-on work that is needed by or is appropriate to the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action! Each visit will allow for carpool options and many will also feature a bike route guided by a CAGJ member. Through these visits, CAGJ hopes to facilitate a place for the voices of our local food producers to be heard and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated. Please come and support Alleycat Acres' commitment to alternative transportation methods by biking, walking or taking public transit to this event. There will be a potluck at 4.

There will be a potluck following the work party at the garden at 4:00!

**Please note, space is limited, so RSVP's are required. To sign up, fill out the online form here. If you have any questions, please email Molly at We will send you directions and carpooling details upon receiving your RSVP, as well as information about what to wear and bring. All activities will be appropriate for children and we can work out disability accommodations if needed.

Friday 10/29 CAGJ Presents: The World According to Monsanto

AGRA Watch documented the ties between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Monsanto, and recently exposed the foundation's purchase of 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock. Come to find out why we are so concerned about this unhealthy alliance, and to see how you can get involved in the AGRA Watch campaign!

Friday, October 29th
7 - 10 PM
Southside Commons (3518 S Edmunds Street in Columbia City, Seattle)

FUNDRAISER FOR CAGJ: Sliding scale $5-20 at the door (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and WA wines for purchase!

ABOUT "The World According to Monsanto": Monsanto's controversial past combines some of the most toxic products ever sold with misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion, and attempted corruption. They now race to genetically engineer (and patent) the world's food supply, which profoundly threatens our health, environment, and economy. Combining secret documents with first-hand accounts by victims, scientists, and politicians, this widely praised film exposes why Monsanto has become the world's poster child for malignant corporate influence in government and technology. A film by Marie-Monique Robin (read an interview with the Director by Organic Consumers Association here).

ABOUT AGRA WATCH: Join AGRA Watch, a project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice, to view and discuss films every month about issues central to our work: sustainable agriculture in Africa, resistance to corporate globalization, food systems, hunger, international development and aid, philanthropy, and the roles of women. AGRA Watch was founded to monitor and challenge the Gates Foundation's participation in the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), which promotes large-scale industrial farming. AGRA Watch supports socially and ecologically appropriate agricultural practices determined locally by African small-scale farmers and believe that food sovereignty is key to ending global hunger and poverty.

For more info, call 206.405.4600 or visit


UW Student Farm |
University of Washington Campus


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