Thursday, May 30, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: [cagj-fjp] June 2: NWFBAG General Meeting and Farm Bill 101 Workshop Sunday

Hey farmers! I bet a lot of you would be interested in this!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heather Day <>
Date: Thu, May 30, 2013 at 1:20 PM
Subject: [cagj-fjp] June 2: NWFBAG General Meeting and Farm Bill 101 Workshop Sunday
To: Food Justice Project list-serve Project list-serve <>

Begin forwarded message:

From: Northwest Farm Bill Action Group <>
Date: May 29, 2013 5:19:41 PM PDT
Subject: NWFBAG General Meeting and Farm Bill 101 Workshop Sunday, June 2
Reply-To: Northwest Farm Bill Action Group <>

Northwest Farm Bill Action Group General Meeting and live Farm Bill 101 taping: Sunday, June 2, 4-6:30 pm
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Northwest Farm Bill Action Group

General Meeting
 Sunday, June 2 • 4:00-6:30pm • 606 Maynard Ave S #102

The Farm Bill is MOVING! The Senate is in the midst of debating the Farm Bill, and the House will be soon. Now is a great time to plug in, learn more, and take action!

Join us this Sunday for the Northwest Farm Bill Action Group's General Meeting. Prior to the meeting, we'll be holding a live-taping of our Farm Bill 101 presentation, so come at 4 pm to brush up on the Farm Bill that way and be immortalized in our studio audience! We'll serve a light dinner at 5 pm, and then meet from 5:30-6:30.

Here are the details:


Northwest Farm Bill Action Group General Meeting


Sunday, June 2, 4-6:30 pm
4:00-5:00: Farm Bill 101 workshop taping
5:00-5:30: light dinner (provided)
5:30-6:30: meeting


CAGJ Office, 606 Maynard Ave S #102 (a few blocks from the International District bus tunnel station)




- Farm Bill 101 workshop filming
- Other Farm Bill updates
- Train-the-Trainer workshop
- Steering committee openings
- Upcoming and recent events
- Take Action opportunity


We are in search of two additional steering committee members. This is a great way to connect to the Northwest Farm Bill Action Group's advocacy work. If you are interested in joining our steering committee, come to this meeting or

See you Sunday,

Ariana Taylor-Stanley
Northwest Farm Bill Action Group


Sunday, June 2
4:00 - 6:30 pm

CAGJ Office
606 Maynard Ave S #102


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You are receiving this email because you signed up at a meeting or an event with the Northwest Farm Bill Action Group. 

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Northwest Farm Bill Action Group
606 Maynard Ave S
Seattle, WA 98104

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Heather Day, Director
Community Alliance for Global Justice


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If you wish to share a document with the group larger than the maximum file size of 500KB, email it to and we will add it to the shared web space, which we'll follow-up with a link to.

CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.

Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!

[TheUWfarm] Your Right To Know GMOs!

Hey farmers, check out this super cool event happening this Saturday with FREE FOOD! and great discussion!

WashPIRG presents "Your Right to Know about GMOs"
Free Film Screening of Genetic Roulette followed by a Q&A with Director Jeffrey Smith, UW Professor, and community activists.

When: Saturday June 1st from 6:30-9:00
Where: University of Washington HUB Lyceum
Husky Union Building
4001 Stevens Way NE Seattle, WA
(*Padelford Parking Garage, or accessible by Metro Transit)

Complimentary desserts and refreshments from local donors, and gift basket raffle!
Donations encouraged.

Come learn about genetically engineered foods and the concerns that research has raised. Discussion will focus on the consumer's right to know what is in their food as well as questions about Initiative 522 - The Label GMOs Act in WA.

Questions? Email
More info on facebook/LabelGMOsInWA

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

[TheUWfarm] UW Farm - Mushroom Walk

Catherine Armbruster invites you to participate in the Doodle poll "UW Farm - Mushroom Walk".
View this poll on your dashboard
Hi there,
Catherine Armbruster ( invites you to participate in the Doodle poll "UW Farm - Mushroom Walk".
Catherine Armbruster says:
The UW Farm Fungi committee is going to organize a mushroom walk in Discovery Park either this Sunday or next weekend. If you are interested, please let us know your availability via this poll. Forward to whoever you think may be interested. Thanks!
Participate now
What is Doodle? Doodle is a web service that helps Catherine Armbruster to find a suitable date for meeting with a group of people. Learn more about how Doodle works.
You have received this e-mail because "Catherine Armbruster" has invited you to participate in the Doodle poll "UW Farm - Mushroom Walk".
Doodle AG, Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich

Monday, May 27, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Farm Apprenticeship at Local Roots Farm

Local Roots Farm is looking for a few more apprentices for the 2013 season!

Local Roots Farm is a 13-acre diversified vegetable farm located only 30 minutes from Seattle in lovely Duvall, WA. We sell our produce at three farmers markets, through our 200-member CSA, and to Seattle-area restaurants.

An apprenticeship at Local Roots Farm will involve you in all aspects of our farm - from seeding to transplanting to harvesting to selling at the farmers market, tractor work, building projects, learning to drive a stick, hanging out, swimming in the river, and good cooking. Our goal is to teach everyone who works with us the fundamentals needed to start his or her own farm.

We pay a stipend of $600/month plus room and board for a 5-day work week of 40-50 hours/week. Employees who return for a second year get a pay raise to $10/hr plus room and board.

For more information, please see our ATTRA ad:

If you are interested in working with us, please send an email with a resume and a brief cover letter to


Local Roots Farm

Sunday, May 26, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Final CUH Work Party and Potluck Picnic!!!

Come on down for the last work party of the 2012-2013 school year!

Whether you've come once, twice, regularly or religiously, it'll be a great time and your presence is requested! To celebrate the end of a great year, our beautiful space, and each other's excellent company, we'll stop for a potluck picnic around 12:30.

We'll be doing a big ole harvest (we have a lot of surplus!), weeding our hearts out, and planting a few summer crop stragglers.

Bring good shoes, grubby clothes, tasty food to share, bags to take home greens, and an itching for dirt and work and fun!

Facebook Event:

[TheUWfarm] Farm Mem Day and Week 9!

Hi friends,

This week's a funny one on the Farm - Hours tomorrow (Memorial Day) will be lead by Katrina Henderson ( while I'm going to get poop, 1-3 pm.

Wednesday will be a big ole harvest for Cultivate Restaurant and the District Market - all hands on deck appreciated and there will be lots of beautiful leftovers to go around!

Friday will be the last day with our 3rd grade little buddies from Lincoln Elementary - they'll be tearing out fava beans and taking home salad.

And SATURDAY will be our last work party of the school year/potluck picnic!! I will extra-spam you with an email about that specifically.



Farm Hours Week 9:
M: 1-3 (with Katrina)
W: 1-4
F: 12:30-3:30
Sat: 10-2 (Last one + potluck ~)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Paid Summer Positions: UW Student Farmer Application

Hi UW Community, 

The UW Farm is proud to present 3 paid positions for this upcoming summer! We are looking for 2 farmer positions based at the Center for Urban Horticulture and 1 position based at the Botany Greenhouse. All positions will collaborate together to keep the farm blossoming throughout the summer. 

Full position descriptions and application can be found online at:

We will be reviewing applications starting on Friday May 31st. We will hold interviews starting the following week until all positions are filled. 

Please feel free to forward this email to any applicable listserve or student group you may belong to. 

Any questions can be directed to:

Thank you so much and we hope to see you around the farm! 


Friday, May 24, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Farm produce at Cultivate Restaurant ~

Hey Farm friends,

Treat yourself at Cultivate Restaurant located on Campus Parkway this weekend/next week and taste some fresh UW Farm produce!! Chef Amy's plans for the veggies...

"Yes. I will be using those pretty little heads of lettuce to do a wedge salad next week (until it's all gone). We will be using the arugula and spinach for our sautéed greens (available all day). The pac choi will end up in a noodle dish, pretty sure. I have pickled some of the arugula and I am garnishing our baby back ribs in Vietnamese caramel glaze with those. The radishes will be in our "simple green" salad until they are gone (end of next week?)"

We've got a ton more produce at the Farm and we want it all to get to people's plates, so take one for the team, support local food systems, and eat a bomb salad!

Happy weekend,


Thursday, May 23, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Interested in Cooperative Living? Sublet at Sherwood Co-op this summer!


I'm wondering if you could send this over the Farm listserv?



Hi Farm Folks,

I live in Sherwood Cooperative in the Udistrict and I'll be gone this summer. I'm looking to find an awesome sublet for my room July and August(and potentially September if you want).

We're a fun and energetic family comprised of students and non-students who are interested in consensus-based decision making, communal living, eating vegan and vegetarian meals, biking, activism, growing our own food, caring for our chickens, learning new skills, fixing up our house (we own it!), brewing our own beer, cuddling, listening to and playing music, having dance parties, having monthly community potlucks, breaking down hierarchies, discussing oppressions (sexism, racism, classism, etc) and striving to live as an egalitarian community.

As part of our community we share food costs and nightly dinners. Each member is required to cook twice a month which means we all get to share great meals almost every night.

Our average base rent is around $450/month, with cost varying according to room size and location. We share the costs of vegetarian and mostly organic food, mortgage, property tax, maintenance, utilities, local phone, and internet. In total this costs around $100 in addition to the base room cost. These two figures included ALL living expenses, down to soy milk and laundry detergent.

We've got garden that gets love and could use more!
If you're interested shoot me an email!  

[TheUWfarm] Explore Foodsheds in Beacon Hill with CAGJ on our Hike-a-thon!

Hello UW Farmers!

Community Alliance of Global Justice (CAGJ) is seeking hikers and team captains for our 2013 Urban Hike-a-thon! We are a Seattle based, volunteer led trade justice and food sovereignty organization working in solidarity with farmworkers, food chain workers, and eaters both locally and globally. 

We have an exciting event coming up next month for those who are interested in exploring foodsheds in Beacon Hill with fellow local food and farm enthusiasts! Come out with us to enjoy the hike, make friends, and discover cool sites on the neighborhood! Please read below for more information. We look forward to hear from you! 

Happy thursday!


SAT June 15th: CAGJ's Urban Hike-a-thon Fundraiser
Exploring Beacon Hill's Landscape of Resistance!
Click HERE to register for the  hike today!

This year's Hike-a-thon will be a guided exploration of Beacon Hill's social justice and food justice landscape, highlighting the historical and ongoing resistance of folks on the Hill, folks reclaiming land to grow food on, people of color-owned food businesses, the Beacon Hill Food Forest, all with a critical eye on the gentrification of the Hill.

CAGJ is proud to announce 2013's Urban Hike-a-thon on Beacon Hill! Hikers will help us get a copy of our book "Our Food, Our Right" in every library and independent bookstore in the country! For more information on the book, click here.

Register as an Individual solo hiker or register to Start a Team of hikers on our Crowdrise page here
All hikers (solo individuals and hikers on a team) pledge to raise $50 to support Our Food, Our Right's publication by asking their friends, family, co-workers, and community to donate just $5, or $10, or $15, or more to support great work.  

Teams make an even bigger impact by getting together a whole group of hikers for a day of fun, each of whom will raise $50.  Bonus points for witty team names!  Crowdrise makes it easy to meet your pledge goal - it provides you with an individual fundraising page to send out to supporters, tracks donations, and some tools (CAGJ will also provide you with a fundraising toolkit as well). 

Questions? Call CAGJ at 206.405.4600, or email us -  We'll also need a few volunteers the day of and in the lead up to the event, so do get in touch if you'd like to help out!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Invitation to Seattle American Community Gardening Association Conference (Aug 8 - 11)

Dear Friend of Community Gardening and Urban Agriculture: 


We invite you to attend the 34th Annual Conference of the American Community Gardening Association

Four days of workshops and tours showcase exciting developments in the world of community gardening and urban agriculture. 

Come join us!


Early Bird Registration: open now to June 15, 2013 

Scholarship are also available and due date for scholarship application is June 1, 2013

Please visit our website for more information:    

For registration questions, email, and for questions about the conference email


Thank you.



Monday, May 20, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Farm this week

Hey y'all,

This week on the Farm will be a good one - We'll be doing a lot of greens harvest and planting out summer crops! Here's hoping we'll even be laying down irrigation on Saturday.

Our last two work parties are this Saturday and next - 5/25 and 6/1. Hope to see you!

Check out dem radishes!


Farm Hours Week of 5/20
M: 12:30-3:30
W: 1-4
F: 12:30-3:30
Sat: 10-2 (work party!)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Farm Lunch!

Hey Everybody!

Once again we are having farm lunch tomorrow around 11:50! If the weather holds up lets meet at the picnic table or we can make another make-shift table in the greenhouse. Bring something to share if you like!

Happy Tuesday night!


Monday, May 13, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: FREE class on apple maggots!

Cool class at the CUH!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: urbhort <>
Date: Mon, May 13, 2013 at 3:38 PM
Subject: Upcoming FREE class at UW Botanic Gardens


Controlling Apple Maggots

Apple maggots are a pest of apple trees (and cherries, pears and plums), which feed on the fruit and ruin it. Prevention can only be done in a small window of time in the early summer. Want to prevent this from happening to your backyard fruit tree? Register today and learn from Master Gardener Joyce Harms what you need to know to get ready and take action to prevent apple maggot damage this year!


Location: UW Botanic Gardens, Center for Urban Horticulture, Douglas Classroom, 3501 NE 41st St., Seattle, WA 98105
Time: Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 7 – 8pm

Register Online

Or Call 206-685-8033 to register over the phone

[TheUWfarm] Volunteer Opportunity at the Danny Woo Community Garden

Dear UW Farm Members, 

The Danny Woo Children's Garden, located in Seattle's International District, is looking for summer volunteers to help out with classes and summer camp! Passionate about food and where it comes from? Help us teach youth ages 4-18 what it takes to grow your own food; from planting that first seed to harvest and cooking!

We are looking for volunteers for a preschool gardening class that will take place Thursdays 9:15 - 11:30 am from June 13 - July 18. No prior gardening experience required but we do ask that you've worked with children before.

We're also looking for a volunteer chef to help out with our summer programming - if you're not a professional, that's not a problem! Help us train youth on basic cooking skills. The dates for this are flexible, but will take place during the weeks of July 8-12, 22 - 26, and 29 - Aug 2.

For more information, please contact Corinne at


Corinne Cahill: Danny Woo Community Garden Program Facilitator

                      AppleCorps Member                           

InterIm Community Development Association

D: 206.624.1802 ext. 29  F: 206.624.5859

310 Maynard Avenue S, Seattle 98104 


On January 1, 2012, International District Housing Alliance (IDHA) and InterIm CDA merged into one organization,

operating under the name InterIm CDA.  IDHA's programs and services will continue uninterrupted at the 601 S King St address.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: Farm this week

Hey folks! Twas a good week on the Farm - making compost and planting sunflower seeds was grand on Saturday. Hurray for rain this morning!

Wednesday hours cancelled this week! If you want to come down and do some work solo/with a buddy, email me by tomorrow and I'll let you know what you can do ~


Farm hours this week
M: 12:30-3:30
F: 12:30-3:30
Sat: none

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Farm Lunch

Hey Everybody,

We are having farm lunch tomorrow around 11:50. Lets plan to meet at the picnic table again. Bring something to share if you like!

Hope to see you tomorrow!


Monday, May 6, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Earth Day work party video!

Hey folks,

We're viral at the UW Farm!

Ha ha, check out this nifty video from our Earth Day work party in collaboration with Husky Fest and Starbucks:

Cheers ~


Sunday, May 5, 2013

[TheUWfarm] CUH Farm this week

Hey friends,

We'll be farmin' it up this week at the regular times this week, plus having a work party Saturday! Friday we'll have the elementary school kiddos in 12:30-2:30, so may cut out early that day. Remember to bring that sunscreen and water, plus a plastic bag or two for leftover greens!

Also, if you're free Tuesday 3-5:30, you should stop by the Ethnic Cultural Center and chat with me at the Center for Experiential Learning's Spring Celebration! :) I'll be standing around with a poster about the Farm.


Hours this week
M: 12:30-3:30
W: 1-4
F: 12:30-3:30
Sat: 10-2