Thursday, May 23, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Interested in Cooperative Living? Sublet at Sherwood Co-op this summer!


I'm wondering if you could send this over the Farm listserv?



Hi Farm Folks,

I live in Sherwood Cooperative in the Udistrict and I'll be gone this summer. I'm looking to find an awesome sublet for my room July and August(and potentially September if you want).

We're a fun and energetic family comprised of students and non-students who are interested in consensus-based decision making, communal living, eating vegan and vegetarian meals, biking, activism, growing our own food, caring for our chickens, learning new skills, fixing up our house (we own it!), brewing our own beer, cuddling, listening to and playing music, having dance parties, having monthly community potlucks, breaking down hierarchies, discussing oppressions (sexism, racism, classism, etc) and striving to live as an egalitarian community.

As part of our community we share food costs and nightly dinners. Each member is required to cook twice a month which means we all get to share great meals almost every night.

Our average base rent is around $450/month, with cost varying according to room size and location. We share the costs of vegetarian and mostly organic food, mortgage, property tax, maintenance, utilities, local phone, and internet. In total this costs around $100 in addition to the base room cost. These two figures included ALL living expenses, down to soy milk and laundry detergent.

We've got garden that gets love and could use more!
If you're interested shoot me an email!  

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