Monday, January 25, 2010

[TheUWfarm] [rsolist] Fwd: CSF RSO Email

To whom it may concern, 

We are writing to inform you of an exciting new campaign to establish
a Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) on our campus to make the
University of Washington the greenest campus in the nation. The
proposed Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is a major, student-led
investment in a greener, more sustainable campus. It will provide
funding for projects that increase campus sustainability, prioritize
student leadership and involvement, and educate UW students, faculty,
and staff in order to create a more environmentally responsible campus
culture. The creation of the CSF will allow students to set the
University's environmental agenda and create educational opportunities
in the process. It will create incredible opportunities for students
to get engaged and create a lasting, positive change on campus.

However, we need your help to make the CSF a reality on our campus. As
an organized voice for student interest at the University, your
endorsement of the campaign would be an invaluable contribution to
demonstrating student support for the CSF. We have attached a letter
of endorsement to this e-mail, which we hope you will read and discuss
with your organization. If you choose to support this student-led
investment in a more sustainable future for the University, please
respond to with your endorsement.

Additionally, if your organization would like to learn more about the
CSF, we will gladly schedule a presentation for one of your meetings,
so please let us know as soon as possible. You can also find our
detailed proposal and answers to many of your questions at our

We sincerely appreciate your time and consideration of the Campus
Sustainability Fund, and we hope that you will join us in supporting
this empowering commitment to protect the environment and to enrich
student opportunities on campus.

Thank you.


The Campus Sustainability Fund Working Group

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