It is looking are shaping up to be quite wonderful this summer on the farm.
As always we will need lots of help with the three major farm tasks of summer they are:
Eating produce
Watering plants
Weeding - to keep weeds from flowering/spreading
It would be great to see you down at the farm this summer. I will be on the farm on Tuesday mornings (and by other appointment only!). We will have regular potluck lunches every Tuesday at the farm picnic table (by the cob oven). These will be starting tomorrow - so come by around noon with something to share. Our summer farm interns officially will be starting tomorrow so there will be regular work hours on the farm and lots of folks to help you get started if you haven't been down on the farm for a while. Stay tuned for the announcement of the interns' official hours.
Farm weeks will be punctuated by periodic friday afternoon gatherings (and perhaps movie watching). We are continuing to meet over the summer to plan for the expansion into Feoge field. If you would like to join the farm visioning team and help with expansion planning please e-mail me and we'll get you on the list.
Summer can be a lonely time at a school farm and our goal this summer is to keep the activity level up and the produce flowing! This is a great time to make that critical link between growing food and eating it. Though it may sound funny - linking the growing of produce with the eating is a critical part of our mission. We can not be about the work of producing broccoli if we are not also about the work of eating it. Shifting our diets to eat what is seasonally abundant and to use the bounty of the farm is really important to making the link between our diets and sustainability.
I could go on but my dissertation break is over.
Eat Peas.
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