Here is a list of things that could be done around the Farm this week. Also, in celebration of no school, let's have a work party this friday afternoon. We could start with a potluck lunch at noon, and move into all kinds of good fun work (see below). If you want to work before then, don't be shy, go by the farm and get your paws dirty with simple stuff like weeding, or try some of these tasks.
"No order of society can last in which one man says to another, "You work and toil, and earn bread, and I will eat it""
Abraham Lincoln
To Do's June 14th (Partial List)
-Trim woody suckers from cotoneaster and other shrubs amongst the wild strawberries at the top of section A'
-Chop in the fava remains in the buckets in area B
-Make a trellis around the outside of the cucumbers in B8
-Start Bush beans for B10
-Research the powdery mildew problem on our peas-solutions?
-Clear out the bucket to the right of the hops in the herb spiral, and plant the stevia starts that are behind the picnic table in area B
-Add compost around hops plant in herb area
-Transplant or remove the stressed lavender plant nearest the hose in the herb area
-Add soil or compost around all potato plants
-Chop plant material in compost area on new compost chopping block
-General neating up in the back 40
-Sow cover crop in D13
-Start more bush beans for D14
-Water stressed tomatoes in C9, can we find a way to protect the soil at the back ends of the beds from washing away? Burlap sack? Add wood chips to the path?
These are just some thoughts, I encourage you to walk around, and find things that look like they need doing as well!
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