We are so very excited to begin working on our expansion project and cannot wait to start digging and growing.
With all this activity, we thought it was a good idea to break up into committees to delegate tasks and focus our interests. Here you will find details and contact information for each of the committees we have formed.
If you want to help us with these projects (and we really do need your help!!) then we invite you to get involved. It's spring time so it's time to come out of winter hibernation, smell the flowers and do some work!
UW Farm Expansion committees
Ground Breaking Committee:
This committee will focus on the mechanics behind transforming the fallow land at the CUH space into a terrain for growing food. It will focus on answering these questions:
1. How will we break our ground?
2. Where will we get the necessary tools?
3. How will we organize work parties?
If these things are interesting to you please contact Rachel Stubbs at: rachelnstubbs@gmail.com before Tuesday afternoon on the 15th so she can organize a doodle poll to get the ball rolling on research!
Crop Planning and Finance Committee
This committee will focus on the intersections of crop planning/rotations and finance/agricultural economics. It will focus on answering these questions:
1. What vegetables to student eat at the dining halls on campus?
2. How do we price our vegetables?
3. From where are we going to purchase our vegetable seeds?
This committee will begin researching by studying Charlie's produce purchasing receipts from HFS. Based on this information we can see what crops there is demand for, therefore creating a crop plan for the year, leading to the ordering of seeds!
Please contact Joe Marcus at: josephhmarcus@gmail.com if you're interested!
Site Planning Committee
This Committee is laying the ground work for the design and construction of the infrastructure for the site down at CUH. We will focus on answering these questions:
1. What kind of irrigation do we want to install and how will it look/work?
2. What contractor will we hire to help us dig and what will they need help with?
3. How will the layout of the garden beds and structures look? Where are we going to put the washing station, tool sheds, greenhouse, and composting area?
4. Will we have electricity on the farm?
If you are interested in helping out with this design and construction process please contact Sylvia Gozdek at: smg2412@uw.edu!
On a last note, with all these jobs going out to many different folks here at the UW we also wanted to emphasize the following points to keep in mind when doing this work:
- We need to keep really detailed notes for each committee in a google doc
- We to keep Robert (our CUH/Tilth farm coordinator) updated on meetings
- We need committees to finish their work one week before the first visioning meeting of spring quarter
- When finished, we need the committees to send an email reporting back to the group with their findings so that the Tilth folks can gather comments from their experts.
This expansion is exciting and also a lot of work, so thank you to everyone who has been involved!
It's all happening and we can't do it with out you!
-UW Farmers
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