Wednesday, March 2, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Re: Help name our new farm space! + List of suggestions from community members and farmers

Op, sorry, don't "reply in the comments below"! That was taken from our blog, where you can make comments here


On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Michelle Venetucci Harvey <> wrote:

Hey UW Farmers!

As many of you know, we've been working on a farm expansion for the last year. We were recently awarded $80,000 by the Campus Sustainability Fund to establish a farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH), and are busily planning the day that we will finally break ground.

When the CUH was first floated as an option for expansion, many of us were worried that it was too far off campus. However, while this is true, we soon realized that the CUH houses something the rest of campus does not: Seattle Tilth's Seattle Youth Garden Works (SYGW) program.

As was detailed in a recent post, SYGW hires at-risk and homeless youth to run a market-farm, learning job and entrepreneurial skills along the way. This is a great example of a program that has used urban agriculture to address social problems, and make a big impact in the lives of the youth it hires.

A part of the UW Farm's mission and goals is to support community programs. As such, the presence of SYGW on campus presented an opportunity to support and enhance the goals of both organizations. The UW Farm and Seattle Tilth have been working on a partnership model since the Fall, and are moving forward with plans to expand and collaboratively manage the same farm space at CUH.

As of now, this partnership farm has been labeled something along the lines of the UW-Farm-Seattle-Youth-Garden-Works-Farm. Doesn't really roll off the tongue, does it? We're looking to find a name that encompasses the identity of the partnership, and want to hear ideas from the general public.

Please visit our blog post to give your suggestion! Here are the current suggestions:  

  • Urban Farm Works
  • The Dawg Pound
  • Beechum's Place: In Berry's novel, The Memory of Old Jack, this same appreciation for the earth is portrayed through the main character, Jack Beechum. Within this novel, the love for the land can be seen as a means of fulfillment. Although other prominent relationships are evident in Beechum's life, the most important relationship that he has is that with the soil and land.
  • Heart and Soil
  • Putting in the Seed (Robert Frost)
  • Huckleberry farm
  • Cattail farm

So, have any ideas? An interesting word, a meaningful phrase, a favorite food? If you'd like to suggest a name for our new farm, reply in the comments below. We'll be looking at suggestions in the coming month or so, and will announce our new name when we make a decision!

Interesting blog post about how to name your farm can be found here
A list of interesting farm names to get ideas flowing can be found here

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