Monday, May 10, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Farmweek May 10 - 16

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Upcoming Farm Events

Tuesday Farm Lunch
12:30 - 1:30
GUG 218

Monthly Pizza Bake
Friday, May 14
3 - 6 at the farm

Field Trip to Let Us Farm
Sunday, May 16
Email Beth to reserve a space

Farm Field Trip
Farm in Willapa Bay
May 21 - 23
Reserve spot here
Dirty Dozen Hours
Spring Quarter
Come help out!

Mon: 7:30am-1pm
Tue: 8:30am-1pm
Wed: 9 am - 3 pm
Thur: 8:30am-9:30am,
Fri: 9:30 am-5:30 pm

UW Farm website

UW Food Social Networking Site

*new* UW Farm Blog

Send all submissions for the weekly newsletter to
The newsletter will go out Monday evenings

This Week's Farm Tasks

Get out some Sunshine mix in the container!
Section A
Sign for radishes
Train Peas
Slug Control in A1 (egg shells, beer?)
Weed under raspberries
Level out beds A1, A2 and A3
Section B
Harvest Lettuce
Slug Control
Section C
Harvest Choi
Weed Garlic
Bed extension barrier
Eat Chive Flowers
Keep C11 moist
Section D
Harvest Broccoli
Weed tomato Cold Frame
Close Cold frames if you open them!
Check all berry covers
Start Brussel Sprouts
Update UW Farm sign with calender, etc.
Help grapes, make small trellis
Weed jerusalam artichocke bed
Weed Collard bed!
Back 40
Spread woodchips in chicken coop
More Soil from Blue Tarp to Beds (potatoes and other new beds)
Build more compost piles! Large amount of material currently available
Spread woodchips and tidy up around cob oven (especially areas that are getting muddy when it rains.
Herb Area
Plant things in empty spaces
Fill empty buckets
Trim Sage (take home and dry/dehydrate for use)
 Weed Raspberry bed
Week May 10 - May 16

UW Farm Updates

Blessing Ceremony a Success: Milpa Popular and Native Plant Garden on the Farm


This past Friday, UW farmers came together with students from MEChA and First nations to share seeds and plant a traditional Mexican kitchen garden, known as a Milpa Popular.  Lou Miller, a direct descendent of Chief Sealth, and Karen Caputer performed the blessing in front of a crowd of students.  Students organizing the event spoke about the larger diversity project happening at the farm, and Jacinta Heath of the UW First Nations group spoke about the need to re-connect with the earth.  The guest speaker from MEChA, Bryan Bautista Gutiérrez, also expressed support for the project.  Finally, the farm was lucky enough to have Mr. Guillen and Ms. Valdovinos come and share their seed, their message translated by their daughter, UW student Maria Guillen Valdovinos.  Students came together to plant the seeds and then joined in a potluck.  

Farmers Gather Around Seattle to Support Spring into Bed Event

UW Farmers and community members at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center garden

UW Farmers joined with other community members this past Friday to help build community gardens all over Seattle.  This was a part of the city-wide Spring into Bed event, which is a grassroots garden building event and fundraiser. 

For more information, visit the Spring into Bed website

UW Farm Calender Project Needs your Input

The UW Farm is putting together a calender for 2011, and needs input from the community.  This will be a great way to show off the farm and raise some money.  Main things we need help with are:

1. Quotations.  Anything pertaining to farming, food, or justice is welcome. 
2. Dates.  Significant dates and holidays in any/all cultures focused on farming, food, or justice is welcome.

Reply to our discussion board here, or email Michelle Harvey.

Roof Garden Gets a Facelift This Week

This week farmers will be gathering on Wednesday, May 12 between 10 and 12 to make cement steps for the green roof garden by the Botany Greenhouse.  The farm is asking that people bring old or broken plates or ceramic for a mosaic design.

Upcoming Farm Field Trip May 21 - 23: Reserve Space Now
The farm has a field trip coming up from May 21st to 23rd.  It will take place at a farm down south by Willapa Bay.  Activities will include playing games, going on hikes, sleeping in tents, helping them with farmwork, workshops, eating delicious food, a ton of learning and maybe a bit of square dancing.  If interesed, please fill out this quick form

Off Farm Stuff

Will Allen Named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People 
Will Allen, founder of Growing Power, Inc in Milwaukee, was recently named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people.  He falls under the "Heroes" category for his work in food justice.  The Milwaukee Courier announces this honor here.

Will Allen at a recent visit to the UW Farm  

Three Part Documentary Series being put on by College Greens

The UW College Greens group is offering a three part documentary series this month.  The group is striving to create a network of social and environmental justice groups on campus, and the UW Farm can be a part of that.  

Documentaries will be screened in Savery 260 at 5:30.  All documentaries will be followed by discussion and guest speakers.

May 10 - Coal Country
May 17 - The Garden
May 24 - The Corporation 

Potential Urban Farm in Rainier Beach Needs Supporters for Mayor McGinn Visit

Residents of Rainier Beach have been diligently working to gain approval to turn the abandoned 7-acre Atlantic City Nursery into an urban farm.  They currently have tentative approval from the city's Parks Department, but need to gain momentum and support.   Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn and Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith are coming to the nursery on May 15th as part of their Rainier Beach Walking Tour arranged by the City's Department of Neighborhoods.
The group is planning a warm Friends of Atlantic City Nursery welcome to demonstrate community support and to share the vision for the Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands. We'll have food, signs and a display board showing the vision as supplied by their friends at VIA Architecture.
Here are the details:
10:30 a.m. ACN gate opens for setup of welcome signs, refreshments and display board
11:00 a.m. FACN members and supporters arrive; no parking on-site
11:30 a.m.    Mayor arrives at the Atlantic City Nursery and talks with community members
11:45 a.m.    Tour of Atlantic City Nursery, 5513 S Cloverdale St, Seattle WA 98118.
12:15 p.m.    Tour of the Atlantic City Nursery ends. 

Here are some of the talking points you should be ready to share with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and other City staff: 

  1.  We appreciate the visit to our neighborhood, we're excited that 2010 has been declared  the Year of Urban Agriculture
  2. We are advocating for an urban agriculture project that will make a lasting difference in the Rainier Beach community using an existing and surplus city-owned facility perfectly suited for this concept
  3. The neighbors and community support converting the nursery into an urban farm as demonstrated at the public hearing on December 3, 2009, the over 100 positive comments received by the Parks Department, our ongoing neighborhood outreach and our March Community Outreach meeting.
  4. National urban agriculture expert and Growing Power Inc. founder Will Allen has visited the nursery and declared it "perfect" for the project we're purposing and has offered the opportunity of starting a new Regional Outreach Training Center at the ACN, the first ROTC west of Denver
  5. Parks Department staff have been receptive and we anticipate their final decision at the end of the decision-making process will reflect the community's desires and include an urban farm such as the site design we're sharing
  6. FACN wants this to be a community-based site with a high degree of local control and input to serve the neighborhood with healthy food, youth education and training opportunities and economic development for the community
  7. Our business model calls for multiple income-generating activities to limit dependence on grants or City support and create lasting sustainability
  8. We recognize the wetlands aspects of the site and are committed to restoring and stewarding those areas as part of our long-term plan
  9. FACN is working with Seattle Tilth, Communities for Change, the Rainier Beach Empowerment Coalition and a long list of local organizations and experts to ensure we have the expertise and the community support necessary for success
    Please join the community on the 15th; bring your families and friends and be ready to advocate for our vision for the Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands.  A group of UW Farmers will be traveling down to the site Saturday morning via bus and light rail.  Either show up or RSVP to UW Farm Outreach Coordinator Michelle Harvey
Proposed Student Food Cooperative Announces May Fundraiser Event

Join people from around Seattle for a night of local food, live music, speakers, Stumptown Coffee tasting and dessert!  The proposed Student Food Cooperative is putting on an event to raise money, and wants everyone to come. 

RSVP to the event on facebook, or by emailing Aubrey Jenkins

For more information about the co-op, visit:


subscribe to the co-op's email list:

What's Happening in Arizona? Message to the Governor Needs to be Spread

On behalf of the National Association of Chicano and Chicana Studies, UW Anthropology professor Devon Peña wrote out a statement addressed to Arizona Governer Jan Brewer.  An excerpt from the statement:

"We must all come to understand that the ecology of fear is a state of exception that suspends the rule of law while encouraging uniformed Americans and others to dehumanize and terrorize innocent human beings who are only guilty of trying to survive under the tyrannically-imposed conditions of a 'bare life.'"

You can see the full statement on Professor Peña's Environmental and Food Justice Blog.  He is asking that anyone who has a blog or listserve re-post this message so that it can reach as many people as possible. 

Author of "Diet for a Small Planet" on KEXP

Frances Moore Lappé, author of "Diet for a Small Planet" and the recently published "Getting a Grip," was featured on KEXP recently.  Recommended by UW Medicinal Herb Garden Curator Keith Possee, Lappé talks about inspiring developments from around the country.  You can visit the website here, and scroll down to find links to the broadcast.  


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