Monday, May 3, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Farmweek May 3 - May 9

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Upcoming Farm Events

Tuesday Farm Lunch
12:30 - 1:30
GUG 218

Seedbomb Making
Tuesday, May 4
4 pm in Greenhouse

Outreach Meeting
Wednesday, May 5
12 - 1 in Greenhouse

All Farm Meeting
Wednesday, May 5
In Greenhouse
4:30 farm tour
5 - 6 meeting

Kombucha Making
Thursday, May 6
6 pm in Greenhouse

Planting of Milpa Popular, blessing ceremony, and a potluck
Friday, May 7
1 pm at the farm
(followed by Friday workparty)

Monthly Pizza Bake
Friday, May 14
3 - 6 at the farm
Dirty Dozen Hours
Spring Quarter
Come help out!

Mon: 7:30am-1pm
Tue: 8:30am-1pm
Wed: 9 am - 3 pm
Thur: 8:30am-9:30am,
Fri: 9:30 am-5:30 pm

UW Farm website

UW Food Social Networking Site

*new* UW Farm Blog

Send all submissions for the weekly newsletter to
The newsletter will go out Monday evenings
Special thanks to Julia Reed for the photo included at the top of this newsletter

This Week's Farm Tasks

Area A

Seed in carrots in empty patch of A4

Sow cover into empty buckets of A2 and A3

Area B

Toast random plants

Weed around barrels, put down wood chips

Start cucurbits (big pots)

Move plank to cob oven

Organize junk behind the concrete bins by plant lab

Get basil seeds

Stand up ho weedy patch in front of greenhouse bed

Trellis peas and pull out morning glory

Weed and plant peas by chain link fence along Spearhead Alley

Cut back weeds along chain link fence

Scythe weeds and woodchip

Area C

Investigate damage to broccoli roots in C10

Remove invasives in holly hedge

Add dirt around potato plants (up to first leaves) as they grow

Reseed some beets

Area D

Check covers on berries continuously (especially after wind)

Weed garlic

Plant beets in beet area next to cold frame

Herb Spiral Area

Label leeks, planted in buckets 4/30

Start parsley from seed for buckets where failed transplants are

Get lingonberries for pathway (Ethnobotany field trip this weekend)

Fill space in herb spiral (herbs or flowers)!

Back 40

Turn compost in farthest-back bins (facing greenhouse)

Use the soil on the tarp

Fix the "Back 40" sign – put on tree

Cover windrows

Clean up


Clean rosepots in the greenhouse (ask Doug, Jeanette, or Paul)

Stepping stones for green roof (Work party)

Make a laminated sign with DD hours, regular farm events for Farm sign on Burke

Week May 3 - May 9

UW Farm Updates

Milpa Popular and Native Plant Garden on the Farm: Blessing, Planting, and Potluck on May 7

As you may have heard rumor, Devon Peña's Agroecology class (ANTH 488a) is working on a collaborative project this quarter in expanding diversity on the UW Farm. The diversity sought comes in crop varieties and sources, agroecological practices, membership, and networking. One central project is the conversion of a space (the concrete bins on the cob oven side of the plant lab) into a traditional Mexican kitchen garden - a milpa popular. Professor Peña and the family of a class member are bringing their own saved seeds of corn, beans, squash, aromatics, and chiles to plant, and we are collaborating with the Latino student group MEChA to maintain and enjoy the new garden. We are also planting a bin in camas lily and other traditionally harvested natives of the Northwest. We have also invited UW's First Nations group to participate.

On Friday, May 7th, ANTH class students, MEChA and First Nations members, and Farmers are going to gather at 1pm at the cob oven as John Miller, a Skokomish elder, blesses our space. Then we're going to get in, get dirty and plant some maize, frijoles, and camas! We're also going to share food! Please come down, show support, plant a seed, and bring a dish to share. There will be people on the Farm all day for the usual Friday work party.

Spring into Bed Happening this Saturday, May 8

Spring into Bed is happening for the first time in Seattle. This grassroots effort is installing 10 garden beds for low-income families on May 8th. Many other people are building there gardens on this day as well. As the UW Farm, we are helping round up some volunteers. Starting with Coffee and Doughnuts at the Farm at 9, Volunteering is from 10-3 and then a huge party in south Seattle in the night to celebrate everyones hard work. This is the first annual spring into bed, so get involved in its early stages!

If you are interested in getting involved with other UW Farmers, fill out a quick form here

For more information, visit the Spring into Bed website

Distinguished Teaching Awards Showcase May 7
Featuring UW Farmer Beth Wheat

The Distinguished Teaching Awards Showcase gives everyone the chance to experience first-hand the UW's best educators. Starting at 6:30 p.m. on May 7, three mini-classes will be taught by past and present Distinguished Teaching Award recipients, which is the University's highest honor for teaching. 

A 2010 Excellence in Teaching Award (given to outstanding graduate teaching assistants) recipient, Beth Wheat, will teach "Ecology & Conservation: Your backyard and the possibilities of urban agriculture."

Learn more about the event here

Off Farm Stuff

Garden Helpers Looking to Train Garden Mentors 

Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle and Seattle Tilth are partnering to train volunteers to become mentors for new gardeners in the West Seattle / White Center area.  It's a great opportunity for folks to hone their gardening skills (Tilth's 30-hr organic gardening is provided at no cost!), while helping others grow healthy, affordable food.

Information on the program: 
Garden Helpers: Connecting new gardeners with community mentors
Community Harvest of Southwest and Seattle Tilth are excited to offer a new program to train community members to mentor new gardeners in West Seattle and White Center.
If you would like to help others grow their own food, the consider becoming a Garden Helper!  Training will consist of a free 5 week, 30 hour course on organic gardening and teaching adults, Thursday evenings (7 – 9PM) and Sundays (9:30AM – 2PM) from May 20 through June 13. 
Mentors will then volunteer 30 hours (or more!) and help novice gardeners grow their own food.  Volunteers should have some vegetable gardening experience, a desire to work with others, and an encouraging attitude.
We're also looking for people who want help growing their own food!
Mentors will provide free, in-person assistance to help budding
gardeners get started in backyard, P-patch, or container gardens.
This program is funded by a Small and Simple grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

If interested, visit the website, call 206-762-0604, or contact Chris Hoffer, the Program Coordinator  

Announcing New Event Series on "Edible Conversations"

We thought you would be interested in hearing about our new event series, in partnership with Edible Seattle, entitled "Edible Conversations.These events make up a public series of community discussions around food policy, history, sustainable practices and community.

Our first event features author Ben Hewitt and his book The Town That Food Saved: How One Community Found Vitality in Local Food . Jill Lightner, the editor of Edible Seattle will interview Ben about his work as a farmer and how a comprehensive food system revived his small Vermont town. Joining Jill and Ben will be Eric Tanaka, Business Partner and Executive Chef of Tom Douglas Restaurants; Sequim farmer Kia Kozun of Nash's Organic Produce; Chris Curtis, the Director of Seattle's Neighborhood Farmer's Markets; and Mary Embleton, Director of the Cascade Harvest Coalition.


This event takes place on June 8 at 7 p.m. at Tom Douglas' Palace Ballroom. Tickets are $25 and include appetizers. Books will be available at a discounted price as well as a no-host bar.


Contact Rebecca Dawson, Director of Development & PR for Kim Ricketts Book Events for more information

Local P-patch Hosting a Redesign Meeting and Invites UW Farmers 

The UW Farm's neighbor p-patch down the Burke Gilman Trail is hosting a redesign meeting and you are invited to join! 
Along the Burke Gilman Trail towards Ivar's Seafood House is a community garden.  This is the University District P-Patch--located at 7th/8th & 40th.  We received a $15,000 grant from the Seattle department of neighborhoods this year to hire a landscape firm and do community-inspired garden re-design! 
The University District community is invited to come together for 3 UD community gatherings where we will list our thoughts, ideas, and dreams to create a new certified landscape design/drawing for the UD p-patch.  Once we get the design, we will go for additional grants to accomplish the physical construction (erosion containment walls, patios, shed, etc)
We will be meeting from 6-8PM at the UFM (University Friends Meeting) on 9th/40th (near to the Peace garden and the Roosevelt/Eastlake Bridge).
April 24 (Saturday) *passed*
May 22 (Saturday)
June 25 (Friday)
Come one come all!  Please pass on this information to friends you think may be interested in joining the event!
Hope to see you there!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Tracy Stober

Your Chance to Participate in the Proposed Student Food Cooperative

A message from students who are proposing a student food cooperative on the University of Washington campus: 

Do you want to have more control in what food choice
s are available to you on the UW campus or in the University District? Do you care about having an idea of where and how your food was grown or raised? Do you want to see alternative yet affordable food options that align with your values, be they environmental sustainability, farm worker and animal rights, or community development? UW students are following prominent universities (like Berkeley, Evergreen, adn UBC) in creating a student food cooperative whose purpose is to address food justice issues and achieve a level of sovereignty over their food system.

If you are hungry for change, please take our SURVEY! We need your input.
  • Note: We recently expanded our survey questions and created a more formal UW Catalyst Survey.  If you previously took a ''SurveyMonkey' survey for us, your comments will be taken into consideration but we would love to have your voices counted in our updated Catalyst survey tool. Sorry for the invonvenience.  
Voice your support by signing our PETITION!

Thank you! - The UW Student Food Cooperative

For more information, visit:


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