Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Exhibitor Tables (fwd)

Hi farmers:
would the outreach committee be interested in having a table at the Conservation Colloquium this coming March 3rd?. read below for details. I think it would be good opportunity for the farm.
Ursula Valdez
Box 351800,Department of Biology
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1800

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 13:02:00 -0800
From: Conservation Colloquium <conscoll@u.washington.edu>
To: 'Conservation Colloquium' <conscoll@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Exhibitor Tables

Many of you are associated with clubs or organizations on campus that do
conservation related work. If you know of a group that might be interested
in recruiting volunteers or exhibiting their work at the 2010 Conservation
Colloquium, please forward them the email below.


Thank you for your help!


Interested in conservation?  Here's a chance to reach your target audience!

On Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010, the UW is hosting Conservation Colloquium:
Conservation in Practice in the HUB Ballroom.  The Colloquium highlights the
range of conservation-related work at the UW.  It consists of short
presentations from 1:00-5:15 pm, followed by a reception and poster
session.  We are anticipating ~ 250 attendees from UW and beyond.

We invite UW-affiliated conservation groups to capitalize on this
opportunity to advertise their programs, recruit volunteers, and increase
awareness.  If you would like to have a table during the reception, please
complete the Colloquium Table Registration form by Wednesday, February 17th.
  There is no fee for this event. Every exhibitor will be provided a 6 foot
x 30 inch table.

In addition to completing the Colloquium Table Registration form, all
exhibitors are required to register for the Colloquium.

Conservation Colloquium Details

HUB Ballroom

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Colloquium Presentations: 1-5:15pm

Reception, Poster and Table Session: 5:15-6:30pm


Every exhibitor will have one 6 foot x 30 inch table.

To avoid noise during the presentations, we ask that you setup your table
between 12:30-1pm. Please make sure your table is ready by 1pm. The room
will be safely monitored between 1-5pm.

Table Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 17th




Questions? Please contact conscoll@uw.edu





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