Saturday, February 20, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Let's find perfectly edible food that people throw away or donate, cook it, and serve it to people who are hungry! For free!

Some of you will already know this, but many of you will not.

Do you work at a grocery store, on a farm, or know where there's a dumpster in which people leave perfectly good food?
Do you like to cook huge amounts of food and serve it to total strangers for free, just because it's fun?
Do you value gift-economies as a way to under-cut the excessively competitive and soul-killing prospect of industrial capitalism?

Then you might be interested in Food Not Bombs.

As a decentralized non-hierarchical grassroots movement, FNB chapters thrive in most cities around the world, including downtown Seattle, but it's been a really long time since anyone has gotten together to serve food in the U-District.

Why is this?
Is it because:
a) no one has been showing up?
b) our previous location was not the best?
c) not a lot of people were dumpstering/finding food?
d) it's been hella cold outside until recently?

Answer: YES! ...all of the above.
We think these reasons suck, because quite frankly the founders of FNB faced squads of riot cops and group-arrests when they first began serving food in San Francisco. Now FNB is almost a norm in most cities, but why aren't we doing it?

Well, some of us just went to the Hunger Banquet at Hillel on Thursday, and we got a really positive response from a bunch of the people there, some of which are now on this list.
So what should be done?
There seems to be a new level of interest in revitalizing Food Not Bombs in the U-District, possibly in a different location...
Sherwood is still available to store and prepare food in... we just need people to kick up the dedication.
Plus we have all the necessary supplies, even signs and fliers!
We usually meet on Saturday mornings at Sherwood, then serve around 1:00.

Who's down to make this happen?

<3 steve

ps. check out this article, which i found highly instructive in understanding the motivation behind FNB


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