Heya Farmers,
Here are the meeting minutes.
Are we positing these on the website now? If we are, could someone who knows how to do that, do it? –Thanks!
See you on Friday at the Pizza bake!
Farm Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2010
Committee updates:
Compost (Joanne): Need someone for Mondays for a rotunda pick up-Nelly can do it. If anyone has food scraps, get in touch with Joanne to set up how to bring yours to the farm.
Student co-op (Matt): On track to get a task force going to support the mission of providing healthy, locally grown food by a student owned cooperative. Profit will be realized by cheaper food. ASUW is very supportive and willing to give the co-op money. Both the co-op and the farm should consider becoming student enterprises. Lucy Gerose will be teaching a spring class with an opportunity to intern with the food co-op. That class might also merge with another class in community planning. Both the farm and the co-op are applying for the CSF campus sustainability fund.
Chicken crew: The chickens are producing eggs, yay! We will need to choose a new crew for spring quarter. We can do that at the next meeting.
Green team: Bought seeds. Varieties are pretty cool. Planting starts next week. Lots to do!
Website: Kelsey is the new administrator…..send photos and updates to her!
Outreach: Tabling event 12:30-2 on the HUB lawn tomorrow- Thursday 2/11. Making bouquets of flowers to pass out to people. To let people know about the farm….and invite people to the pizza party on Friday.
Dirty dozen (Patrick): What is it? -A group of more permanent volunteers committed to hours of work on the farm (the volunteer coordinators)….A couple new things: weekly to do lists posted each week over the listserv. Cool conversations in the morning…….building community. If you’re interested, we’re doing it again in the spring- send an email to Beth.
Other business:
Next meeting: We should think about elections for leaders of the farm…passing the baton.
Field trip (Nina): Email sent about it. A group of 12 went to Olympia to the Evergreen State College farm. So much going on! 4 acres……a model we could copy in a few years but they are rural, we are urban. Also, went to a non-profit organization GRUB: teen empowerment mission with agriculture and leadership training. There will be more field trips to come next quarter! San Juan trip is coming up…….
Internship (Rachel): A time commitment of 10 hours per week. A meeting with Beth with assigned readings each week. Independent project also. Help coordinate the work of the farm. If you’re interested, email Beth.
Fundraiser at the end of this quarter? Do we want to do it? Takes a lot of work to get all the food for about 150 people. It will take a lot of outreach effort. Patirck and Rachel will make a list of what we’ll need and send it out to the group. To get donations, use the letter that Brady made. SQUARE DANCING!
Visioning (Beth): We have a mission…and are about to move forward- we have the resources, we just need the land! If you’d like to check out the business plan it is on the Uwfarms google docs account (info on the UW farm website). Please feel free to edit it add comments. The interns and Beth will complete it and take it to UW decision group on the 22nd! Yay!
Real Food Conference: A big convergence of people going to real food challenge in Missoula. There is a group of UW students going.
Ecology class visit: On Feb 24th, students from ecology classes will tour the farm! We’ll need volunteers to be farm docents! Great opportunity to learn about the farm and to learn about teaching! Email Beth if you’re interested.
Why the UW Farm is part of a conservation effort? On March 3rd Beth will be speak on this topic. Location TBA 12:30-6:00. We can sell t-shirts there! We will need volunteers for that.
Hillel (Anna): Hillel is a social action group on campus. They are having a hunger banquet and event for social justice. Thursday the 18th from 6-9. The farm will be tabling from 6-7. Good speakers! $2 or 2 cans of food. Need volunteers! Kristen, Brady and Beth will help.
Co-op dinner party: Monday night the 15th: Raw food! Want to find a possible name and go over the purpose with the community! On 52nd and Brooklyn.
P-patch: Fruit trees have been planted. Next steps: Beds will be amended. Big donation of lumber and plan to do a workshop in the art building…..the manager is offering a two hour woodshop training! Will check about the limit of participants.
Concrete repairs: 2-3 hour work party…will need 5-6 people. Next Saturday 20th.
Giant party urban farmers: When: Saturday 2/20 from 3pm-12am. How much? Donation. Where? Om culture near the Burke Gilman in Wallingford.
Spring into bed: City wide bed planting thing. May 5th. We should plant our new farm then!
Maple sugaring: Friday 2/12 from 10:30-11.
Created a ning – foody network.
Farm blog? Incorporate with website. Part of the mission is advocacy. Rotate it among people. Give it to farm lunch for assignment. We might want a voice or a consistent message. Journal about being and learning at the farm. Bring outside information to the blog too. We’ll start it Spring quarter.
Mushroom trailer….
3-6 pizza Bake this Friday 2/12! See you there!
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