Tuesday, December 18, 2012

[TheUWfarm] Bee Feeding!

Hello farmers!

I seem to recall there being interest among the farm community in regards to learning more about the bees and how to keep them -- well, here is your chance!

This Thursday I will be meeting people at 12:00 in the greenhouse to feed the bees. The actual feeding does not take long and is not too exciting, but I will be answering any questions anyone has about how we make the syrup, treatments we add, protein supplements, why we feed the bees, along with any other questions you guys might have.

For information on future work parties, seminars, etc, join our listserv here: http://mailman1.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/beesknees. Note: due to spam we only accept subscriptions from @u.washington.edu, or @uw.edu -- all others will be filtered (sorry!).

Happy holidays, everyone :)

Daniel Dawson
(509) 205-2973

Bee Coordinator at UW Farm
Peer Coach for Boxing at UW
Student Support Co-coordinator for Camp Kesem UW

Friday, December 14, 2012

[TheUWfarm] HUB room reservations

Hey Farm friends,

My housemate Katie is the intern for the RUF Christian Fellowship RSO, and they need HUB room space once a week during Winter Quarter but weren't registered for Fall as an RSO. They had to get the reservations in ASAP, so I put them in for them through the Farm. RUF will donate to the Farm in the amount of any extra fees.

I'm sorry I didn't check in about this first - it was spur of the moment and a lot going on, so I just did it. Let me know if you foresee any problems.

Happy Friday of Finals Week!!!!!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: Dirty Dozen in Winter Quarter 2013

Hello UW Farm Community! 

I am writing to let you know that we are currently working on scheduling Dirty Dozen for Winter Quarter! Dirty Dozen in a fantastic way to start getting more involved at the Farm and to learn basic skills about growing food! It also is a fantastic community to be a part of and a great way to meet like-minded students at UW and participate in the greater conversation about food production. 

For those unfamiliar with Dirty Dozen, it is a student volunteer group that acts as the main UW Farm workforce. We meet for a one hour meeting every week and each Dirty Dozen volunteer commits two extra hours a week to working on the farm. 

If this sounds like something you are interested in please send an email back to me with your preferred email address and I will add you to the list to start receiving DD updates! We will have the time finalized for next quarter in late December. 

I hope everyone is having a great start to December! Hope to see you around the farm! 

Lauren Glass
(Dirty Dozen leader)

Monday, December 3, 2012

[TheUWfarm] Winter Quarter Farm Leadership Retreat: You're invited!

Hey everybody! 

Interested in getting more involved with leadership at the UW Farm? Then the winter quarter farm leadership retreat is for you! On the first weekend of winter quarter (Jan. 11th-13th) a bunch of UW farmers will be heading out to a beach cabin on the Hood Canal to talk about leadership, the future of the farm, and just to have a good fun time! All are welcome. 

We will be heading out Friday evening (Jan. 11th) and folks will be returning on both Saturday evening and Sunday morning. It is about a 1.5 to 2 hour drive, transportation is provided. 

If you're interested in coming along, or if you'd just like some more information, please contact me (Mollie) at mollietarte@gmail.com

Happy studying!

-Mollie Tarte
Farm Outreach Coordinator 2011-12