Tuesday, January 31, 2012

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: [cagj-fjp] Sierra Club Food Justice Workshop this Saturday, 2-4:30


To automatically unsubscribe yourself from this list, send an email from your subscribed address to "cagj-fjp-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net"

If you wish to share a document with the group larger than the maximum file size of 500KB, email it to fjp@seattleglobaljustice.org and we will add it to the shared web space, which we'll follow-up with a link to.

CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.

Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!

This looks like an amazing event for farmers!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Food Justice Project <fjp@seattleglobaljustice.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:28 AM
Subject: [cagj-fjp] Sierra Club Food Justice Workshop this Saturday, 2-4:30
To: Food Justice Project list-serve Project list-serve <cagj-fjp@lists.riseup.net>

Stone Soup Gardens and The Sierra Club Environmental Justice Committee  invites you to attend a free forum on Food Justice: 
     Saturday: February 4th 2pm-4:30pm
Seattle University: 
                   School of Law Annex Building Room 142
We will have a panel discussion and workshop around cross movement connections with environmentalist, social justice activists and the food movement. Panelists include:
Reverend Robert Jeffrey, pastor at New Hope Baptist Church in Seattle and founder of Clean Greens Farm
will speak about the role of food in the social justice movement.
Eddie Hill, founding Program Manager for Seattle Tilth Farm Works Program, will speak about food as infrastructure 
and healthy food as a right.
Ann SeiterNW Indian Fisheries Committee, She will be discussing tribal fish consumption and water pollution issues
Mike Obrien: Seattle City Council member will co-moderate the panel and speak about the city's role in promoting food justice issues

Following panel presentations, there will be break out sessions about building cross movement connections between foodies, envrionmentalists, and Social Justice activists. 
delicious snacks will be brought to you by Stone Soup GardensFlying Bear Farms and other local farmers.
 Please Join us!

Jake Harris


To automatically unsubscribe yourself from this list, send an email from your subscribed address to "cagj-fjp-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net"

If you wish to share a document with the group larger than the maximum file size of 500KB, email it to fjp@seattleglobaljustice.org and we will add it to the shared web space, which we'll follow-up with a link to.

CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.

Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!


[TheUWfarm] Jonathan Foley Wednesday (2/1) evening 6:30 Kane Hall

Dear Farmers,

A few folks have sent this to the list serve,  but as a reminder...you should go to this talk!

Kane Hall Wednesday night (tomorrow) 6:30.

Dr. Foley will be talking about feeding the world while sustaining the planet.   The UW Farm and the work we are doing is part of this larger vision for re-shaping our agricultural interactions.   I hope that you can be there.  I hope you will ask questions.   I hope someone will tell him about the terrific work that this community is up to.    I know he will be impressed by you all!

Looking for inspiration and motivation to get there tomorrow night?

Check out this article he wrote a couple of months ago for Scientific American.


Monday, January 30, 2012

[TheUWfarm] Interesting lecture you might want to attend

February 1,

Jonathan Foley, Director of the Institute on the Environment (IonE), McKnight Presidential Chair in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of the Minnesota, "Feeding the World, While Sustaining the Planet: Addressing the Challenges to Global Food Security and Environmental Sustainability in the 21st Century."  

6:30 pm, Kane 130.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

[TheUWfarm] Fungi Committee Meeting - Fri, Feb 3 @ 12:30

Hey fun guys (eh? eh?),

I'm Catherine, a grad student in the Microbiology Department and the UW Farm's Fungi Committee coordinator. Let's get together this Friday and talk about starting some mushroom cultivation on the farm. Please send me an email if you think you'll be there:

Fungi Committee Meeting
Friday, Feb 3
12:30PM, inside Botany Greenhouse

We've got a crop of shiitakes fruiting right now, next to the UW Farm cabinet in the Botany Greenhouse. Stop by and peak under the plastic bags to see them! 


P.S. In the future, I'll send out emails via the Fungi Committee listserve. Subscribe to it here:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

[TheUWfarm] Re: TheUWfarm Digest, Vol 133, Issue 1

Please remove me too.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 12:51 PM, <theuwfarm-request@mailman2.u.washington.edu> wrote:
Send TheUWfarm mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of TheUWfarm digest..."

Today's Topics:

  1. Remove from email list (Noelle Le Tourneau)
  2. Remove from email list (Indigo Strieker)
  3. Removal (Sarah Zdancewicz)
  4. Removal (Diem Nguyen)
  5. removal (charlotte ho)
  6. Re: removal (Zach DeLuke)
  7. Re: removal (Alanah Bell)
  8. Attention: Responses to [TheUWfarm] Listserv removal
     (Kay Yu Yuan Chai)
  9. Re: Removal (Samuel Goldstein)
 11. Final Date for the Botany Greenhouse Tour for UW  Farmers and
     Farm Friends! (Rae Louise Moore)
 12. Fwd: Volunteer and internship opportunities with  Seattle
     Tilth! (Mollie Tarte)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Noelle Le Tourneau <nletourneau@live.com>
To: <theuwfarm@u.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 17:18:40 -0800
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Remove from email list

I would like to be removed from the UW Farm email listserv.

Thank you!

Noelle Le Tourneau

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Indigo Strieker <indiglostrieker@yahoo.com>
To: "TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu" <TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 19:24:17 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Remove from email list
Hi I would also like to be removed from the email list,
Indigo Strieker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sarah Zdancewicz <sarahzdancewicz@gmail.com>
To: TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 19:48:49 -0800
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Removal
I would like to be removed as well

Sarah Zdancwicz

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diem Nguyen <diemng@uw.edu>
To: "TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu" <TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:14:52 -0800
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Removal
I'd like to be removed from the mailing list.

Diem (Mary) Nguyen
VSA UW 2011-2012
McCarty Pride Committee Chair
McCarty Hall Council 2011-2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: charlotte ho <happyspider@hotmail.com>
To: <theuwfarm@u.washington.edu>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 04:48:14 +0000
Subject: [TheUWfarm] removal
Please remove me from the email list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zach DeLuke <zachdeluke@gmail.com>
To: theuwfarm@u.washington.edu
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:52:54 -0800
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] removal

Please remove me too. Thanks!



On Jan 26, 2012 8:49 PM, "charlotte ho" <happyspider@hotmail.com> wrote:
Please remove me from the email list.

TheUWfarm mailing list

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alanah Bell <alanahbell@comcast.net>
To: TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 21:00:14 -0800
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] removal

Please remove me from the email list.
TheUWfarm mailing list

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kay Yu Yuan Chai <chaik@uw.edu>
To: theuwfarm@u.washington.edu
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:58:23 -0800
Subject: Attention: Responses to [TheUWfarm] Listserv removal
If any of you would like to be removed from the listserv, please click
on your subscription options
(http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm), login,
and change to non-subscriber. Please do not reply to this listserv
because everyone else on the mailing list will be getting your
requests. Thank you for your consideration.


>> _______________________________________________
>> TheUWfarm mailing list
>> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
>> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
> _______________________________________________
> TheUWfarm mailing list
> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Samuel Goldstein <samuelleongoldstein@gmail.com>
To: Diem Nguyen <diemng@uw.edu>
Cc: "TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu" <TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 21:58:52 -0800
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] Removal
I would like to be removed as well,

Thank you!

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:14 PM, Diem Nguyen <diemng@uw.edu> wrote:
I'd like to be removed from the mailing list.

Diem (Mary) Nguyen
VSA UW 2011-2012
McCarty Pride Committee Chair
McCarty Hall Council 2011-2012
TheUWfarm mailing list

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: urban farmers <theuwfarm@gmail.com>
To: urban farmers <theUWfarm@u.washington.edu>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:49:27 -0800

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO- click on your subscription options
(http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm), login,
and change to non-subscriber. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO- Reply to this listserv,
as everyone else on the mailing list will be getting your
requests, and you will not be unsubscribed. 

We would like to apologize for all the listerve members for the spam that you've been receiving from people attempting to unsubscribe. We are currently looking for a way to prevent this from happening. 

Thank you

The UW Farm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rae Louise Moore <raelou@uw.edu>
To: theuwfarm@u.washington.edu
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 20:23:40 -0800
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Final Date for the Botany Greenhouse Tour for UW Farmers and Farm Friends!
Hello, all!

I sent out an Email a few weeks ago suggesting a tour of the Botany Greenhouse for UW Farmers.  We now have a confirmed date!  The tour will be from 2:30-3:30 this coming Monday, the 31st of January!  If you've ever wanted to learn more about the wonderful, exotic space which houses and supports the UW Farm, this is the opportunity.  Please shoot me a quick Email to confirm you will be attending.  Very much looking forward to seeing you all there!

~Rae Moore
UW Farm Coordinator, CUH Space

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mollie Tarte <mollietarte@gmail.com>
To: theuwfarm@u.washington.edu
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 12:50:37 -0800
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Fwd: Volunteer and internship opportunities with Seattle Tilth!
Hey farmers,

Check out these great internship/volunteer opportunities with Seattle Tilth!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Iberle <ChrisIberle@seattletilth.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Volunteer and internship opportunities with Seattle Tilth!
To: mollietarte@gmail.com, Michelle Venetucci Harvey <michelle.ann.harvey@gmail.com>

Dear Michelle, Molly and the UW Student Farm,

Seattle Tilth has many great volunteer and internship opportunities available that may be of interest to folks involved with the UW Student Farm, so I wanted to pass them along.  We would appreciate your help getting the word out to your community by forwarding it on or posting it where ever you can!  Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

Get Involved with Environmental Education & Sustainable Agriculture in 2012
– Volunteer & Intern Opportunities with Seattle Tilth

Seattle Tilth volunteers gain work experience in nonprofit organization, education, volunteer coordination,  garden and farm stewardship, and more. They have fun working in the community and contribute greatly to Seattle Tilth.

Interns make a more significant commitment than other volunteers and gain a more rewarding experience in return. You do not need to be a student. Review the descriptions linked below, then apply by submitting a resume, cover letter and any other materials specified to the email address indicated in the description. You need not attend a volunteer orientation to apply or start your internship but please fill out our online application at http://seattletilth.org/get-involved/volunteer/volunteerapplicationsf.

Teaching Internships

  • Children's Garden Teaching Intern
    Lead small groups of children through our garden curriculum where they learn about the different plants and critters.  Starts in Feb.
  • Cooking Club Intern with Community Kitchens NW
    Learn how to support a kitchen lead to coordinate a ten-week cooking-based nutrition education club at a partner agency in the community.
  • Youth Mentor with Seattle Youth Garden Works (SYGW)
    Gain hands-on experience in organic farm production and youth development while working alongside Seattle Tilth staff and underserved youth at the SYGW farm. Application due Feb. 20.

Garden/Farm Internships

§  Garden Steward Interns
Learn about sustainable landscape management and organic food gardening while practicing leadership skills in one or more of Seattle Tilth's gardens in north, southeast, central Seattle, or Issaquah.

§  Farm Steward Internship at Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands (RBUFW)
Help jump-start programming and landscape stewardship at the ten-acre commercial nursery and wetlands site in Rainier Beach neighborhood. 

§  Marketing & Distribution Internship at Seattle Tilth Farm Works
Work closely with the program managers, educators, participants, and other interns to successfully market and distribute produce for this production learning farm for new immigrant and low-income farmers. Application deadline Feb. 1.

§  Garden Build Intern for Just Garden Project
Work with the Just Garden Project to coordinate and oversee building of 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

§  Construction Coordinator Intern for Just Garden Project
Working with Just Garden Project garden build team and volunteer coordinator, you will coordinate and oversee materials, delivery and program coordination for the building of 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

Events Internships

·         March & May Edible Plant Sale Intern
Provide support to Seattle Tilth's Plant Sale event team by coordinating plant material, non-profits, volunteers, vendors, and more. Recruit potential participants, track all paperwork and communications, communicate with the Event Manager regularly and coordinate with other staff and volunteers to create a successful event and gain event organizing experience.

Administrative Internships

§  Administrative Office Intern
Learn about the inner workings of a non-profit organization while gaining non-profit administrative experience and supporting all of Seattle Tilth's programs.

§  Adult Education Administrative Intern
Support our organic garden education program with your administrative skills.

§  Volunteer Coordinator Intern for Just Garden Project
Working with Just Garden Project staff, coordinate and oversee volunteers for building 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

Volunteers bring Seattle Tilth's mission to life. There are opportunities all over the greater Seattle area, whether you want to be involved once a week, month, or year in our:

§  children's garden programs, Volunteer with groups of children as they engage all their senses through exploration and hands on activities in the Seattle Tilth Children's Garden

§  community learning gardens and farms (Wallingford, Rainier Beach, Mt. Baker, or Issaquah)

§  community events - volunteers needed prior to and during the March 17th Edible Plant Sale!  Contact chrisiberle@seattletilth.org for more information.

§  office

§  drop-in work parties - a great way to get to know different gardens, farms and programs, learn new skills, meet new people, and more on upcoming Saturdays – no orientation needed

The best way to get involved in Seattle Tilth's volunteer and intern program is by filing out a Volunteer / Intern Application and then attending a Volunteer Orientation. Next up:

§  Mon., February 13, 6-7:15 p.m. in Wallingford's Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 100, Seattle 98103

§  Tues., February 28, 6–7 p.m. in Southeast Seattle at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands, 5513 S. Cloverdale St

Find all of this information and more on our website: http://seattletilth.org/get-involved/volunteer



Chris Iberle
Events & Volunteer Manager
Seattle Tilth
4649 Sunnyside Ave N., Suite 100
Seattle, WA  98103
(206) 633-0451 ext. 119

Make a gift to support Seattle Tilth this year!

Seattle Tilth inspires and educates people to grow their own food organically, conserve natural resources and support local food systems in order to cultivate a healthy urban environment and community.


TheUWfarm mailing list



Please take note of the following instructions-

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO- click on your subscription options
(http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm), login,
and change to non-subscriber. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO- Reply to this listserv,
as everyone else on the mailing list will be getting your
requests, and you will not be unsubscribed

We would like to apologize for all the listerve members for the spam that you've been receiving from people attempting to unsubscribe. We are currently looking for a way to prevent this from happening. 

Thank you

The UW Farm

[TheUWfarm] Remove from email list


i would also like to be removed from the email list.

Alexa Halling
On Jan 28, 2012, at 12:51 PM, theuwfarm-request@mailman2.u.washington.edu wrote:

Send TheUWfarm mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of TheUWfarm digest..."
Today's Topics:

  1. Remove from email list (Noelle Le Tourneau)
  2. Remove from email list (Indigo Strieker)
  3. Removal (Sarah Zdancewicz)
  4. Removal (Diem Nguyen)
  5. removal (charlotte ho)
  6. Re: removal (Zach DeLuke)
  7. Re: removal (Alanah Bell)
  8. Attention: Responses to [TheUWfarm] Listserv removal
     (Kay Yu Yuan Chai)
  9. Re: Removal (Samuel Goldstein)
 11. Final Date for the Botany Greenhouse Tour for UW Farmers and
     Farm Friends! (Rae Louise Moore)
 12. Fwd: Volunteer and internship opportunities with Seattle
     Tilth! (Mollie Tarte)

From: Noelle Le Tourneau <nletourneau@live.com>
Date: January 26, 2012 5:18:40 PM PST
To: <theuwfarm@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Remove from email list


I would like to be removed from the UW Farm email listserv.

Thank you!

Noelle Le Tourneau

From: Indigo Strieker <indiglostrieker@yahoo.com>
Date: January 26, 2012 7:24:17 PM PST
To: "TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu" <TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Remove from email list
Reply-To: Indigo Strieker <indiglostrieker@yahoo.com>

Hi I would also like to be removed from the email list,
Indigo Strieker

<Mail Attachment.eml><Mail Attachment.eml>
From: charlotte ho <happyspider@hotmail.com>
Date: January 26, 2012 8:48:14 PM PST
To: <theuwfarm@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [TheUWfarm] removal

Please remove me from the email list.

From: Zach DeLuke <zachdeluke@gmail.com>
Date: January 26, 2012 8:52:54 PM PST
To: theuwfarm@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] removal

Please remove me too. Thanks!



On Jan 26, 2012 8:49 PM, "charlotte ho" <happyspider@hotmail.com> wrote:
Please remove me from the email list.

TheUWfarm mailing list

From: Alanah Bell <alanahbell@comcast.net>
Date: January 26, 2012 9:00:14 PM PST
To: TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] removal

Please remove me from the email list.
TheUWfarm mailing list

<Mail Attachment.eml>
From: Samuel Goldstein <samuelleongoldstein@gmail.com>
Date: January 26, 2012 9:58:52 PM PST
To: Diem Nguyen <diemng@uw.edu>
Cc: "TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu" <TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] Removal

I would like to be removed as well,

Thank you!

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:14 PM, Diem Nguyen <diemng@uw.edu> wrote:
I'd like to be removed from the mailing list.

Diem (Mary) Nguyen
VSA UW 2011-2012
McCarty Pride Committee Chair
McCarty Hall Council 2011-2012
TheUWfarm mailing list

From: urban farmers <theuwfarm@gmail.com>
Date: January 27, 2012 11:49:27 AM PST
To: urban farmers <theUWfarm@u.washington.edu>


WHAT YOU SHOULD DO- click on your subscription options
(http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm), login,
and change to non-subscriber. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO- Reply to this listserv,
as everyone else on the mailing list will be getting your
requests, and you will not be unsubscribed. 

We would like to apologize for all the listerve members for the spam that you've been receiving from people attempting to unsubscribe. We are currently looking for a way to prevent this from happening. 

Thank you

The UW Farm

From: Rae Louise Moore <raelou@uw.edu>
Date: January 27, 2012 8:23:40 PM PST
To: theuwfarm@u.washington.edu
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Final Date for the Botany Greenhouse Tour for UW Farmers and Farm Friends!

Hello, all!

I sent out an Email a few weeks ago suggesting a tour of the Botany Greenhouse for UW Farmers.  We now have a confirmed date!  The tour will be from 2:30-3:30 this coming Monday, the 31st of January!  If you've ever wanted to learn more about the wonderful, exotic space which houses and supports the UW Farm, this is the opportunity.  Please shoot me a quick Email to confirm you will be attending.  Very much looking forward to seeing you all there!

~Rae Moore
UW Farm Coordinator, CUH Space

From: Mollie Tarte <mollietarte@gmail.com>
Date: January 28, 2012 12:50:37 PM PST
To: theuwfarm@u.washington.edu
Subject: [TheUWfarm] Fwd: Volunteer and internship opportunities with Seattle Tilth!

Hey farmers,

Check out these great internship/volunteer opportunities with Seattle Tilth!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Iberle <ChrisIberle@seattletilth.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Volunteer and internship opportunities with Seattle Tilth!
To: mollietarte@gmail.com, Michelle Venetucci Harvey <michelle.ann.harvey@gmail.com>

Dear Michelle, Molly and the UW Student Farm,

Seattle Tilth has many great volunteer and internship opportunities available that may be of interest to folks involved with the UW Student Farm, so I wanted to pass them along.  We would appreciate your help getting the word out to your community by forwarding it on or posting it where ever you can!  Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

Get Involved with Environmental Education & Sustainable Agriculture in 2012
– Volunteer & Intern Opportunities with Seattle Tilth

Seattle Tilth volunteers gain work experience in nonprofit organization, education, volunteer coordination,  garden and farm stewardship, and more. They have fun working in the community and contribute greatly to Seattle Tilth.

Interns make a more significant commitment than other volunteers and gain a more rewarding experience in return. You do not need to be a student. Review the descriptions linked below, then apply by submitting a resume, cover letter and any other materials specified to the email address indicated in the description. You need not attend a volunteer orientation to apply or start your internship but please fill out our online application at http://seattletilth.org/get-involved/volunteer/volunteerapplicationsf.

<image003.jpg>Teaching Internships

  • Children's Garden Teaching Intern
    Lead small groups of children through our garden curriculum where they learn about the different plants and critters.  Starts in Feb.
  • Cooking Club Intern with Community Kitchens NW
    Learn how to support a kitchen lead to coordinate a ten-week cooking-based nutrition education club at a partner agency in the community.
  • Youth Mentor with Seattle Youth Garden Works (SYGW)
    Gain hands-on experience in organic farm production and youth development while working alongside Seattle Tilth staff and underserved youth at the SYGW farm. Application due Feb. 20.

Garden/Farm Internships

§  Garden Steward Interns
<image005.jpg>Learn about sustainable landscape management and organic food gardening while practicing leadership skills in one or more of Seattle Tilth's gardens in north, southeast, central Seattle, or Issaquah.

§  Farm Steward Internship at Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands (RBUFW)
Help jump-start programming and landscape stewardship at the ten-acre commercial nursery and wetlands site in Rainier Beach neighborhood. 

§  Marketing & Distribution Internship at Seattle Tilth Farm Works
Work closely with the program managers, educators, participants, and other interns to successfully market and distribute produce for this production learning farm for new immigrant and low-income farmers. Application deadline Feb. 1.

§  Garden Build Intern for Just Garden Project
Work with the Just Garden Project to coordinate and oversee building of 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

§  Construction Coordinator Intern for Just Garden Project
Working with Just Garden Project garden build team and volunteer coordinator, you will coordinate and oversee materials, delivery and program coordination for the building of 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

Events Internships

·         March & May Edible Plant Sale Intern
Provide support to Seattle Tilth's Plant Sale event team by coordinating plant material, non-profits, volunteers, vendors, and more. Recruit potential participants, track all paperwork and communications, communicate with the Event Manager regularly and coordinate with other staff and volunteers to create a successful event and gain event organizing experience.

Administrative Internships

§  Administrative Office Intern
Learn about the inner workings of a non-profit organization while gaining non-profit administrative experience and supporting all of Seattle Tilth's programs.

§  Adult Education Administrative Intern
Support our organic garden education program with your administrative skills.

§  Volunteer Coordinator Intern for Just Garden Project
Working with Just Garden Project staff, coordinate and oversee volunteers for building 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

Volunteers bring Seattle Tilth's mission to life. There are opportunities all over the greater Seattle area, whether you want to be involved once a week, month, or year in our:

§  children's garden programs, Volunteer with groups of children as they engage all their senses through exploration and hands on activities in the Seattle Tilth Children's Garden

§  community learning gardens and farms (Wallingford, Rainier Beach, Mt. Baker, or Issaquah)

§  community events - volunteers needed prior to and during the March 17th Edible Plant Sale!  Contact chrisiberle@seattletilth.org for more information.

§  office

§  drop-in work parties - a great way to get to know different gardens, farms and programs, learn new skills, meet new people, and more on upcoming Saturdays – no orientation needed

The best way to get involved in Seattle Tilth's volunteer and intern program is by filing out a Volunteer / Intern Application and then attending a Volunteer Orientation. Next up:

§  Mon., February 13, 6-7:15 p.m. in Wallingford's Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 100, Seattle 98103

§  Tues., February 28, 6–7 p.m. in Southeast Seattle at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands, 5513 S. Cloverdale St

Find all of this information and more on our website: http://seattletilth.org/get-involved/volunteer



Chris Iberle
Events & Volunteer Manager
Seattle Tilth
4649 Sunnyside Ave N., Suite 100
Seattle, WA  98103
(206) 633-0451 ext. 119

Make a gift to support Seattle Tilth this year!

Seattle Tilth inspires and educates people to grow their own food organically, conserve natural resources and support local food systems in order to cultivate a healthy urban environment and community.



TheUWfarm mailing list

Alexa Halling

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: Volunteer and internship opportunities with Seattle Tilth!

Hey farmers,

Check out these great internship/volunteer opportunities with Seattle Tilth!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Iberle <ChrisIberle@seattletilth.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Volunteer and internship opportunities with Seattle Tilth!
To: mollietarte@gmail.com, Michelle Venetucci Harvey <michelle.ann.harvey@gmail.com>

Dear Michelle, Molly and the UW Student Farm,

Seattle Tilth has many great volunteer and internship opportunities available that may be of interest to folks involved with the UW Student Farm, so I wanted to pass them along.  We would appreciate your help getting the word out to your community by forwarding it on or posting it where ever you can!  Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

Get Involved with Environmental Education & Sustainable Agriculture in 2012
– Volunteer & Intern Opportunities with Seattle Tilth

Seattle Tilth volunteers gain work experience in nonprofit organization, education, volunteer coordination,  garden and farm stewardship, and more. They have fun working in the community and contribute greatly to Seattle Tilth.

Interns make a more significant commitment than other volunteers and gain a more rewarding experience in return. You do not need to be a student. Review the descriptions linked below, then apply by submitting a resume, cover letter and any other materials specified to the email address indicated in the description. You need not attend a volunteer orientation to apply or start your internship but please fill out our online application at http://seattletilth.org/get-involved/volunteer/volunteerapplicationsf.

Teaching Internships

  • Children's Garden Teaching Intern
    Lead small groups of children through our garden curriculum where they learn about the different plants and critters.  Starts in Feb.
  • Cooking Club Intern with Community Kitchens NW
    Learn how to support a kitchen lead to coordinate a ten-week cooking-based nutrition education club at a partner agency in the community.
  • Youth Mentor with Seattle Youth Garden Works (SYGW)
    Gain hands-on experience in organic farm production and youth development while working alongside Seattle Tilth staff and underserved youth at the SYGW farm. Application due Feb. 20.

Garden/Farm Internships

§  Garden Steward Interns
Learn about sustainable landscape management and organic food gardening while practicing leadership skills in one or more of Seattle Tilth's gardens in north, southeast, central Seattle, or Issaquah.

§  Farm Steward Internship at Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands (RBUFW)
Help jump-start programming and landscape stewardship at the ten-acre commercial nursery and wetlands site in Rainier Beach neighborhood. 

§  Marketing & Distribution Internship at Seattle Tilth Farm Works
Work closely with the program managers, educators, participants, and other interns to successfully market and distribute produce for this production learning farm for new immigrant and low-income farmers. Application deadline Feb. 1.

§  Garden Build Intern for Just Garden Project
Work with the Just Garden Project to coordinate and oversee building of 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

§  Construction Coordinator Intern for Just Garden Project
Working with Just Garden Project garden build team and volunteer coordinator, you will coordinate and oversee materials, delivery and program coordination for the building of 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

Events Internships

·         March & May Edible Plant Sale Intern
Provide support to Seattle Tilth's Plant Sale event team by coordinating plant material, non-profits, volunteers, vendors, and more. Recruit potential participants, track all paperwork and communications, communicate with the Event Manager regularly and coordinate with other staff and volunteers to create a successful event and gain event organizing experience.

Administrative Internships

§  Administrative Office Intern
Learn about the inner workings of a non-profit organization while gaining non-profit administrative experience and supporting all of Seattle Tilth's programs.

§  Adult Education Administrative Intern
Support our organic garden education program with your administrative skills.

§  Volunteer Coordinator Intern for Just Garden Project
Working with Just Garden Project staff, coordinate and oversee volunteers for building 30 new backyard food gardens for low income families in King County in 2012.

Volunteers bring Seattle Tilth's mission to life. There are opportunities all over the greater Seattle area, whether you want to be involved once a week, month, or year in our:

§  children's garden programs, Volunteer with groups of children as they engage all their senses through exploration and hands on activities in the Seattle Tilth Children's Garden

§  community learning gardens and farms (Wallingford, Rainier Beach, Mt. Baker, or Issaquah)

§  community events - volunteers needed prior to and during the March 17th Edible Plant Sale!  Contact chrisiberle@seattletilth.org for more information.

§  office

§  drop-in work parties - a great way to get to know different gardens, farms and programs, learn new skills, meet new people, and more on upcoming Saturdays – no orientation needed

The best way to get involved in Seattle Tilth's volunteer and intern program is by filing out a Volunteer / Intern Application and then attending a Volunteer Orientation. Next up:

§  Mon., February 13, 6-7:15 p.m. in Wallingford's Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 100, Seattle 98103

§  Tues., February 28, 6–7 p.m. in Southeast Seattle at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands, 5513 S. Cloverdale St

Find all of this information and more on our website: http://seattletilth.org/get-involved/volunteer



Chris Iberle
Events & Volunteer Manager
Seattle Tilth
4649 Sunnyside Ave N., Suite 100
Seattle, WA  98103
(206) 633-0451 ext. 119

Make a gift to support Seattle Tilth this year!

Seattle Tilth inspires and educates people to grow their own food organically, conserve natural resources and support local food systems in order to cultivate a healthy urban environment and community.