Friday, September 30, 2011

[TheUWfarm] September 30 FarmWeek Newsletter Now Available!

header events updates community

30 September 2011


Welcome Back Farmers!


We hope you've had a good summer break (for those who had been on the beautiful, fruit-laden farm in the summer, of course you've had one!) At this unusually sunny start of the Fall 2011 Quarter, we will once again gather and train all current and aspiring farmers, and sow the seeds for a great year ahead! Check out the many happenings and volunteer opportunities beyond our school community too. Hope to see you all at our next All-Farm Meeting.



UW Farmers

Recurring Farm Events

All-Farm Meeting

Wed, Oct 5, 6-7pm, Botany Greenhouse

Want to know more about whats happening at the farm and what kinds of committees there are to get involved in? Come meet the farm leaders and other interested farmers!

View our calendar for updates on new events or schedule changes.

Farm Updates

New Blog Posts!

  • So many leeks on the farm...what can we do with them? Find out here!
  • Learn about our summer intern Amanda's trip to the at UC Santa Cruz.

News from the Committees

Dirty Dozen

First meeting of Fall 2011

Mon, Oct. 3, 7:30-8:30am, Botany Greenhouse

Become an integral and dedicated farm member by being on our core workforce, the Dirty Dozen. Sign up here!

Orientation/CUH Work Party

Sat, Oct. 8

9-11am : Botany Greenhouse, 11am-3pm : CUH space

Learn some basic farm skills and then come see and work on the new CUH space!

Back to School: Join the Autumn Farm Lunch Seminar

Every Tuesday is the farm seminar. It is offered for credit, but many people attend without registering. The seminar is a great way to meet students involved in sustainable and urban agriculture and the class covers a wide range of topics such as growing fruit trees and how to become a certified organic farm. More information here.

In the Community

Seattle Tilth: Volunteers Needed for Seattle Youth Garden Works Green Gala & Auction

October 3

In support of Seattle Youth Garden Works at the Mountaineers Club in Sandpoint, Seattle Tilth will be holding a Green Gala & Auction on the 1st of October. Volunteers are needed to help with everything from food serving, auction item organization & support, take-down, and more. For more information and signing-up, please view this link.

Just Garden: Resting and Planning: Winter for Gardens

October 3, Seattle Tilth & October 4, Burien Library, 7 pm - 8:30 pm.

After your first successful year of gardening you can build a foundation for your second successful year. This workshop is free and open to the public. Visit the site or contact for more information.

TEDxFruitvale: Care about Farmworkers? Host a Viewing Party

Friday, October 14

The TEDxFruitvale conference presents a 360-degree view of these key contributors to our food system, as well as related labor movements and businesses that care about fair labor practices. Get involved by hosting a viewing party of the live webcast! Visit TEDxFruitvale to register, or email viewing parties coordinator Liz Sullivan.

media_buttons Facebook Twitter Blog E-mail Website
Hello Farmers,

The UW Farm newsletter is back from its summer break. Have a good start of school (and farm work)!

UW Farm Social Media Team

[TheUWfarm] September 30 FarmWeek Newsletter Now Available!

header events updates community

30 September 2011


Welcome Back Farmers!


We hope you've had a good summer break (for those who had been on the beautiful, fruit-laden farm in the summer, of course you've had one!) At this unusually sunny start of the Fall 2011 Quarter, we will once again gather and train all current and aspiring farmers, and sow the seeds for a great year ahead! Check out the many happenings and volunteer opportunities beyond our school community too. Hope to see you all at our next All-Farm Meeting.



UW Farmers

Recurring Farm Events

All-Farm Meeting

Wed, Oct 5, 6-7pm, Botany Greenhouse

Want to know more about whats happening at the farm and what kinds of committees there are to get involved in? Come meet the farm leaders and other interested farmers!

View our calendar for updates on new events or schedule changes.

Farm Updates

New Blog Posts!

  • So many leeks on the farm...what can we do with them? Find out here!
  • Learn about our summer intern Amanda's trip to the at UC Santa Cruz.

News from the Committees

Dirty Dozen

First meeting of Fall 2011

Mon, Oct. 3, 7:30-8:30am, Botany Greenhouse

Become an integral and dedicated farm member by being on our core workforce, the Dirty Dozen. Sign up here!

Orientation/CUH Work Party

Sat, Oct. 8

9-11am : Botany Greenhouse, 11am-3pm : CUH space

Learn some basic farm skills and then come see and work on the new CUH space!

Back to School: Join the Autumn Farm Lunch Seminar

Every Tuesday is the farm seminar. It is offered for credit, but many people attend without registering. The seminar is a great way to meet students involved in sustainable and urban agriculture and the class covers a wide range of topics such as growing fruit trees and how to become a certified organic farm. More information here.

In the Community

Seattle Tilth: Volunteers Needed for Seattle Youth Garden Works Green Gala & Auction

October 3

In support of Seattle Youth Garden Works at the Mountaineers Club in Sandpoint, Seattle Tilth will be holding a Green Gala & Auction on the 1st of October. Volunteers are needed to help with everything from food serving, auction item organization & support, take-down, and more. For more information and signing-up, please view this link.

Just Garden: Resting and Planning: Winter for Gardens

October 3, Seattle Tilth & October 4, Burien Library, 7 pm - 8:30 pm.

After your first successful year of gardening you can build a foundation for your second successful year. This workshop is free and open to the public. Visit the site or contact for more information.

TEDxFruitvale: Care about Farmworkers? Host a Viewing Party

Friday, October 14

The TEDxFruitvale conference presents a 360-degree view of these key contributors to our food system, as well as related labor movements and businesses that care about fair labor practices. Get involved by hosting a viewing party of the live webcast! Visit TEDxFruitvale to register, or email viewing parties coordinator Liz Sullivan.

media_buttons Facebook Twitter Blog E-mail Website
Hello Farmers,

The UW Farm newsletter is back from its summer break. Have a good start of school (and farm work)!

UW Farm Social Media Team

Thursday, September 29, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Next Week at the farm- Dirty Dozen and All Farm Meeting

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to remind you all that next monday is the first Dirty Dozen meeting at 7:30 am in the greenhouse. If you would like to join this fall volunteer crew please sign up here (

Also- Wednesday at 6:00pm in the Botany Greenhouse ( there will be an all farm meeting! With a new farmer tour at 5:30!
(sorry for everyone I told it was at 5!)

Any questions, feel free to ask!
Happy eatin'!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[TheUWfarm] my hours this quarter!

Hello everyone, I just wanted to tell ya'll that my hours this quarter are going to be 
Tuesday/Thursday: 9:30-12:30
Mon/Wed/Fre: 8:30-10:30

So, always feel free to come down during those times and hang out with me! Lot's of cool stuff growing- great projects to come, great heaps of compost to build, honey to eat, corn to harvest, etc, etc!!

farm out!

Monday, September 26, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Volunteering for SAF and Rototilling Madness!

Hello farmers!

A couple of things to update you all on:

We are tabling at the SAF fair on Wednesday and Thursday!  I initially sent out a doodle poll that did not encompass all the times, so here is a link to the new poll!  If you are available to get the word out about how awesome the UW Farm is, please sign up for a shift.  The times are 9:30-2:30.  (Apologies to the Farm Visioners, who will be receiving this twice.)

Also, for those of you who don't know yet, last week we got a ROTOTILLER for the CUH site!  It was a great adventure, and if anyone would like to be educated as to the ins and outs of rototiller operation and get a chance to rototill some of the UW Farm, please join me at 9:30 this Thursday morning!  (That's Sept 29th.)  Please shoot me an Email at if you intend to show up.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

[TheUWfarm] longshot, but who wants to start an urban farm?

there's a .41 ac property available near seattle (206th sw lynwood) with a greenhouse, large shop, and 1400 sf house.  would make an awesome urban teaching farm imho.  would anyone be into making this happen?  

[TheUWfarm] Re: Want to Join Fall volunteer crew?!

Hey All, here's a link to a sign up sheet!


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Julia Reed <> wrote:
Hey everyone! I'm recruiting for the fall volunteer crew ('Dirty Dozen') at the UW FARM!
We will meet monday mornings at 7:30 and have potluck style- breakfasts, make the to-do list for the week, and teach each other about the in and outs of running a student farm! It's always great fun!
And being on the crew means committing to two hours of volunteering a week! booya!

This is a really fun and great way to meet fellow farmers/ students and learn about growing food! Please let me know asap if you're interested!
Also- look forward to a field trip at some point in the quarter! In the past we've gone on weekend trips to farms on the San Juans, Southwestern Washington, and others. Always a blast!

Feel free to email me with questions. Our first meeting will be Monday the 3rd at 7:30 in the Botany Greenhouse and Orientation will be that next weekend!



[TheUWfarm] Want to Join Fall volunteer crew?!

Hey everyone! I'm recruiting for the fall volunteer crew ('Dirty Dozen') at the UW FARM!
We will meet monday mornings at 7:30 and have potluck style- breakfasts, make the to-do list for the week, and teach each other about the in and outs of running a student farm! It's always great fun!
And being on the crew means committing to two hours of volunteering a week! booya!

This is a really fun and great way to meet fellow farmers/ students and learn about growing food! Please let me know asap if you're interested!
Also- look forward to a field trip at some point in the quarter! In the past we've gone on weekend trips to farms on the San Juans, Southwestern Washington, and others. Always a blast!

Feel free to email me with questions. Our first meeting will be Monday the 3rd at 7:30 in the Botany Greenhouse and Orientation will be that next weekend!



[TheUWfarm] Fwd: Volunteer/Attend Seattle Youth Garden Works Green Gala & Auction on Oct. 1

Hey farm dudes! 
If anyone is free to help out Seattle Youth Garden Works with this auction, they could really use you help! (see below!)

right on!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Iberle <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: Volunteer/Attend Seattle Youth Garden Works Green Gala & Auction on Oct. 1
To: Michelle Venetucci Harvey <>
Cc: Mollie Tarte <>, Julia Reed <>, Kay <>

Volunteers Needed for Seattle Youth Garden Works Green Gala & Auction

On October 1st, Seattle Tilth is holding a Green Gala & Auction to support Seattle Youth Garden Works at the Mountaineers Club in Sandpoint.  By volunteering for this event, you'll be a part of a great night of gardens, fun, and youth empowerment.  It's a great way to further the Seattle Youth Garden Works program and get experience helping at a fundraising event.  Volunteers are needed to help with everything from food serving, auction item organization & support, take-down, and more. You can sign-up for a job and shift online at, and we'll be in touch with a confirmation and more details as the event approaches.  We appreciate your support! 



Chris Iberle
Events & Volunteer Manager
Seattle Tilth
4649 Sunnyside Ave N., Suite 100
Seattle, WA  98103
(206) 633-0451 ext. 119

Seattle Tilth inspires and educates people to grow their own food organically, conserve natural resources and support local food systems in order to cultivate a healthy urban environment and community.


Monday, September 19, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Whats up at the Farm? Upcoming events........

Hello Farmer Friends!

Welcome back to the new school year! As we sail into autumn, there are lots of cool opportunities to get involved at the farm! Here is a list of upcoming events, so come to one, come to all, or just drop in whenever! I am usually at the farm from about 11-4ish on weekdays, weeding, starting, harvesting, composting etc. Feel free to email me - - with any questions, or whatever.

Tour of Tours - Wed, Sept 21, 1pm,  Botany Greenhouse - A skill share about giving tours, some helpful hints, facts, tips, conversation starters or whatever. Bring a notebook and pencil and your touring knowledge and experience, or eagerness to start giving tours!

Dawg Daze Pizza Bake - Mon, Sept 26, 3-6pm, Cobb Oven - Come meet cool people and eat delicious pizza! Bring a topping to share and lots of friends!

Student Activities Fair - Wed and Thurs, Sept 28 and 29, 9:30am-2:30pm, Red Square - Swing by and say hi, eat some wheelbarrow salad, or sign up for a shift to talk about the farm and wear a carrot costume!

1st Dirty Dozen Meeting of Fall Quarter - Mon, Oct 3, 7:30-8:30am, Botany Greenhouse - Become an integral and dedicated farm member by being on the Dirty Dozen! What does it mean to be on the Dirty Dozen? Check it out:

All Farm Meeting - Wed, Oct 5, 6-7pm, Botany Greenhouse - Wanna know more about whats happening at the farm and what kinds of committees there are to get involved in? Come meet the farm leaders and other interested farmers!

Dirty Dozen Orientation/CUH Work Party - Sat, Oct 8, 9-11am @Botany Greenhouse, 11am-3pm @CUH space - Learn some basic farm skill with the Dirty Dozen and then come see and work on the new CUH space!

Lots of love and SUNSHINE!!!

Bennett Rahn

Friday, September 16, 2011

[TheUWfarm] trade for mushroom culture?

I'm looking for edible mushroom cultures. If you grow mushrooms, would you be willing to trade for a dozen beautiful eggs from my hens?
Rachel SN 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Last call for chicken crew!

Hey Everyone, 

Just wanted to send out one last reminder for those of you interested in the fall quarter chicken crew, I'll be putting together the schedule this week and sending it out this weekend so if you'd like a spot fill out this poll ASAP!

Amy Simons 

Monday, September 12, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Farm Hours This Week!


School is soon approaching and the farm needs more love now than ever!
Many farmers are busy this week - so if anyone can just stop by to
water or weed a smidge, it would make a world of difference! Seriously
- the farm needs some love! There is just a lot of general up-keeping
(like watering, weeding) that needs to be done, as well as adding some
compost to beds - some plants are ready to get out there and grow!

These are my hours this week if anyone would like to swing by and help
(and have a buddy there to keep you company)!

10 - 12:30

10 - 1

10 - 1

10 - 1

10 - 1

Hours may be scooted around and expect another CUH volunteer hours day
soon - this week even! Feel free to email me or give me a call at 425
941 0396 if you wanna meet up and farm!


Kelly Chandler
TheUWfarm mailing list

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[TheUWfarm] September FarmMonth Newsletter Now Available!

Hi Farmers!

Check out the September 2011 newsletter by clicking here! We will be back at the beginning of autumn quarter with more updates and news from around the community!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Farm Hours


Hey everyone! Due to a lot of people being out of town and busy right
before school, we have fewer people around the farm - we could always
use more help! We are amidst tidying things up before dog days events.
Even if you can only stop by for a few minutes to water, that still
would help (watering is oh so important)! So you don't feel alone on
the farm, here are the hours I will be around!

Also, on Friday it would be awesome to get as many people as possible
down to the new space at CUH (need directions? check out the farm
website at or email me for more
info)! We need volunteer hours down there in order to keep our new
space! The more the merrier! Please show if you can - I could also use
the company. :) I will be there from 12 - 3! If anyone needs a ride, I
can drive and pick people up from the farm!

Week of 9/5 - 9/9
11 - 3

11 - 3

11 - 3

12 - 3 --> Down at CUH volunteering!

Want to help out around the farm and not be alone, but those hours
don't jive for you? Feel free to email me and I will gladly scoot my
hours around!


Kelly Chandler
TheUWfarm mailing list

[TheUWfarm] Fall Quater CHICKEN CREW

Hey Everyone,

Hope you are soaking up the last weeks of summer as well as getting excited for fall quarter. New classes means we need a new crew to take care of the girls.  

If you've been looking for a fun way to get involved with the farm with a very small time commitment this is for you!  Weekly shifts only take 5-10 minutes, you get to keep all the eggs you find and the hens are really fun to work with.  

Please fill out the following poll with days/times that work best for you.  Only the dates of the first week are listed but each day/time represents that slot for the whole quarter. 

We will be having trainings for new folks and a crew get together/pot luck closer to the start of school so stay posted and fill out that poll!!

As always if you have any questions feel free to email me.

Amy Simons 

Monday, September 5, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Fwd: [Uwrfc] Real Food Challenge - Summer Training in Seattle!

Hey all- this is a really fun thing to go to! A couple of us went last year and the year before that and it was so much fun! Read below!
and if you're unfamiliar with Real Food Challenge their website is quite informative! (
-- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephanie Iris Robinson <>
Date: Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:49 PM
Subject: [Uwrfc] Real Food Challenge - Summer Training in Seattle!

You received an earlier message this summer in June about getting involved in the Real Food Challenge movement through summer leadership trainings.  Guess what?  There is a training coming to you, right here in Seattle, NEXT WEEK!  From September 16 - 18, a group of 25 students from UW and other schools will come together for a weekend of learning, teamwork, and friendship through collaborative efforts around the topic of campus food sustainability.  We want you to join us!  Below, you will find what you can expect from the training.  Visit to learn more, or reply to this email with any questions you may have.

Stephanie Robinson
Real Food Challenge at UW

Each summer, RFC holds several regional leadership trainings, where campus real food leaders meet to learn about, reflect on, harvest, and cook real food in preparation for the coming academic year.

What can you expect from an RFC Leadership Training?

  • RFC and Movement 101: Introductions to the history of the Real Food Challenge and the larger food movement, including conversations on oppression and privilege in the context of food systems & avenues for mobilizing community power for positive social change.
  • Leadership Development: Workshops on strategic campaign planning, story telling, group facilitation, creative event planning, dining service contracts, and engaging community stakeholders.
  • Field trips to local farms and real food organizations
  • Community: Connect with new partners in this national student movement! Enjoy group meals, late-night jam sessions and dance parties with new friends!
  • Plans for the future: Students leave with new friends, concrete skills, and action plans, equipped with REAL goals for REAL change on campus come September.

This summer's trainings are coming soon! Join us for another powerful weekend of workshops, cooking, skill-shares, storytelling, strategizing, and all-around fun. Click here for more information!


Check out highlights from some of our past training!

uwRFC mailing list

Friday, September 2, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Article in PCC

Hey everyone! Check out this awesome article Helen wrote about us!

farm out!