Wednesday, January 29, 2014

[TheUWfarm] Community Potluck Reminder: Tomorrow, Thursday Jan. 30th

Hello all,

Quick reminder that our community potluck is tomorrow, Thursday Jan. 30th at 6pm at Mercer, not tonight!

Bring a dish to share and consider donating extra dish-ware. 

Hope to see you there!


Norah Hummel

UW Farm
Student Coordinator 

Monday, January 27, 2014

[TheUWfarm] UW Farm Newsletter Jan 27- Feb 2

Good Morning Farmers!

Here's what's up:


Are you taking care of our tea plants at CUH? Do you know who is? It's been a mystery to us who has been putting them under a cloche, etc. We've got hopes for them and would like to talk with you about it! Email Sarah at


Community Potluck Thursday the 30th @ 6pm at the Mercer Court Farm Club House. Bring friends and a dish to share. RSVP on Facebook. And please consider donating dish ware to the Farm party fund.  


Help restore Union Bay this Saturday Feb 1st @ 10. Details and RSVP

UWSFC Food Cart

The UW Student Food Cooperative needs just a second (literally) of your time. Fill out this quick survey to support the their initiative to start a food truck on the UW campus.


One Leaf is a 5-acre vegetable farm located in the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley. They adhere to the strictest principles of organic growing, however they choose not to be Certified Organic. The farm sells at three Seattle area farmers markets, and at several local restaurants. 2014 will be their fourth year in operations. Each year they improve growing practices, work more efficiently, and increase profits. And their looking for interns! Check out their ad for details.

Have a great week, get stuff done, and kiss a farmer!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

[TheUWfarm] Change in compost crew meeting time -sorry!!!

Hello Folks,

I had something come up last minute and have to change this week's
compost crew meeting to 10am-11am. If you can make it, please send me an
email so that if no one can make it I won't be walking into an empty
room. :) Sorry for the change!

Hope y'all enjoy the little bits of sunshine.


On 1/21/2014 12:22 PM, urban farmers wrote:
> Hello Farmers,
> Here's your Good Word for the week:
> *Compost Crew*
> The first Compost meeting will be this Friday the 24th from 9-10am in
> the Botany Green House. This week Kay will be lifting the lid on worm bins!
> *Jobs/Internships*
> The folks at Oxbow Farms in the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley have an
> Education Assistant position open, as well as several internship
> opportunities. Check out their website
> <> for position descriptions
> and how to apply.
> And just down the road, First Light Farm is also hiring and has
> internship opportunities geared towards high school and college
> students. Check the website
> <> for more details.
> *UW Farm Community Potluck*
> *
> *
> The Potluck will actually be /Thursday the 30th/ @ 6pm at the Mercer
> Court Farm Club House. Sorry for any inconvenience. Bring friends and a
> dish to share. And it's BYOMFT (Bring your own mug for tea).
> /
> /
> The Mercer Court Farm Club House is on the lowest (closest to Pacific)
> part of the western-most building of the Mercer area. Feel free to call
> Sarah if you have trouble finding it 206.550.4169.
> *Dish Donation*
> Speaking of Potlucks, the Club House wants your extra plates, bowls,
> silverware, mugs etc. Please leave everything outside the Club House
> door in the marked collection box, or bring them to the next potluck!
> Simplify your life, add lightness, recycle, and help the Farm throw more
> events. Win/Win/Win.
> </>
> *Work Party Success*
> Finally, we would like to thank everyone that came out and made last
> Saturday's work party a big success. We really appreciate the time and
> work everyone puts in at the Farm. Check out some photos
> <>!
> Thanks everyone and have a great week
> _______________________________________________
> TheUWfarm mailing list
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[TheUWfarm] UW Farm Newsletter Jan 21 - 26

Hello Farmers,

Here's your Good Word for the week:

Compost Crew

The first Compost meeting will be this Friday the 24th from 9-10am in the Botany Green House. This week Kay will be lifting the lid on worm bins!


The folks at Oxbow Farms in the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley have an Education Assistant position open, as well as several internship opportunities. Check out their website for position descriptions and how to apply.

And just down the road, First Light Farm is also hiring and has internship opportunities geared towards high school and college students. Check the website for more details.

UW Farm Community Potluck

The Potluck will actually be Thursday the 30th @ 6pm at the Mercer Court Farm Club House. Sorry for any inconvenience. Bring friends and a dish to share. And it's BYOMFT (Bring your own mug for tea).

The Mercer Court Farm Club House is on the lowest (closest to Pacific) part of the western-most building of the Mercer area.  Feel free to call Sarah if you have trouble finding it 206.550.4169. 

Dish Donation

Speaking of Potlucks, the Club House wants your extra plates, bowls, silverware, mugs etc. Please leave everything outside the Club House door in the marked collection box, or bring them to the next potluck! Simplify your life, add lightness, recycle, and help the Farm throw more events. Win/Win/Win.  

Work Party Success

Finally, we would like to thank everyone that came out and made last Saturday's work party a big success. We really appreciate the time and work everyone puts in at the Farm. Check out some photos!

Thanks everyone and have a great week

Monday, January 13, 2014

[TheUWfarm] UW Farm Newsletter Jan 13-19

Hello Farmers!

Here's this weeks happenings:

Winter Quarter Volunteer Hours
Mondays: 8:30-11am Botany Greenhouse 
Tuesdays: 2-4pm Mercer 
Wednesdays: off
Thursdays: 2-4 CUH
Fridays: 12-2 CUH 
Every other Saturday: 10a-3pm, first work party is this Saturday 1/18.


During Winter Quarter, Farm Ed with Professor Ruesink will be on Mondays at 8:30-9:30am in the Botany Greenhouse

UW Farm Orientations 
Looking to fill your Service Learning requirements through the Carlson Center and the UW Farm? Interested in a quick overview of how to get involved at the Farm? Don't miss our Orientations, 4-5pm on both Monday 1/13 and Tuesday 1/14 at the Mercer Court Clubhouse*!

UW Farm Community Potluck

Wednesday, Jan 29 6pm at the Mercer Court Farm Club House*. Bring friends and a dish to share. 

(The Mercer Court Farm Club House is on the lowest (closest to Pacific) part of the western-most building of the Mercer area.  Feel free to call Sarah if you have trouble finding it (206.550.4169)

This Week in Compost
Our Compost Czar Kay is inviting everyone who was involved in the compost experiment (the one with tomato plants and 4 soil conditions) to send her a short email so she can give them credit as she writes up a mini report about this very successful experiment!

Kay is also looking for help from students to members of the community who have beyond-layperson knowledge of the properties of building materials like the many kinds of plastic, wood, etc. She needs help designing a worm bin prototype for Mercer Court. Anyone who is interested and able to help should contact her  at

And if you are interested in getting involved with the Compost Crew fill out this doodle poll to share when you are available to meet and compost!

Seattle Food & Water Watch

Every year, 2 million people contract antibiotic resistant infections. Seattle Food and Water Watch think that is 2 million too many. Unless  the rampant use of antibiotics on factory farms is reined in, the medicines people rely on won't work when they are truly needed. We have a chance to protect our antibiotics and public health starting here in Seattle– and they need your help.

Join us on Wednesday in Seattle to find out more about our new local campaign as part of a nationwide effort to rein in factory farms. RSVP here.


What: Food & Water Watch Healthy Farms, Healthy Families Campaign Kick Off Meeting

When: Wednesday 1/22, 2014 6:30pm- 7:30pm

Where: Northgate Library, 10548 Fifth Ave. N.E, Seattle, WA 98125
RSVP here

Our Farmers Kick Butt
Check out these photos of Farmers getting work done with a smile in last weeks wicked weather. 

Thanks everyone and have a great week

Monday, January 6, 2014

[TheUWfarm] UW Farm Newsletter for January 6th


Hope everyone has had a wonderful winter break! Here's what's happening in and around the farm these days: 

Winter Quarter Volunteer Hours, beginning this week! 
Mondays: 8:30-11am Botany Greenhouse 
Tuesdays: 2-4pm Mercer 
Wednesdays: off
Thursdays: 2-4 CUH
Fridays: 12-2 CUH 
Every other Saturday: 10a-3pm, first work party and locations TBA

For those interested in Compost Crew, a message from our Compost Coordinator, Kay

Hello farmers, the compost crew will be back in action the 2nd week of the quarter! Please vote for a compost crew meeting time:"

During Winter Quarter, Farm Ed will be on Mondays at 8:30-9:30am. There's no farm ed today, but looking ahead to Jan 13, Professor Ruesink will teach us how to test seeds for viability and to watch them germinate! 

Seed Selection
We'll be looking through catalogues and choosing what will grow at the farm this season on Thursday the 16th at 7:00pm. Anyone's welcome to join, please RSVP to Lexie at

Environmental Education Volunteer Opportunity
Leschi Elementary, a Seattle Public School located in the heart of the Central District, started a new school garden October 2013.  The kids and parents just love it!  However, they need help from volunteers to keep the garden growing and to teach the kiddos essentials on basic food growing.  If you love working with kids and you have availability Fridays throughout the school year, give the garden coordinator a shout at   

UW Farm Orientations 
Looking to fill your Service Learning requirements through the Carlson Center and the UW Farm? Interested in a quick overview of how to get involved at the farm? Don't miss our Orientations, 4-5pm on both Monday 1/13 and Tuesday 1/14 at the Mercer Court Clubhouse*!

*The Mercer Court Farm Club House is on the lowest (closest to Pacific) part of the western-most building of the Mercer area.  Feel free to call me if you have trouble finding it (206.550.4169). 

Have a great first week of class!