Tuesday, June 22, 2010

[TheUWfarm] New Farm Interns and To Do LIst

Hello Farmers! Happy Summer! We have six interns this summer and I wanted to give you the hours we will for sure be down there, for those who want to volunteer when someone is there. But as always, feel free to come down whenever your heart desires!
The interns currently are me (Julia), Katie, Mollie, Sylvia, Sam, and later on, Joseph. 
At least one of us will be at the farm:
Monday: 9-3:30
Tuesday: 8:30-1:30
Wednesday: 9-4:30
Thursday: 8:30-1:30
Friday:9:30 to 12:00
Nina, The farm Director, will also be down at the farm this summer, so look to her for advice and such.

Also, here is the To-Do list for the week. It's a great, sunny week to come down and get your hands dirty! As usual, this list will be posted on the outside of the farm cabinet as well.
  1. Eat peas!
  2. Sow summer squash in rose pots
  3. White fly maggot removal on kale- A8
  4. Cut in cover fava- B11
  5. Wheelbarrow dirt, grass clippings and other greens from yard waste pile to compost
  6. Harvest all flowering cilantro beds
  7. Harvest arugula
  8. Heap dirt (from yard waste pile) on potatoes- C7 and C12
  9. Side-dress cabbage with compost- C8
  10. Harvest Broccoli- C8 and C10
  11. Re-stake tomatoes with taller stakes- C9
  12. Pick flowers off of chives and eat!- C11
  13. Harvest Chard- C12
  14. Weed Milpa bed
  15. Keep eye on fennel (near herb spiral) for harvest
  16. Research Wapato
  17. Build Kiwi Trellis
  18. Build Compost pile
  19. Shift Compost piles
  20. Rake up horse poo and compost it, throw out the mixed-in cardboard (near compost piles)
  21. Clean, dry, and put away tarp near compost bins
  22. Weed around the mushroom log
  23. Sow buckwheat cover into D13
  24. Clear out collards in D12
  25. Side-dress Rhubarb with compost-D11
  26. Clear out New Zealand spinach, feed to chickens- D16
  27. String tomatoes higher- D
  28. Plant something in empty black buckets in section D
  29. Weed D4 and surrounding area
  30. Weed sunflower bed directly behind yard waste pile
  31. Water buckets on the other side of fence behind the chicken coop
  32. Stake Chard and label that we're letting it go to seed- right next to the SE corner of greenhouse


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