Wednesday, August 31, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Farm Coordinator lying fallow
I am leaving the UW Farm for awhile, stepping down as Farm Coordinator for the Fall. It has been a spring and summer of tremendous physical and intellectual growth of our spaces, with growing pains to boot. As a patch of soil, I need a break from production and a good long while lying fallow.
There are so many exciting potentials in this organization right now, and I look forward to seeing the ways in which others step up to realize them. Community around plants, dirt, local food, and poultry is, and always will be, the very greatest!
Best in dirt,
[TheUWfarm] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Monday, August 29, 2011
Your Toodledo Account is Expiring
We have made a ton of improvements to Toodledo in the last year that may interest you. Why not check it out? If you want to keep your account, all you need to do is sign in. Or, if you want to permanently delete your account, you can sign in and quickly do this from the account settings page.
Your account is registered under:
[TheUWfarm] Farm hours this week
Here's when people will for sure be at the Farm(s) this week!
GH: 10-1
GH: 10-2:15
CUH: 2:30-5:30 (meeting 4:30-5:30 there)
GH: 10-12:45
CUH: 1-4 (volunteer hours in exchange for our space! Please come help :)
Fri TBA - potential goat-poop pick up and compost building! Email with interest
GH: 10-4
[TheUWfarm] Anyone have a pick up truck for poop?
We're trying to pick up a load of goat poop for our compost this Friday, 9/2. Does anyone have a pick up truck that they'd be willing to lend? We'd put down tarps, promise. :)
Please write back by Wednesday if you can help. Thanks!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Free Farm starter plants!
There are some free Farm soil-block-starter savoy cabbages, kohlrabi, and broccoli on the big picnic table by the cob oven. They'll stay there until Friday, then'll get tossed.
H'ep yoselves!
Monday, August 22, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Farm hours this week
Intern Kelly and I are gonna need some help this week with Julia and Amanda gone, particularly at the green house site - lots of Fall crops to start, things to water (don't bet that this puny drizzle will last!), and tomatoes to eat! We've got a to-do list up and the planting chart is up to snuff. Also, don't be shy about stepping in for one of the meetings Tues or Wed at CUH - they're gonna be pretty interesting and I could use the student support!
Hours this week:
GH: Kelly (morning, 10-1ish)
CUH: Rachel, 1-3 (then an irrigation meeting with the Grounds Dept at 3!)
GH: Rach + Kelly 10-1
GH or CUH - Depending - if the gh space looks okay - TBA Wed: Rach + Kelly, 2:30-5:30
CUH (volunteer hours for the space) - 10-1
Re: [TheUWfarm] Bawk! Chicken Update
Hey Everyone,First I'd like to thank out wonderful summer chicken crew!!Unfortunately we did not have enough volunteers to keep the girls on the farm for the rest of the summer, but they will be back in September so we are looking for a fantastic fall quarter crew!!If you'd like a shift fall quarter please take a few seconds to fill out this poll: always if you have any questions about the ladies or want to know more about getting involved please shoot me an email!!Have a wonderful few last weeks of summer,Amy Simons
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] Bawk! Chicken Update
Saturday, August 20, 2011
[TheUWfarm] greetings, become an intern! grow the farm...
I am sitting know in the center of the Cedar Rock Preserve pondering the role of our farm and the impact it has had on all of us. Right now I am helping teach a course: Sustainable Agriculture and Forest Ecology on Shaw Island at UW's Cedar Rock Preserve.
We recently visited a farm (S&S Homestead) the farmer there suggested that the ultimate measure of a farm's success isn't the produce grown but the farmer it produces. Indeed I think this is the relationship we are trying to cultivate on our own small space in the middle of our urban campus. It isn't just about the produce we grow, but it is about the people we build in the process. It is about the skills we cultivate and the relationships we nurture.
The UW Farm is pleased to offer once again a credited opportunity for people interested in learning more about the farm and the process of growing food in urban settings. This internship - biology 399 is 3 credits. If you are interested in becoming an intern please read the description on the UW Farm Website ( and e-mail me your letter of interest.
If you can't become an intern this quarter please think of it in the future and consider instead becoming on one of our core group of volunteers - a member of the dirty dozen.
If you can't become a dirty dozen volunteer or an intern this quarter there are still plenty of ways to get involved, to grow food and become a small part of the larger movement to support sustainability on our campus. Our work is being recognized in small but important ways:
Thanks to all of you for your efforts this summer and I look forward to seeing many of you back again this fall.
Yours in the Dirt,
Elizabeth Wheat, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow
Program on the Environment
Education Coordinator - UW Farm
TheUWfarm mailing list
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Re: [TheUWfarm] URGENT! Chicken help needed!!
Hey everyone,I know the interim time between summer and fall quarter is a busy one for most folks, but if you think you can help out with the chickens please please fill out the doodle poll but this thursday or the chickens may not be able to live on the farm during that month.Thanks!!Amy Simons
TheUWfarm mailing list
Monday, August 15, 2011
[TheUWfarm] URGENT! Chicken help needed!!
[TheUWfarm] Aug 16: FJP mtg Focus on Racism in the Food System and Food Movement
To automatically unsubscribe yourself from this list, send an email from your subscribed address to ""
If you wish to share a document with the group larger than the maximum file size of 500KB, email it to and we will add it to the shared web space, which we'll follow-up with a link to.
CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.
Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!
Location: 23rd Ave S and Jackson St, 309 23rd Ave A 98144, at NELA Center for Student Success.
Please join us for our next meeting in August, where we will engage in a facilitated discussion about race and the food system. The meeting is co-sponsored by Lettuce Link/Solid Ground, and will be facilitated by Bill Aal and Carlos Alicea - see their bios below. We hope to increase our understanding of the role that structural racism plays in both our food system and in the growing food movement, and to continue to strengthen our capacity as anti-oppressive organizers. Please bring your knowledge, personal experiences, relevant excerpts from books or articles and your desire to learn from one-another through lively discussion!
To automatically unsubscribe yourself from this list, send an email from your subscribed address to ""
If you wish to share a document with the group larger than the maximum file size of 500KB, email it to and we will add it to the shared web space, which we'll follow-up with a link to.
CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.
Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!
To automatically unsubscribe yourself from this list, send an email from your subscribed address to ""
If you wish to share a document with the group larger than the maximum file size of 500KB, email it to and we will add it to the shared web space, which we'll follow-up with a link to.
CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.
Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!
Brian James
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Your Toodledo Account is Expiring
We have made a ton of improvements to Toodledo in the last year that may interest you. Why not check it out? If you want to keep your account, all you need to do is sign in. Or, if you want to permanently delete your account, you can sign in and quickly do this from the account settings page.
Your account is registered under:
Thursday, August 11, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Work party at greenhouses tomorrow!
We;ll have a good old-fashioned Botany Greenhouse work party tomorrow, 10-1, with a potluck/BYO lunch with the Dirty Dozen from 1-2 and possible hours afterward. Lots of things to plant out, compost to turn, and homemade banana bread!
Sun and fresh loamy dirt to you,
[TheUWfarm] Summer Baking Day!
Summer quarter is quickly coming to a close - and what a better way to
celebrate it than with a lovely gathering of friends! Saturday, August
20th from 12:00 - 4:00 there will be a Baking Day event around the cob
oven - join us for pizza, scones, bread, cookies, and all sorts of
tasty foods that can be made in the oven featuring fresh farm foods.
Bring any raw dough, veggies, eggs, fruit, pizza toppings, and fun to
contribute! Professor Evan Sugden's bee keeping class will also be
teaching us about harvesting honey from the hives! So bring all your
friends and an appetite for both delicious treats and good times!
Kelly (a UW Farm summer intern)
TheUWfarm mailing list
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
[TheUWfarm] SYGW mentoring at the new shared Farm!
and we'd like to extend an invitation to you to apply. I've attached
both an application and an information sheet. The season starts Tuesday,
September 13 and runs through Friday, October 28. Mentors are needed
Tuesdays, Thursdays and/or Fridays, 3:15-7:00. Mentors are asked to work
one or more consistent shifts per week, for the duration of the season.
Applications are due Wednesday, August 17.
Please plan to attend an upcoming Seattle Tilth general volunteer
orientation. The next one is Tuesday, September 13, 6-7:15 p.m. in
Wallingford. Information about additional orientations, as well as a
general Tilth volunteer application (required for anyone volunteering
with Seattle Tilth in any capacity) are here:
All prospective mentors are required to attend "The Ropes: Understanding
and Engaging Youth Homelessness" a three-hour training sponsored by the
University District Service Providers Alliance, of which SYGW is a
member. The next training is Wednesday, August 10 (*tomorrow*), 6pm -
9pm at the University Presbyterian Church. There is a September training
tentatively scheduled for September 14. To RSVP, please email In order to be a mentor, you must attend one
of these two trainings. Please bring a copy of the attached Ropes
certification form with you to the training and have one of the trainers
sign it. We'll keep your completed form in your file.
Of course, I'm happy to answer any questions you have about mentoring or
about SYGW in general.
Cheers, Juniper
Friday, August 5, 2011
[TheUWfarm] August FarmMonth Newsletter
Thursday, August 4, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Work Party Friday
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Garden Education and Outreach Internship
Here is an amazing opportunity to develop classes for a community garden in Tukwila, working with the International Refugee Committee (IRC), refugees from Bhutan and Burma, and other Tukwila residents. You get to create and teach classes, or coordinate with other people to teach classes, or do both! You get to work with lots of King County-based, food-related organizations! You get to have the best time ever!
See the IRC website for a complete description and further instructions:
Feel free to email me with any further questions.
Ariadne Brancato
P.S. Please forward to anyone else you think might be interested!