In the same spirit of horizontal learning and communication that is practiced so beautifully on the farm, we're trying to organize a place for democratic participation and discussion on a campus-wide level- through the first ever UW General Assembly. We hope this will grow into a space for our campus community to unite to bring positive change to the University, and practice collective decision-making and action. The farm has so much positive energy and ground-breaking (no pun intended) ideas that we would love to see contributed to building this space on campus. Please join us! Details are below.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
[TheUWfarm] FYI: UW General Assembly
In the same spirit of horizontal learning and communication that is practiced so beautifully on the farm, we're trying to organize a place for democratic participation and discussion on a campus-wide level- through the first ever UW General Assembly. We hope this will grow into a space for our campus community to unite to bring positive change to the University, and practice collective decision-making and action. The farm has so much positive energy and ground-breaking (no pun intended) ideas that we would love to see contributed to building this space on campus. Please join us! Details are below.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Re: Happy Winter solstice! anyone around Seattle?
Hey everyone, I just wanted to put the shout out- if anyone is hanging out near UW for this last week of break, and you have some free time, the farm could use a check up!If you feel like wondering by the farm here's some little tasks-check on the chickens! make sure they're happy/ have full food and water/ fresh bedding, some treats, etc-water under all the cold frames (area B) and under the big hoop cloche in area A-move leaves from the big cedar grove pile back to our pile of leaves in the 'back 40' near the 3-bin composts (we're getting towards the end of leaf season so as much as we can collect the better!)-check on all the remay (white cloth over a lot of the beds) and make sure it's still in place/ secured downI hope everyone's staying warm and cozyJulia
[TheUWfarm] Happy Winter solstice! anyone around Seattle?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Join Winter Volunteer Crew!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
[TheUWfarm] UW Farm Blogging!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Please sign a petition to assist the UW Farm!
Dear Friends of the UW Farm,
We need your support! The Farm has grown and continues to grow both in acreage and student involvement. With this growth the need for a paid Program Coordinator has become readily apparent. In order to continue to inspire a new generation of farmers and eaters the UW Farm needs a consistent faculty member to support current student leadership and volunteering. We are beginning a campaign to help create this position. There are two ways you can help. The first – donate now to support the farm. The second – sign this petition outlining our need for this position. With your signature this petition will be sent to UW administration requesting funding for this position. Please review petition below.
Thank you for your support!
UW Student Farmers
Monday, December 12, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Calling all CHICKEN CREW past, present and future!!
[TheUWfarm] free chicken supplies!!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Fwd: P-Patch Community Garden seeking Chinese & Filipino Outreach Service Worker
From: Stanley Choi <>
Date: December 5, 2011 4:49:18 PM PST
To: Beth Wheat <>
Subject: re: P-Patch Community Garden seeking Chinese & Filipino Outreach Service Worker
Do you know anyone that has Chinese and/or Filipino speaking/writing skills that have an interest in community gardens/urban farming? The City of Seattle is looking for folks on a contract basis to assist with their P-Patch Community Garden program... If you know of anyone (either current UW farm folks or alumni), please forward along...
Stanley Choi | Academic Counselor
Program on the Environment | University of Washington
012 Wallace Hall (ACC) | Box 355679 | Seattle, WA 98195-5679
Phone: 206.616.1208 | Fax: 206.616.2465
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Huynh, Phi <>
Date: Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: P-Patch Community Garden seeking Chinese & Filipino Outreach Service Worker (fwd)
To: Stanley Choi <>
Hi Stan,
You are correct in your speculation. For the contract work, I am seeking both Chinese dialects. If a candidate could do both that is even better but not required. As for the Filipino community Tagalog would be the preference.
Connie is really great person and excellent resource .
Thank you for passing the information on.
Happy Holidays,
Phi Huynh, MSW
Inclusive Community Engagement Specialist
700 5th Ave. Suite #1700
Seattle, WA 98124
206.684.4531 (t)
206.233.5142 (f)
From: Stanley Choi []
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 9:13 AM
To: Huynh, Phi
Subject: Re: P-Patch Community Garden seeking Chinese & Filipino Outreach Service Worker (fwd)
Hi Phi,
My name is Stanley Choi and I'm an academic adviser with the UW Program on the Environment. I'm also one of Connie So's former students. She forwarded me a contract position with the P-Patch Community Garden. I was wondering which Chinese dialects you were seeking (Cantonese? Mandarin? Both?) Also, for the Filipino community, I'm assuming you are looking for someone with Tagalog speaking capabilities (or another dialect?) I work with many students/alumni that have interests in community gardens/farms and food systems. There may be a few folks with these speaking/written capabilities too. I would be happy to forward this on to our students if you feel it is appropriate.
Stanley Choi | Academic Counselor
Program on the Environment | University of Washington
012 Wallace Hall (ACC) | Box 355679 | Seattle, WA 98195-5679
Phone: 206.616.1208 | Fax: 206.616.2465
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 5:19 PM, CONNIE C. SO <> wrote:
Connie So
Connie So, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, American Ethnic Studies
Director, AES Community Internship and Practicum
A-511 Padelford
Box 354380
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
It has been awhile since I've seen you. Just for reference, I am Kieu Anh's and Chong's friend.
Because of your strong connection with the API and Chinese community, I was wondering if you know of anybody who is a member of the Chinese Community that would be interested in part-time project based outreach contract work for the P-Patch Community Garden Program. The person's Chinese must be strong both verbally and written due to interpretation and translation work. The total work hours is between 40 – 50hrs, over a 12 month period. It is great for somebody who is currently part-time or looking for work. In addition, I am looking for folks to do outreach in the Filipino community too, similar criteria. The attachment has more details on the contract work and compensation.
I am looking to immediately contract out outreach services for the Othello neighborhood. And in January, I will looking for a contractor for the White Center neighborhood. Please feel free to pass the information on.
Happy Holidays,
Phi Huynh, MSW
Inclusive Community Engagement Specialist
700 5th Ave. Suite #1700
Seattle, WA 98124
206.684.4531 (t)
206.233.5142 (f)
------------------------------------------------Elizabeth Wheat, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow
Program on the Environment
Education Coordinator - UW Farm
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Fwd: Mon 12/12: Food Justice Activists Join Port Shutdown
In response to recent attacks on workers and occupations across the country
WHY this is a Food Justice issue: The West Coast Port Shutdown on Monday, December 12th, is a cross-movement action to challenge powerful corporations by shutting down the ports they control. Called by the Occupy movement, it includes many segments of organized and unorganized labor. Among the targets in Monday's port shutdown is Bunge, which along with Cargill and ADM is one of the world's three largest grain traders. Together they control 90% of the market. This extreme consolidation of grain markets allows the three companies to reap immense profits from food shortages and the rising price of grain. These same companies have helped to produce those shortages with their investment in diverting food to biofuel--which creates higher profits for them (Oxfam 2011, GROW). Bunge work, in particular, is in Brazilian biofuels and has been connected to Amazonian deforestation.
Actions are already planned in San Diego, LA, Tacoma, Portland, and Oakland. No union-busting! Solidarity with immigrant port truckers battling Goldman Sachs in LA! We support the Longview, WA, Longshoremen in their struggle against multinational grain exporter EGT. Against police repression and evictions of occupations. Occupy everything! Against austerity! They say cut back, we say fight back. TOGETHER WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE.
WHERE: Meet at Westlake Plaza (4th & Pine) at 1pm and march to blockade the Port of Seattle. There will be two rallies: one near the port at 3 PM and one at 6 PM at the Spokane Street fishing area, just to the east of the Spokane St. Bridge, near the intersection of SW Spokane St & SW Manning St, under the West Seattle bridge. Come to the Spokane St. fishing area anytime after 6pm!
HOW TO GET THERE: Bus routes to Spokane Street fishing area: 125 bus goes there from downtown and from West Seattle; get off at Chelan Ave SW and SW Spokane St. and walk east along the Alki bike path. ***We are currently looking into chartering buses so people can ride them to get to the port. If you or anyone you know has affordable bus services that this movement could use, please email at
DONATE: Funds needed make this action possible - banners, flyers and hiring buses. Please email if you can donate.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: National action website here and read Occupy Seattle Statement here. #occupytheport, #occupyseattle, Call (206) 424-4547.
Monday, December 5, 2011
[TheUWfarm] FarmNewsletter: 5 December 2011
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5 December 2011
Our farm intern and compost crew coordinator Norah is creating a video about the educational importance of the farm and its necessary place at the university. If you are interested in being interviewed for this project please let her know!
Interested learning about sustainable farming? Why not intern with us and get real-world experience in running a farm! This coming winter quarter, interns will be working at the current Botany Greenhouse farm and also at the new CUH Farm space.
City of Seattle Survey on Urban Farming
2012 Summer Environmental Exchange (SEE) Program
Pollinator Conservation Planning Short Course
Just Garden Project events:
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