Friday, March 8, 2013

[TheUWfarm] Exciting New Opportunity!

Are you interested in foods that are sustainable and local but still affordable? Are you passionate about cooking? Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your school community?

If so, please join us in starting up UW's first ever Humble Feast dinner! Professor Ann Anagnost, Devra Gartenstein from the U-District Farmer's Market Patty Pan Grill, and members of the UW Student Food Co-op are looking for a group of individuals to plan a seasonable menu, source food from local farms, cook together, and enjoy their meal with 100 other guests! By participating, you'll not only learn where to find and how to cook affordable, sustainable, and organic food, but you'll also help educate and inspire fellow students!
Interested? Please join us for our first planning meeting March 12th at 6:45 PM in Denny 401! 

Please send any questions to

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