Wednesday, June 29, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Come on down Friday!
This Friday will be the same as last - a work party at the Farm's two sites!
9:30-12:30: Current Botany greenhouse space (Farm tasks, chickens, etc.)
1 - 3 pm: New site by Center for Urban Horticulture (helping SYGW)
Directions to the new site found here:
Thursday, June 23, 2011
[TheUWfarm] First Summer Work Party Tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Re: Work Party Friday!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Re: [TheUWfarm] Work Party Friday!
Hi Farmers,
Come on down to the Farm this Friday from 12-3 pm for a work party and potluck lunch with a big ole Farm salad.
Hope to see you there!
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] Work Party Friday!
Come on down to the Farm this Friday from 12-3 pm for a work party and potluck lunch with a big ole Farm salad.
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Less Talk, More Walk: Guerrilla Gardening, Wild Harvest and Turning Waste into Resource. (June 22nd 7-9 PM)
You are invited to join us this wednesday evening for a hands-on sustainability event that I will be co-leading with my partner Jenna. We would love to see you there! Also feel free to bring any seeds that you have and would like to spread!
It's not too late at all. You just don't yet know what you are capable of. Mahatma Gandhi
Thursday, June 16, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Last chance for summer chicken crew!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
[TheUWfarm] PLEASE help move dirt tomorrow!
If you are around, PLEASE come help move compost tomorrow at the new site, Friday 9 am - 12pm!! We need to get this pile moved and there are precious few farmers around.
Thanks so much,
P.S. - Free Farm Food Walk = such a success!! Thanks y'all.
[TheUWfarm] Free food on the Quad today!
Look for us walking through campus to the Food Bank and spending some time on the Quad around 3-30 pm handing out free salad, greens and maybe a couple cauliflowers if you catch us on the early end. :)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Interim Chicken Crew NEEDS YOU!
[TheUWfarm] No produce stand, Free Farm Food Walk instead!
Look for us on campus and get some....
- Salad
- Mustard Greens
- Kale
- Chois (like Boc)
- Etc....
Facebook event:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Friday Work Party at new space!
From 9 am - 12 pm this Friday we'll be moving and shaking. We'll have some snacks and water - bring a water bottle and snacks to share if you have 'em. And probably sunscreen.
Directions to new space:
[TheUWfarm] First-Ever Farm Produce Stand Thursday!
We will be selling some of our excess produce, plant starts, and pre-made FARM SALAD on the Burke Gilman Trail by the Farm this Thursday, 6/9, from 10 am - 1 pm! Stop by and say hi, or if you're feeling industrious come help prepare between 8 am and 10 am.
This is an experiment - we hope to generate a little profit and some new friends of the Farm.
Some items for sale:
Mustard greens
Salad + dressing!
Sunflower starts
Pepper starts
Squash starts
See you soon!
[TheUWfarm] Farmweek June 6, 2011
![]() | |
Farmweek Newsletter | June 6th, 2011 | |
Upcoming Farm Events and General Information Bees Committee Field Trip Thursday, June 9th, 8:30am
Contact person: Kat _____________ New ways to get farm information! (and blog) Facebook Fan Page - become a fan! ___________ During the academic year, the newsletter will go out weekly on Mondays mornings. ___________ | Trouble viewing this newsletter? View it in the web browser here. UW Farm Updates UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week Be sure to take a look at our farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:
While you're at it, become a fan of our Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter! Summer Crew Needed on the Botany Greenhouse Space The volunteer crew Dirty Dozen will be meeting once a week for an hour to chat and make a to-do list (time undetermined), and then you would be committing to 2 hours/week of working on the farm. Super-fun and do-able, plus summer is a time of bounteous amounts of food for you to eat! Or if you don't have much time and just want to help out a little every week- we really need people on the Irrigation Team. This means coming to the farm once (or more if you want) a week and watering. Takes an hour or so, and is incredibly helpful! You can also sign up to take on a shift on Chicken Crew. One day each week you'd come feed, let out or coop in the chickens. For opportunities on the new CUH Space, please visit our page or email Rachel at Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings! Seattle Tilth Internships and Volunteer Opportunities!
Seattle Tilth has many volunteer and internship opportunities in the coming months. We would appreciate your help getting the word out, and would love to see some UW Farmers or other folks you know get involved! Let me know if you have any questions.
Interns hold pivotal roles at Seattle Tilth contributing their time and skills while receiving valuable work experience in a successful non-profit.
Garden Internships (Garden Steward Interns, Agriculture Educator Intern for the Farm Incubator Program, Farm Steward Internship at Rainier Beach Farm and Wetlands ) Environmental Internships (Watershed Education Intern, MC/SB Program Intern) Marketing Internships (Marketing Intern, Rainier Valley Eats! Social Media Intern) Administrative Internships (Children's Garden Administrative Intern - in North Seattle, Seattle Youth Garden Works Administrative Intern, Adult Education Administrative Intern)
We depend on our volunteers to make Seattle Tilth's work happen! We have lots of opportunities all over the greater Seattle area, whether you want to be involved once a week, once a month, or every few days. Become a crucial part of our work and volunteer for our children's programs, maintain a Community Learning Garden in Wallingford, Rainier Beach, Mt. Baker, or Issaquah, support one of our many community events, or help strengthen the organization by volunteering in our office. We also have drop-in work parties happening to support our sites, including some new programs!
Volunteer / Intern Orientations The best way to get involved in Seattle Tilth's volunteer and intern program is by filing out a Volunteer / Intern Application and then attending a Volunteer Orientation. Next up: § June 14, 6-7 p.m. in Wallingford § June 28, 6-7 p.m. in Southeast Seattle See the full list of volunteer opportunities for drop-in work parties, more information on becoming a garden volunteer and more. Free conference call with Larry Korn and Vladislav Davidzon Intensive Foraging Class For signing up or more information, visit this page . You can also email Brady. For more information, or to volunteer for the event, please call CAGJ at 206-405-4600 or email them. CoFed - Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive Retreat For more information about CoFed and the retreat see this page. For the application and scholarships available, visit this link. Annual Sustainability in Motion Cycling Tour in Oregon Spend a week riding your bike to organic farms, learning about permaculture, community, and sustainable food production and participating in incredible service projects. Intentionally designed for beginner and intermediate cyclists, this experiential sustainability program is often the first cycle tour for many of our participants.
More info here. Sign up before June 8th and bring a friend for free. Gain cutting-edge skills in nature-inspired sustainable design applicable virtually anywhere, from green businesses to your own back yard. Visit ecovillages, organic farms, the nation's first biofuel station (ever seen a gas station with solar panels and a green roof selling kombucha?). Llearn how to create sustainable, thriving human systems, from green houses and organic gardens, to local micro-economies and communities, using sustainable design principles that are applicable to every human system, from businesses, communities, and cities to personal relationships. More info here. Sign up before June 8th and bring a friend for free. Payment plans as low as $200/month available. Food Sovereignty Tour to Bolivia, France or Mexico with Food First & Global Exchange For more information about Food Sovereignty Tours, visit or contact Tanya at or by phone (510) 654-4400 ext. 223
UW Student Farm | |
Monday, June 6, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Farm stuff this week and To-Do list!
News: Carrots and tomatoes don't know it's Finals week! They still need watering, trellising, and general TLC.
I will be at the Farm most of the day tomorrow (Tuesday) and at various times Wednesday-Friday. If there's a specific time in there that you'd like to come work on the Farm with me and/or whoever else might be around, email to get connected.
Good luck with everything! Don't forget to get that Vitamin D.
To-Do List for the week:
Room 8:
Plant lettuce out on greenroof or Kincaid space
Thin pepper starts
Quonset Hut:
C1 - thin daikon radishes!
[TheUWfarm] Summer Quarter Chicken Crew!
[TheUWfarm] Post-finals farm trip.
[TheUWfarm] Reminder: Beacon Food Forest Meeting this Tuesday 6/7/11
I just want to encourage all of you to get involved in the public design workshops for the Beacon Food Forest which kickoff this Tuesday.
This is one of the largest public lands project of its kind in North America!
The food forest would be a great opportunity for a UW Farm partner project. The Beacon Food Forest Team really wants to see a good turnout from this group and all of our allies around the Greater Puget Sound area.
Check out the latest article about the project in the South Seattle Beacon:
Here is the info for Tuesday (Call Glenn if you have any questions):
Join your neighbors and the Landscape Architecture Design Team in creating community gardens and a food forest on Beacon Hill in order to create a local food source for our neighborhood.
• Tuesday, June 7 - 6:30 - 8:30 PM, The Garden House, 2336 15th Ave. S.
• Wednesday, July 13 - 6:30 - 8:30 PM, El Centro de la Raza, 2524 16th Ave. S.
• Dinner provided.
· Translators provided if requested at least seven days in advance. Call Glenn Herlihy at (206) 329-7626 or e-mail him
Daniel Johnson
206 369 2661 cell
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] Reminder: Beacon Food Forest Meeting this Tuesday 6/7/11
I just want to encourage all of you to get involved in the public design workshops for the Beacon Food Forest which kickoff this Tuesday.
This is one of the largest public lands project of its kind in North America!
The food forest would be a great opportunity for a UW Farm partner project. The Beacon Food Forest Team really wants to see a good turnout from this group and all of our allies around the Greater Puget Sound area.
Check out the latest article about the project in the South Seattle Beacon:
Here is the info for Tuesday (Call Glenn if you have any questions):
Join your neighbors and the Landscape Architecture Design Team in creating community gardens and a food forest on Beacon Hill in order to create a local food source for our neighborhood.
• Tuesday, June 7 - 6:30 - 8:30 PM, The Garden House, 2336 15th Ave. S.
• Wednesday, July 13 - 6:30 - 8:30 PM, El Centro de la Raza, 2524 16th Ave. S.
• Dinner provided.
· Translators provided if requested at least seven days in advance. Call Glenn Herlihy at (206) 329-7626 or e-mail him
Daniel Johnson
206 369 2661 cell_______________________________________________
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] Chicken Crew June 11-19
Sunday, June 5, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Summer volunteers needed! (:
[TheUWfarm] Foraging Class Tomorrow (Monday)-9am
Tomorrow We will be looking at two new wild food plants- Ox Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) and Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius). Will start from farm at 9am-monday. Hope to see you there.
"The meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit"
Thursday, June 2, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Creating Sustainable Campus Food Systems - FRIDAY & farm work
Hey folks!
Thought this might be of interest for y'all! other folks thinking about food on campus and the big S...
Also I'm going to be at the farm tomorrow from 9-12 trying to figure out where to put all dem beans. come and puzzle over the planting plan with me and get these summer crops in the ground.
From: Julia Parrish <>
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:59 PM
Subject: Fwd: REMINDER: Creating Sustainable Campus Food Systems - FRIDAY
To: JENNIFER RUESINK <>, Nina Arlein <>, "Ann S. ANAGNOST" <>, "Karen T. Litfin" <>, "B. Born" <>, Adam Drewnowski <>, Michael Kucher <>, "L. Jarosz" <>, David Montgomery <>, David Battisti <>, "L. Graumlich" <>, "Marilyn M. Montgomery" <>
Cc: Justin Hellier <>
From: Justin Hellier <>
Date: May 31, 2011 10:21:40 AM PDT
To: "Claudia C. Frere" <>, "Ruth A. Johnston" <>, Aubrey Batchelor <>, Julie D Fisk <>, "" <>, "Joseph T. Kobayashi" <>, "Julia K. Parrish" <>, "Tikvah, R. Weiner" <>, Gordon Bradley <>, "Stephen B. Page" <>, James Angelosante <>, Katie Stultz <>, Justin Hellier <>, Bruce Balick <>, Kateri Schlessman <>, Zachary Eskenazi <>, Alexandra Sawyer <>, "" <>, "" <>, Clare Ryan <>, "Daniel O. Brody" <>, Clive Pursehouse <>, "Christian G. Jaehne" <>, Marilyn Ostergren <>, Joseph Marcus <>, "ELIZABETH E. WHEAT" <>, "" <>, "Jason J. Scullion" <>, Megan Horst <>, "" <>, Megan Oleson <>, paul janos <>, Robert Gandy <>, "LUCY A. JAROSZ" <>, "" <>, Heather Day <>, "C. Bradley Kramer" <>, Michael Seliga <>, Stephanie Snyder <>, "Michelle R. Hall" <>, LJ Fromme <>, Tracey MacRae <>, Micheal Meyering <>, Storm Hodge <>, Julia Reed <>, Anshika Kumar <>, "" <>
Subject: REMINDER: Creating Sustainable Campus Food Systems - FRIDAY
Please join us for a public presentation of student projects from the Program on the Environment's Sustainability Studio...
Creating Sustainable Campus Food Systems:
Student research on food, agriculture, and sustainability at the University of Washington
Friday, June 32:00 - 3:00 pm
Wallace Hall, POE Commons
(formerly the Academic Computing Center)
3737 Brooklyn Ave NE
Students in POE's Sustainability Studio spent this quarter researching options for creating more sustainable food systems on campus! This presentation is your opportunity to learn from their work. Projects include:
- Models for a campus farmers' market
- Students' willingness to pay for more sustainable meat
- Behavior change approaches to marketing sustainable food
Please contact Justin Hellier,, with any questions, and we hope to see you there!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
[TheUWfarm] Summer Internship
Re: [TheUWfarm] Paid Summer Internships on the Farm!
We still have at least one opening for our two paid student Summer internships on the Farm. Please respond if you'd be interested in being paid to learn about growing food and working in the sunshine and dirt. No experience necessary, just a heart to learn and hands to work.
$1500 for 20 hours a week June 13 – September 28 (dates a bit flexible). One position will be focused on our current site, where produce and watering/harvesting working and learning opportunities abound, and one position will be at our new site by the Center for Urban Horticulture, participating in the shaping of new beds, design and construction of a compost system, installation of irrigation, and more.
We'll be arranging times to discuss the positions during Finals week, June 6-10. Email back with interest in this great opportunity!
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] Summer Dirty Dozen spots available!
[TheUWfarm] Paid Summer Internships on the Farm!
$1500 for 20 hours a week June 13 – September 28 (dates a bit flexible). One position will be focused on our current site, where produce and watering/harvesting working and learning opportunities abound, and one position will be at our new site by the Center for Urban Horticulture, participating in the shaping of new beds, design and construction of a compost system, installation of irrigation, and more.
We'll be arranging times to discuss the positions during Finals week, June 6-10. Email back with interest in this great opportunity!