Monday, June 6, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Farm stuff this week and To-Do list!

Hi all,

News: Carrots and tomatoes don't know it's Finals week! They still need watering, trellising, and general TLC.

I will be at the Farm most of the day tomorrow (Tuesday) and at various times Wednesday-Friday. If there's a specific time in there that you'd like to come work on the Farm with me and/or whoever else might be around, email to get connected.

Good luck with everything! Don't forget to get that Vitamin D.



To-Do List for the week:

Room 8:
Plant lettuce out on greenroof or Kincaid space
Thin pepper starts

Quonset Hut:
  -squash  (Kincaid space - harvest greens there)
  -garbonzo beans (C5)

A 1 &2: thin basil and plant the extras around tomatillos in B6 buckets
A1: replace short sticks for taller bamboo for tomato stakes in A2
A5: continue adding twine to A6 trellis as tomato's grow taller!
A3: make sure carrots are watered (and document it on the planting chart under "Last watered" column)! Thin them as needed

B2: water parsnips (and document as in A)
B3: Harvest cilantro
B4: Harvest lettuce, collards

C1 - thin daikon radishes!
C4- mound soil around potatoes (get soil from Grounds dumping pile by the Burke or wherever you can find some extra)
C5-6 - cut down rest of cover crop clover where chicken tractor was and around the tomato plants planted amidst the clover

D13- mound soil around potatoes
D1-harvest bok choi!! And cilantro
D1 through D 3--- water~!! (there's no irrigation there)
D7- harvest arugula - it's flowering :)
E2- water squash
E3- thin quinoa
E4- harvest bolting chard and eat!
E6- needs beer trap

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