Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Fall Quater CHICKEN CREW

Hey Everyone,

Hope you are soaking up the last weeks of summer as well as getting excited for fall quarter. New classes means we need a new crew to take care of the girls.  

If you've been looking for a fun way to get involved with the farm with a very small time commitment this is for you!  Weekly shifts only take 5-10 minutes, you get to keep all the eggs you find and the hens are really fun to work with.  

Please fill out the following poll with days/times that work best for you.  Only the dates of the first week are listed but each day/time represents that slot for the whole quarter. 

We will be having trainings for new folks and a crew get together/pot luck closer to the start of school so stay posted and fill out that poll!!

As always if you have any questions feel free to email me.

Amy Simons 

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