Thanks, Michelle, for your permission to post this here. :)
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alleycat acres <> Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:28 PM
Subject: Alleycat Acres Fundraiser 5/27: You're Invited!
To: Click to view this email in a browser
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 |  Howdy, friend! Sunday, May 23rd marked our first harvest from our Beacon Hill Farm. With about 15 volunteers, we harvested 129 lbs. of produce, and donated 120 lbs. directly to the Beacon Ave Food Bank. We've come a long way in the short 4 months we've been together as a collective! We've got a lot to do, still. To help us achieve this, we've partnered with many amazing organizations and businesses to throw our first fundraiser this coming Thursday, May 27th, from 6-10 PM @ Grey Gallery and Lounge. We'll dance the night away to live music, watch a quick video, check out an ongoing slide show of our work and hold one heckofa raffle. We really hope you can join us and help us in our efforts to Grow Forth! Check out the website for more details on what we'll be raffling, and if you're a fan of ours on Facebook, you can sign up on the Event Page. Date: Thursday, May 27th, 2010 Time: 6 - 10 PM Place: Grey Gallery and Lounge, 1512 11th Avenue, Seattle Suggested Donation at door: $5-20
We hope you can join us for one amazing night and help us celebrate the Year of Urban Agriculture the right way! With love and carrots,
Alleycat Acres
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alleycat acres 1402 Third Avenue Suite 430 Seattle, Washington 98101 Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy. |  |

"There seems to be three ways for a nation to acquire wealth: the first is by war…this is robbery; the second by commerce, which is generally cheating; the third by agriculture, the only honest way." -- Benjamin Franklin
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