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Farmweek Newsletter | December 6, 2010 | |
Upcoming Farm Events and General Information Tuesday Farm Lunch All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in Anderson 022 Monthly Pizza Bake Next one: Dec. 10th, 3-5pm All Farm Meeting First Wednesday of Winter quarter, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse _____________ New ways to get farm information! (and blog) Facebook Fan Page - become a fan! ___________
| UW Farm Updates Pizza Bake this Friday! Stop by from 3 - 5 at the farm for some food and fun. Looking for a New Dirty Dozen at the Farm - Want to be more involved? Now is the time to think about next quarter - as many of you are likely finalizing your schedules etc. You may have been thinking "I'd like to get more involved in the farm".... If that is the case - the dirty dozen is your ticket! We are a group of 12-20 students who meet at 7:30 on Friday Mornings to plan the to do list for the UW Farm. Every dd'er comes to that meeting and then also volunteers to give an additional 2 hours of volunteer time each week at a regularly scheduled time to work on the farm. In the winter on the farm there is less work to do planting, more compost building and plenty of planning for spring. The DD crew is our main UW Farm workforce and the difference they make is visible daily at the farm! If you would like to be a DD volunteer this coming winter quarter - we'd love to have you! It means committing 3 hours a week to the farm and also attending the DD orientation on Saturday, Jan 8th from 9AM to Noon. If you are interested in becoming a DD'er - please e-mail me soon - wheat@uwfarm.org . Also - we are still accepting applications for winter farm interns to learn more about the internship visit our web page: Sustainable Ag Internship Enjoy the snow, eat dirt, and think about the four season farm. Fondly, Beth Wheat UW Farm Foraging Publication Looking for Volunteers: Message from Brady Ryan The UW Farm is going to publish-both online and in print, a foraging guide/map to the campus. I am going to coordinate this effort. Ideally, I would like to have us map out every edible plant and wildy area with lots of edibles on campus, as well as uses, times of harvest etc. The exact form this project may take is up for discussion. I am looking for a small group of people to share in this project. Some experience identifying plants would be helpful but certainly not required, and anyone with some computer mapping skills that might want to help would be awesome. I figure with a concerted effort during January and February we could get much of it done, leaving room to add in other edible summer annuals as we find them. This will include both planted shrubs/trees, "weeds", mushrooms and other members of the edible landscape. This is going to be a very fun project, a great way to learn about our bountiful campus and one of great value to the UW Farm and the greater University Community. If you want to be involved and feel like you could commit to around two hours a week winter quarter, please email me at bradyr@uw.edu. We will have a first meeting in early December to talk about what we want to do. Tuesday Farm Lunch Topic this Week: Farmer in Chief Reading Discussion More information on our classes page. UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week Be sure to take a look at our new farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:
While you're at it, become a fan of our new Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter! Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings! Free Trees for Seattle Neighborhoods Despite the very cold weather the past few days, ideal tree planting time is nearly upon us! Seattle reLeaf is offering free trees for your yard! Details are below as well as a link to a Seattle Department of Transportation survey regarding Seattle's Transit Master plan. We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to take the survey. The Seattle reLeaf Trees for Neighborhoods program is pleased to offer you free trees to plant in your yard. Planting trees is a great way to lower your carbon footprint. An average city tree will absorb about a ton of harmful carbon dioxide over its lifetime. Urban trees also help keep our water clean, our air breathable, provide habitat for birds and other wildlife and make Seattle a vibrant place to live and work. Tree supply is limited, so it is first come, first served. Applications will not be accepted after Dec 6. Program participants will receive up to 4 free trees per household, watering bags, a bag of GroCo compost, and training on proper tree planting and care. Available species include:
To receive a free tree, you must meet these guidelines:
To get your trees, send in the application ASAP. Questions can be directed to Jana Dilley, Seattle reLeaf, jana.dilley@seattle.gov Just Garden Project Internship/Student Learning Opportunities The Just Garden Project is growing out of Spring into Bed, and are offering three internships in upcoming months. The Just Garden Project is a grassroots organization that creatively and joyfully facilitates and expedites a mass cultural transformation of our communities into sustainable and life affirming places. Working with low-income/marginalized people we build gardens and gardeners; effectively ending hunger, creating sustainable and carbon neutral/negative food systems and growing nutritious food. To accomplish these goals we build gardens, celebrate our community, educate new gardeners and engage youth to take an active role in this transformation. Check out our splash page at www.justgarden.org, and read the descriptions of the internships below. For full descriptions and information, please email food@justgarden.org. Position: Builder Intern Description: In the spring of 2011 we are looking to recruit a part time builder help build gardens during our Just Garden Project outreach season. As a needed builder, you will work with our Just Garden Project Coordinator, Just Garden Youth, volunteers and community members to help build an estimated 30 subsidized gardens for low-income families around King County. Each garden we build includes three raised beds, high yielding soil, seed packets, plant starts and a growing manual. This position will also include positive role modeling for youth involved in the project and friendly outreach to community members. You will also be invited to play a key role for our annual garden build day and celebration, Spring into Bed! Position: Event Coordinator Intern Description: In the spring of 2011 we are looking to recruit 2 part time coordinators to help organize a second annual event: Spring into Bed! a Garden-Build to end Hunger. As a needed coordinator, you will work with our Just Garden Project Coordinator, Just Garden Youth, volunteers and community members to help the JGP continue its mission and build an estimated 30 subsidized gardens for low-income families around King County. You will contact sponsors, build relationships, table events, procure donations, update website content, use social media and networks to promote the event and work as a part of a team to build community and sustainability. Together with JGP board and supporters you will lead an essential role in planning and executing a city-wide day of building and celebration. Position: Graphic Design Intern Description: In the spring of 2011 we are looking to recruit a graphic designer help build our image and outreach to the community. As a needed deisgner, you will work with our Just Garden Project Coordinator, Advisory Council, volunteers and community members to help design and evaluate our brand image. This position will also include positive role modeling for youth involved in the project and friendly outreach to community members. You will also be invited to play a key role for our annual garden build day and celebration, Spring into Bed! Home and Community Permaculture Slide Show Event: This WednesdayThe Jefferson Park Food Forest Steering Committee would like to invite everyone to a free slide show about Home and Community Permaculture. This show will highlight many ways to make our urban homesteads more efficient and provide methods for our community to be more resilient in tough eco times. Hope you can make it. When: (This) Wednesday Dec. 8th at 6 pm. Beacon Hill Library meeting room (2821 Beacon Ave S.) One block south of the light rail station. Delicious food and drinks provided. Join permaculturist Dave Boehnlein for an exciting exploration of permaculture in action! In this fun and engaging presentation we will showcase home food production, energy efficiency, food forestry and community activation. Each theme will be a stop on our journey through real-life examples of urban homesteading and community-supported permaculture projects. The entire slide show will focus on concrete things you can get started on right away! DAVE'S BIO: The slide show is offered by Dave Boehnlein, who serves as the principal for Terra Phoenix Design (an Ecobuilding Guild Member) and the education director at the Bullock's Permaculture Homestead on Orcas Island. An experienced Permaculture educator and designer, Dave's special interests include sustainability education, horticulture, agroforestry, and site development. Dave has worked in Washington, California, Hawaii, Nicaragua & Costa Rica. He has a talent for research, organizational leadership, and leading work crews. Dave is particularly interested in education, the mainstreaming of sustainability, and keeping things organized. Jefferson Park Food Forest Steering Committee.
UW Student Farm | uwfarm@uw.edu |
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