Tuesday, November 30, 2010
[TheUWfarm] all farm meeting tomorrow Dec 1!!!!!
Hope to see ya'll there!
[TheUWfarm] all farm meeting tomorrow Dec 1!!!!!
see you there!
[TheUWfarm] Want to show off the farm this week?
a tangible example of ecosystem concepts during their field-class
this Wednesday, including:
-disturbance effects on nutrient use efficiency (and how to fix
this with cover crops and permaculture)
-human intervention in the nitrogen cycle (and how to cycle
organic forms of nitrogen via composting)
-trophic effects of pests and diseases (and how to build more
diverse farm ecosystems via polyculture that improve biological
If you're interested in showing off the farm - and learning a little
practical ecology in the process - then you're invited to:
1) training session today at 3 pm in the greenhouse today (Tuesday)
2) lead a tour at ~10:15-10:45 or 12:15-12:45 Wednesday
Sorry for the late notice, but would welcome farmers to add a
student perspective to the farm! Thanks, Jennifer
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Dr. Jennifer Ruesink T: 206-543-7095
Associate Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator F: 206-616-2011
Department of Biology, University of Washington
Box 351800, Seattle, WA 98195-1800 USA
TheUWfarm mailing list
Sunday, November 28, 2010
[TheUWfarm] leadership workshops
I'd like to open an invitation to you all to begin to participate in communal learning and reflecting upon leadership.
Let me explain... A huge part of my learning at the farm, especially this year has been about leadership. What does it mean to be a good leader? What does it mean to lead in a cooperative organization? How can one educate herself and others through experience and collaboration? How do we create an alternative learning space? How do we maintain a system of non-hierarchical learning while acknowledging the important role of experience and knowledge in farming? How do we continue to welcome, creating an open and porous learning space while working in a close-knit community? These are the sorts of questions that I have been struggling with as farm director this year. My hope is that we can begin to struggle through these questions together. Winter and spring quarter I'd like to have bi-weekly meetings (the frequency of these meetings is completely up for discussion) so that we can begin to delve into these questions, build a support network of leadership on the farm, and continue to grow the farm, our community, and ourselves. If this interests you please get in touch with me and I will put you on a list, and send out a doodle poll. I hope that this will be as collaborative a process as possible, so it would be wonderful to meet before the end of the quarter to begin to brainstorm through what we want these meetings to accomplish, and how we'd like to meet those goals.
Best of luck on getting all of your work done in the next few weeks,
Your farm director
[TheUWfarm] work tomorrow and other work hours
Happy post Thanksgiving digestion. I hope everyone had fun romping in the snow and eating delicious food with family/friends. I am going to be down at the farm tomorrow from 10:30- 1:30 (working from 11:30-1:30). It will be mostly damage control from the wacky weather we've had, and since our crew of dirty dozen didn't meet last week I'll begin by writing up a interim to-do list. So come by the farm. If you haven't already done so it is a really great learning experience trying to read the farm to see what needs to get done and begin to think about what the plants are telling you about weather, the time of year, the change in daylight, etc!
My other work hours will be...
Wednesday: 10:30-1:30
Thursday: 10:30-3:30
Friday: 10:30- 1:30
I hope to see ya'll around the farm.
p.s. As the crazy time of finals approaches don't forget the incredible force of nature to "put us back together"... take a break from hours of library computer staring to stretch your senses. Slow down, look at plants, get dirt under your fingernails and feel the refreshing chill of real AIR on your cheeks, trust me it helps.
[TheUWfarm] Farmweek newsletter November 28
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Farmweek Newsletter | November 28, 2010 | |
Upcoming Farm Events and General Information Tuesday Farm Lunch All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in Anderson 022 Monthly Pizza Bake Next one: Dec. 10th November All Farm Meeting Dec. 1, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse _____________ New ways to get farm information! (and blog) Facebook Fan Page - become a fan! ___________
| Trouble viewing this email? View it in a web browser. UW Farm Updates Looking for a New Dirty Dozen at the Farm - Want to be more involved? Now is the time to think about next quarter - as many of you are likely finalizing your schedules etc. You may have been thinking "I'd like to get more involved in the farm".... If that is the case - the dirty dozen is your ticket! We are a group of 12-20 students who meet at 7:30 on Friday Mornings to plan the to do list for the UW Farm. Every dd'er comes to that meeting and then also volunteers to give an additional 2 hours of volunteer time each week at a regularly scheduled time to work on the farm. In the winter on the farm there is less work to do planting, more compost building and plenty of planning for spring. The DD crew is our main UW Farm workforce and the difference they make is visible daily at the farm! If you would like to be a DD volunteer this coming winter quarter - we'd love to have you! It means committing 3 hours a week to the farm and also attending the DD orientation on Saturday, Jan 8th from 9AM to Noon. If you are interested in becoming a DD'er - please e-mail me soon - wheat@uwfarm.org . Also - we are still accepting applications for winter farm interns to learn more about the internship visit our web page: Sustainable Ag Internship Enjoy the snow, eat dirt, and think about the four season farm. Fondly, Beth Wheat Farm Field Trip to Sunshine Island Farm on December 5th You are cordially invited to come along on a Farm fieldtrip to Sunshine Island Farm on Vashon Island Sunday, December 5th. We'll make a day of it, leaving the UW Farm cob oven probably around 9 am, carpooling out there, learning, working, and harvesting with a sweet family of farmers and their interns, and returning later in the day. More details to come. If this sounds good to you, please email Rachel at rachel@uwfarm.org or respond to the Facebook eventhere. UW Farm Foraging Publication Looking for Volunteers: Message from Brady Ryan The UW Farm is going to publish-both online and in print, a foraging guide/map to the campus. I am going to coordinate this effort. Ideally, I would like to have us map out every edible plant and wildy area with lots of edibles on campus, as well as uses, times of harvest etc. The exact form this project may take is up for discussion. I am looking for a small group of people to share in this project. Some experience identifying plants would be helpful but certainly not required, and anyone with some computer mapping skills that might want to help would be awesome. I figure with a concerted effort during January and February we could get much of it done, leaving room to add in other edible summer annuals as we find them. This will include both planted shrubs/trees, "weeds", mushrooms and other members of the edible landscape. This is going to be a very fun project, a great way to learn about our bountiful campus and one of great value to the UW Farm and the greater University Community. If you want to be involved and feel like you could commit to around two hours a week winter quarter, please email me at bradyr@uw.edu. We will have a first meeting in early December to talk about what we want to do. Tuesday Farm Lunch Topic this Week: Working on a Farm, a Panel Discussion More information on our classes page. UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week Be sure to take a look at our new farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:
While you're at it, become a fan of our new Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter! UW Student Food Co-op: Dec. 4th Wine & Cheese Soiree! Join the UW Student Food Cooperative for a swanky winter solstice soiree! Guests will enjoy a sampling of washington wines paired with tasty treats from some of the area's most celebrated cheese and chocolate producers. Invite your lover, friends or colleagues to join you for a night out in Ballard to support a fantastic cause! Help fulfill our holiday wishes by joining together to raise necessary seed money for this developing student-run sustainable cafe! Winter Solstice Soiree - Wine & Cheese Tasting! Proceeds from the soiree will go towards helping the UW Student Food Cooperative rebuild a food cart! About the Co-op: We are building a student food cooperative whose purpose is to achieve food sovereignty on the UW campus and address food justice issues through affordable provisions of healthy and organic prepared foods. We plan to source from the expanding UW Farm and other local farmers & artisans. Our Co-op has made exciting progress in the past several months and is now actively seeking community support! Visit our website for more information: www.uwsfc.com Want to support our project but can't make it to the soiree? Help us fundraise by donating through PayPal! Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings! Punk Rock Flea Market, a Community Market on December 4th The Underground Events Center is putting on a Punk Rock Flea Market on December 4th from noon to 10 pm. The idea is to create a community market to sell clothes, used items, handmade crafts, and food. The Center is located at 2407 1st Ave in Belltown, and you can visit their facebook page for updates.Northwest Eco-Break with Hillel: December 18-24 Hillel is putting on the Northwest Eco-Break from December 18th-24th. Students will be traveling around the region, meeting with experts in green tech, sustainability, and environmental stewardship, and doing volunteer service with their projects. $199 covers food, lodging, transportation, and activities for six days! EVERYONE is welcome to apply!
University of Washington, Wednesday, December 1 Join Ajay Rastogi for an opportunity to experience deeper states of tranquillity, happiness and connection to your environment and yourself. His workshop on the Contemplation of Nature will introduce you to an approach that provides the benefits of meditative practice. This program does not require any specific dress-code; nor does it entail sitting in any particular posture. Urban Agriculture: Extending Value Beyond Food Production Panel this Tuesday There has been a movement in cities across the country to incorporate agriculture into urban life. The urban environment has not traditionally supported this practice, but cities are now seeing vacant lots turned into community gardens and vegetables being grown on rooftops. Join ULI Seattle for an engaging panel discussion on urban agriculture to learn about recent trends in Seattle, the advantages and limitations of urban agriculture, and how the city is supporting this endeavor through a series of recent code revisions and public outreach initiatives. Panelists: Tuesday, November 30 $20 for current ULI members For more information, please contact us at seattle@uli.org or Teach Out! Engaging in our Local Food Cycle with CAGJ Wednesday, December 1st, 6:30-8:30pm at the Rainier Community Center Please support our commitment to alternative transportation methods by biking, walking or taking pubic transit to this event!
UW Student Farm | uwfarm@uw.edu |
Friday, November 26, 2010
[TheUWfarm] Re: Sign up for the Farm Field Trip Dec 5rd!
We need drivers for our field trip next Sunday. Who has access to a vehicle on the 5th, and how many can you seat?
Hi Farmers,You are cordially invited to come along on a Farm fieldtrip to Sunshine Island Farm on Vashon Island Sunday, December 3rd! We'll make a day of it, leaving the UW Farm cob oven probably around 9 am, carpooling out there, learning, working, and harvesting with a sweet family of farmers and their interns, and returning later in the day. More details to come.If this sounds good to you, please email me at rachel@uwfarm.org or respond to the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=175648092450783Have a great weekend!Rachel
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
[TheUWfarm] dirty dozen - now recruiting!
[TheUWfarm] Seeking Volunteers to put together a Foraging Guide to Campus
The UW Farm is going to publish-both online and in print, a foraging guide/map to the campus. I am going to coordinate this effort. Ideally, I would like to have us map out every edible plant and wildy area with lots of edibles on campus, as well as uses, times of harvest etc. The exact form this project may take is up for discussion. I am looking for a small group of people to share in this project. Some experience identifying plants would be helpful but certainly not required, and anyone with some computer mapping skills that might want to help would be awesome. I figure with a concerted effort during January and February we could get much of it done, leaving room to add in other edible summer annuals as we find them. This will include both planted shrubs/trees, "weeds", mushrooms and other members of the edible landscape. This is going to be a very fun project, a great way to learn about our bountiful campus and one of great value to the UW Farm and the greater Un!
iversity Community. If you want to be involved and feel like you could commit to around 2 hrs a week winter quarter, please email me. We will have a first meeting in early December to talk about what we want to do.
TheUWfarm mailing list
Sunday, November 21, 2010
[TheUWfarm] 5th graders at the Farm next Tuesday
The Tuesday after Turkey Day, November 20th, a class of 5th graders will be touring the Farm and making compost with us! Can you come help?
I've been working with these kids at Sacajawea Elementary as part of a Pipeline education seminar. We've been studying compost - making a class worm bin, looking at soil under microscopes, etc. They are a really bright group of students, and the goal is to round off their mini-Compost Ed with a bang down at the Farm! I'd rather not do all the talking, since they've been listening to me all quarter. I hope some of y'all can come participate!
They'll arrive at 10, be here until possibly 2:30 (the teacher's reserving the day for it). If you can come on the early side and help out with a tour and/or later and help build compost, let me know!
[TheUWfarm] Farmweek Newsletter November 21 - Happy Thanksgiving!
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Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble, gobble gobble... Farmweek Newsletter | November 21, 2010 | |
Upcoming Farm Events and General Information Tuesday Farm Lunch All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in Anderson 022 Monthly Pizza Bake Next one: Dec. 10th November All Farm Meeting Dec. 1, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse _____________ New ways to get farm information! (and blog) Facebook Fan Page - become a fan! ___________
| Trouble viewing this newsletter? View it in a web browser here. UW Farm Updates Message from UW Farm Director Nina Arlein Hey ya'll, SNOW! and cold. We need to keep our little baby plants warm. Tomorrow morning (Monday) I'll be picking up some plastic sheeting that can be used to make cloche's (aka row covers) for the plants. This may be too little too late, but its worth a try, it may even be worth it to do some more experiments with burying manure under the plants to warm them from below as well as keeping them protected from the elements and creating a greenhouse warming effect with the cloches. Anyway, I'll be coming by the farm at 9:30 to drop the materials off and to start figuring out setting these up. It will be a fun job/experiment. I have a meeting at 10:30 but I'll be back on the farm by no later then 11:45. I'll be working until 1:30! Tuesday Farm Lunch Topic this Week: Choose your own adventure at the UW Farm (Chickens, Compost, Cover Crops) More information on our classes page. UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week Be sure to take a look at our new farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:
While you're at it, become a fan of our new Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter! UW Student Food Co-op: Dec. 4th Wine & Cheese Soiree! Join the UW Student Food Cooperative for a swanky winter solstice soiree! Guests will enjoy a sampling of washington wines paired with tasty treats from some of the area's most celebrated cheese and chocolate producers. Invite your lover, friends or colleagues to join you for a night out in Ballard to support a fantastic cause! Help fulfill our holiday wishes by joining together to raise necessary seed money for this developing student-run sustainable cafe! Winter Solstice Soiree - Wine & Cheese Tasting! Proceeds from the soiree will go towards helping the UW Student Food Cooperative rebuild a food cart! About the Co-op: We are building a student food cooperative whose purpose is to achieve food sovereignty on the UW campus and address food justice issues through affordable provisions of healthy and organic prepared foods. We plan to source from the expanding UW Farm and other local farmers & artisans. Our Co-op has made exciting progress in the past several months and is now actively seeking community support! Visit our website for more information: www.uwsfc.com Want to support our project but can't make it to the soiree? Help us fundraise by donating through PayPal! Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings! Punk Rock Flea Market, a Community Market on December 4th The Underground Events Center is putting on a Punk Rock Flea Market on December 4th from noon to 10 pm. The idea is to create a community market to sell clothes, used items, handmade crafts, and food. The Center is located at 2407 1st Ave in Belltown, and you can visit their facebook page for updates.Northwest Eco-Break with Hillel: December 18-24 Hillel is putting on the Northwest Eco-Break from December 18th-24th. Students will be traveling around the region, meeting with experts in green tech, sustainability, and environmental stewardship, and doing volunteer service with their projects. $199 covers food, lodging, transportation, and activities for six days! EVERYONE is welcome to apply!
UW Student Farm | uwfarm@uw.edu |
[TheUWfarm] Wine, Cheese and Chocolate Event to Benefit UW Food Co-op
Winter Solstice Soiree - Wine & Cheese Tasting!
Event Date: December 4th, 2010 - 7:00 PM
@ Enlighten Cafe & Art Gallery - 5424 Ballard Ave
$30 in advance through Brown Paper Tickets or $35 at the door
Proceeds from the soiree will go towards helping the UW Student Food Cooperative purcahse & rebuild a food cart! About the Co-op: We are building a student food cooperative whose purpose is to achieve food sovereignty on the UW campus and address food justice issues through affordable provisions of healthy and organic prepared foods. We plan to source from the expanding UW Farm and other local farmers & artisans. Our Co-op has made exciting progress in the past several months and is now actively seeking community support! Visit our website for more information: www.uwsfc.com
Want to support our project but can't make it to the soiree? Help us fundraise by donating through PayPal!
Aubrey Jenkins
[TheUWfarm] work hours this week.
SNOW! and cold. We need to keep our little baby plants warm. Tomorrow morning I'll be picking up some plastic sheeting that can be used to make cloche's (aka row covers) for the plants. This may be too little too late, but its worth a try, it may even be worth it to do some more experiments with burying manure under the plants to warm them from below as well as keeping them protected from the elements and creating a greenhouse warming effect with the cloches. Anyway, I'll be coming by the farm at 9:30 to drop the materials off and to start figuring out setting these up. It will be a fun job/experiment. I have a meeting at 10:30 but I'll be back on the farm by no later then 11:45. I'll be working until 1:30!
Work hours
Monday: 9:30-10:20 then 11:45- 1:30
Tuesday: 1:30- 3:30 For other farm projects, like winnowing and sheet mulching.
hope to see ya'll around,
Friday, November 19, 2010
[TheUWfarm] Sign up for the Farm Field Trip Dec 3rd!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Re: [TheUWfarm] Foraging Class #3 Thursday 7:30 am
ill be there as well to discuss the yarrow, etc. and its medicinal properties, and some basic more herbalism relevant to us humans and urbanites.
This week on Thursday at 7:30 am for foraging class #3 we will look at Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), Rosa spp. (Roses), Lactuca muralis (Wall Lettuce), Cirsium spp. (Thistle) and Verbascum thapsus (Mullein). We will also talk about some general concepts of plant taxonomy, domestication and safety concerns of urban foraging. As usual, all are welcome.
be here now,
TheUWfarm mailing list
amanda alice roesch-knapp
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
[TheUWfarm] Hello
[TheUWfarm] Call from OUTREACH committee
[TheUWfarm] Foraging Class #3 Thursday 7:30 am
This week on Thursday at 7:30 am for foraging class #3 we will look at Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), Rosa spp. (Roses), Lactuca muralis (Wall Lettuce), Cirsium spp. (Thistle) and Verbascum thapsus (Mullein). We will also talk about some general concepts of plant taxonomy, domestication and safety concerns of urban foraging. As usual, all are welcome.
be here now,
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] UW Farm Calendar!
We are presently putting together a UW Farm calendar which will be
used in a fundraiser to benefit the goings-on of the Farm. The
vision is for the calendar to be compilation of work from anyone and
everyone who is invested in and has spent some time on the Farm.
This is a call out for your submission of photographs, sketches,
recipes, farm tips, poems, or anything else you have that you think
which we will sell at the end of the quarter (marketed as a
good holiday gift idea) at an affordable price to students and to the
general public.
Ideally contributions will be submitted ASAP by way of email. You
though if technology will pose an obstacle to getting something to
us, we will certainly accept hardcopies. You may send all items to
vanesz@ecologyfund.net, or you may email a request to drop off
your contribution in person at the greenhouse.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask. We
are so excited to be working on this project, and we absolutely
need YOUR work to inspire it, to make it rich and colorful and an
authentic reflection of the spirit of the UW Farm.
Thanks to those of you who have already submitted pieces, and we look forward to seeing more images, art, ideas,
etc. from anyone else who wants to contribute!
Conserve wilderness with a click (free!) and get your own EcologyFund.net email (free!) at http://www.ecologyfund.com.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Re: [TheUWfarm] We absolutely need firewood!!
Tres Tracy Ballon
Chicken Crew
s farr wrote:
> Hi All!!!
> Hope you can come warm your hands and fill your spirit in style with
> pizza at the farm this Friday!! To get this party started, we first
> need to start a fire...and to do that we need WOOD!!..we are
> desperate. So I'll repeat: WE NEED FIREWOOD. you can drop off a
> handful or a truckfull, really, anything helps! If it's damp, go ahead
> and stack it on the radiators in the greenhouse to dry it out, so we
> have a perfect pizza storm this Friday.
> Thanky thanky thankyou!
> Cheers!
>> _______________________________________________
>> TheUWfarm mailing list
>> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
>> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
> _______________________________________________
> TheUWfarm mailing list
> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] We absolutely need firewood!!
Hope you can come warm your hands and fill your spirit in style with
pizza at the farm this Friday!! To get this party started, we first
need to start a fire...and to do that we need WOOD!!..we are
desperate. So I'll repeat: WE NEED FIREWOOD. you can drop off a
handful or a truckfull, really, anything helps! If it's damp, go ahead
and stack it on the radiators in the greenhouse to dry it out, so we
have a perfect pizza storm this Friday.
Thanky thanky thankyou!
> _______________________________________________
> TheUWfarm mailing list
> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
TheUWfarm mailing list
Sunday, November 14, 2010
[TheUWfarm] Farmweek Newsletter
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Farmweek Newsletter | November 14, 2010 | |
Upcoming Farm Events and General Information Tuesday Farm Lunch All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in Anderson 022 Monthly Pizza Bake Next one: Nov. 19th from 3-5 November All Farm Meeting Dec. 1, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse _____________ New ways to get farm information! (and blog) Facebook Fan Page - become a fan! ___________
___________ To do at the FarmRemember to cross off completed tasks, clean tools when you're done using them, label anything you plant with its name and date planted, and log the hours you spend working on the farm on the farm cabinet. Thanks! J Area A: Area B: Area C: Area D: Back 40: Greenhouse:
| Trouble viewing this newsletter? View it in a web browser. UW Farm Updates Note from the Director: Work hours this week and PIZZA BAKE this Friday! I hope all is well with this community of lovely people. Are you enjoying the damp leaf smell in the air? Do you want to play outside and enjoy it? I am going to be putting in some long hours at the farm on Thursday (12:30- 4:30) and Friday (10:30- 3:30) this week, so come on down and get your hands dirty and hang out with some vegetables. Some projects I am hoping to work on are: planting fava beans any where we can squeeze them, pulling up re-mae from underneath the shrubs, weeding, laying out wood chips, harvesting collards, weed wacking, adorning our sign with current information, and other fun things. Also... Tuesday Farm Lunch Topic this Week: PCC Farmland Trust (Lynn Jordan) More information on our classes page. UW Farmer Blog Be sure to take a look at our new farmer blog! While you're at it, become a fan of our new Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter! UW Student Food Co-op: Dec. 4th Wine & Cheese Soiree! Join the UW Student Food Cooperative for a swanky winter solstice soiree! Guests will enjoy a sampling of washington wines paired with tasty treats from some of the area's most celebrated cheese and chocolate producers. Invite your lover, friends or colleagues to join you for a night out in Ballard to support a fantastic cause! Help fulfill our holiday wishes by joining together to raise necessary seed money for this developing student-run sustainable cafe! Winter Solstice Soiree - Wine & Cheese Tasting! Proceeds from the soiree will go towards helping the UW Student Food Cooperative rebuild a food cart! About the Co-op: We are building a student food cooperative whose purpose is to achieve food sovereignty on the UW campus and address food justice issues through affordable provisions of healthy and organic prepared foods. We plan to source from the expanding UW Farm and other local farmers & artisans. Our Co-op has made exciting progress in the past several months and is now actively seeking community support! Visit our website for more information: www.uwsfc.com You can also look for updates on the facebook event page. Want to get more involved? Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings! Northwest Eco-Break with Hillel: December 18-24 Hillel is putting on the Northwest Eco-Break from December 18th-24th. Students will be traveling around the region, meeting with experts in green tech, sustainability, and environmental stewardship, and doing volunteer service with their projects. $199 covers food, lodging, transportation, and activities for six days! EVERYONE is welcome to apply! UW Farmer Erin Lau to give Performance about her Grandmothers Journey: December 2 The Graciela Project: Fading Tales of the Chinese Diaspora Inspired by her grandmother's escape from China to Guatemala during WWII, Erin Lau will give a full performance of her original songs and illustrations as part of the Graciela Project: Fading Tales of the Chinese Diaspora. Erin has a diverse artistic background, bringing influences from her study of Flamenco and Hindustani vocals, harmonium, and Chinese folk songs. She will be projecting her illustrations that lend visual narration to her grandmother's story, and will be joined by several talented guest musicians on flamenco guitar, cajon and vocals. She invites you to visit her blog for more information and song clips: GracielaProject.wordpress.com Permaculture Design: 101 & 202 (introductory workshops offered at Seattle U) Come for a weekend and learn the basics of this revolutionary sustainable design system. Instructor Dave Boehnlein works as a designer and educator at the Bullock's Permaculture Homestead on Orcas Island. On Saturday we will cover definitions, history, ethics & principles. On Sunday we will focus on site assessment, design and implementation. Join us and learn how you can become more resilient! (all classes held at Seattle University Admin Building Rm. 306) PC Design 101 - Saturday, November 20th 10 am - 5:30 pm, $25-35 sliding scale PC Design 202 - Sunday, November 21st 10 am - 5:30 pm, $25-35 sliding scale For more information, please visit their website here.
UW Student Farm | uwfarm@uw.edu |
[TheUWfarm] work hours for this coming week and PIZZA BAKE!
I hope all is well with this community of lovely people. Are you enjoying the damp leaf smell in the air? Do you want to play outside and enjoy it? I am going to be putting in some long hours at the farm on Thursday (12:30- 4:30) and Friday (10:30- 3:30) this week, so come on down and get your hands dirty and hang out with some vegetables. Some projects I am hoping to work on are: planting fava beans any where we can squeeze them, pulling up re-mae from underneath the shrubs, weeding, laying out wood chips, harvesting collards, weed wacking, adorning our sign with current information, and other fun things. Also...
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19th from 3-5ishpm (note* our website says 4-6, but since it is getting darker so much earlier I bumped it back an hour, I hope this doesn't throw off people's plans) we will be having a PIZZA BAKE at the farm, potluck style so bring dough, toppings, sauce, or other goodies to cook up in the Cob Oven. This is a great way to meet people and connect with food and place in the most basic and wonderful way EATING!
Hope to see ya'll around the farm,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
[TheUWfarm] Gigantic compost pile + work party
There are no classes this thursday 11/11 so how 'bout you come to a work party at the UW Farm!
Beginning at 10am we will delve into a variety of tasks including (but not at all limited to) building a great HUGE compost pile. Make sure to bring all those coffee grounds you have laying around the house so we can throw them into our compost concoction.
Hope to see you there--rain or shine.
Compostily yours,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Re: [TheUWfarm] vegan scraps for the birds, compost (fwd)
We've got a volunteer.
Anyone on the farm want to chime in?
Kate Rider
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 16:32:17 -0800 (PST)
From: erin slomski-Pritz <eslomskipritz@yahoo.com>
To: Kathryn Rider <riderke@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] vegan scraps for the birds, compost
I live next to Chaco Canyon and am a frequent visitor. I would gladly haul the scraps down to the
farm--I've been looking for a way to get more involved with the farm in general, and I think this
is fantastic.
If it's not set in stone, I would gladly go in and talk to someone at Chaco Canyon.
Or if you'd like a more experienced farmer to do the talking/ work, I understand.
Let me know what you think.
From: Kathryn Rider <riderke@u.washington.edu>
To: theuwfarm@uw.edu
Cc: gallus@uw.edu
Sent: Mon, November 8, 2010 3:30:25 PM
Subject: [TheUWfarm] vegan scraps for the birds, compost
This was brought to my attention on another user-group I belong to. Perhaps the UW Farm could
benefit from a collaboration with this restaurant.
Beautiful Food Scraps for Animal Feed or Compost (University District)
Date: 2010-11-08, 7:26AM PST
Reply to: sale-mwuwz-2048583422@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Our Cafe had been wanting to do something with our gorgeous organic vegan food scraps for some
time now, other than pay someone to haul it away and compost it that is. We hooked up a chicken
farmer from February of this year until now, and he has decided that he will be moving on from his
farm soon. We have another fellow who picks up for his pig farm currently, but can only make it
out once a week.
The key issue is the amount we generate: 50 gallons of this a day. I'm sure there will be plenty
of people reading this ad who would love a bucket or two for their compost pile, but what we're
looking for is someone who can reliably haul this away twice a week for the foreseeable future so
we're not paying to waste it.
It seems like the perfect fit for it would be (a) a small farm that creates its own compost or (b)
a pig or chicken farm. Joe loved it and it worked out great for him, plus saved him a bundle on
feed. There are inedible things like napkins or paper cups that go in, but the animals have picked
around it and left the rest for the compost pile. Offhand, I'd break down our standard compost
* 30% fruit/vegetable pulp from the juicer (the best stuff ever)
* 30% kitchen scraps (rice & quinoa, vegetable parts, etc.)
* 10% leftover food from customers
* 10% questionable consumables (citrus, banana peels, onion peels)
* 10% coffee grounds
* 10% misc. paper products: napkins, coffee cups, to go boxes, etc.
Please email me if you have any questions or are interested!
Thank you,
Chris Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe
* Location: University District
TheUWfarm mailing list
TheUWfarm mailing list
Re: [TheUWfarm] vegan scraps for the birds, compost (fwd)
Anyone on the farm want to chime in?
Kate Rider
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 16:32:17 -0800 (PST)
From: erin slomski-Pritz <eslomskipritz@yahoo.com>
To: Kathryn Rider <riderke@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [TheUWfarm] vegan scraps for the birds, compost
I live next to Chaco Canyon and am a frequent visitor. I would gladly haul the scraps down to the
farm--I've been looking for a way to get more involved with the farm in general, and I think this
is fantastic.
If it's not set in stone, I would gladly go in and talk to someone at Chaco Canyon.
Or if you'd like a more experienced farmer to do the talking/ work, I understand.
Let me know what you think.
From: Kathryn Rider <riderke@u.washington.edu>
To: theuwfarm@uw.edu
Cc: gallus@uw.edu
Sent: Mon, November 8, 2010 3:30:25 PM
Subject: [TheUWfarm] vegan scraps for the birds, compost
This was brought to my attention on another user-group I belong to. Perhaps the UW Farm could
benefit from a collaboration with this restaurant.
Beautiful Food Scraps for Animal Feed or Compost (University District)
Date: 2010-11-08, 7:26AM PST
Reply to: sale-mwuwz-2048583422@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Our Cafe had been wanting to do something with our gorgeous organic vegan food scraps for some
time now, other than pay someone to haul it away and compost it that is. We hooked up a chicken
farmer from February of this year until now, and he has decided that he will be moving on from his
farm soon. We have another fellow who picks up for his pig farm currently, but can only make it
out once a week.
The key issue is the amount we generate: 50 gallons of this a day. I'm sure there will be plenty
of people reading this ad who would love a bucket or two for their compost pile, but what we're
looking for is someone who can reliably haul this away twice a week for the foreseeable future so
we're not paying to waste it.
It seems like the perfect fit for it would be (a) a small farm that creates its own compost or (b)
a pig or chicken farm. Joe loved it and it worked out great for him, plus saved him a bundle on
feed. There are inedible things like napkins or paper cups that go in, but the animals have picked
around it and left the rest for the compost pile. Offhand, I'd break down our standard compost
* 30% fruit/vegetable pulp from the juicer (the best stuff ever)
* 30% kitchen scraps (rice & quinoa, vegetable parts, etc.)
* 10% leftover food from customers
* 10% questionable consumables (citrus, banana peels, onion peels)
* 10% coffee grounds
* 10% misc. paper products: napkins, coffee cups, to go boxes, etc.
Please email me if you have any questions or are interested!
Thank you,
Chris Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe
* Location: University District
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] vegan scraps for the birds, compost
Beautiful Food Scraps for Animal Feed or Compost (University District)
Date: 2010-11-08, 7:26AM PST
Reply to: sale-mwuwz-2048583422@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Our Cafe had been wanting to do something with our gorgeous organic vegan food scraps for some time now, other than pay someone to haul it away and compost it that is. We hooked up a chicken farmer from February of this year until now, and he has decided that he will be moving on from his farm soon. We have another fellow who picks up for his pig farm currently, but can only make it out once a week.
The key issue is the amount we generate: 50 gallons of this a day. I'm sure there will be plenty of people reading this ad who would love a bucket or two for their compost pile, but what we're looking for is someone who can reliably haul this away twice a week for the foreseeable future so we're not paying to waste it.
It seems like the perfect fit for it would be (a) a small farm that creates its own compost or (b) a pig or chicken farm. Joe loved it and it worked out great for him, plus saved him a bundle on feed. There are inedible things like napkins or paper cups that go in, but the animals have picked around it and left the rest for the compost pile. Offhand, I'd break down our standard compost thusly:
* 30% fruit/vegetable pulp from the juicer (the best stuff ever)
* 30% kitchen scraps (rice & quinoa, vegetable parts, etc.)
* 10% leftover food from customers
* 10% questionable consumables (citrus, banana peels, onion peels)
* 10% coffee grounds
* 10% misc. paper products: napkins, coffee cups, to go boxes, etc.
Please email me if you have any questions or are interested!
Thank you,
Chris Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe
* Location: University District
TheUWfarm mailing list
Sunday, November 7, 2010
[TheUWfarm] Foraging Class #2- TUESDAY 7:30 am
Foraging class #2 will commence this coming tuesday, instead of thursday due to schedule conflict. We will look at, eat, and talk about Oxalis spp. (Wood Sorrel), Malva spp. (Mallow), Crataegus spp (Hawthorn), Sumac and Vaccinium ovatum (Evergreen Huckleberry). We will start at 7:30 am at the UW Farm and go to 8:20. Don't worry if you weren't there for foraging class #1, we are just trying to slowly build up the number of plants we feel comfortable with. If you want to be added to my list to get more info on the plants and other foraging stuf, email me.
eat dirt and smile about it,
-What is in the space between thoughts?-
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] Farmweek newsletter November 7, 2010
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Farmweek Newsletter | November 7, 2010 | |
Upcoming Farm Events and General Information Tuesday Farm Lunch All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in Anderson 022 Monthly Pizza Bake Next one: Nov. 18th November All Farm Meeting Dec. 1, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse _____________ New ways to get farm information! (and blog) Facebook Fan Page - become a fan! ___________
___________ To do at the Farm 11/08-11/12Remember to cross off completed tasks, clean tools when you're done using them, label anything you plant with its name and date planted, and log the hours you spend working on the farm on the farm cabinet. Thanks! J Area A: Area B: Area C: Area D: Back 40: Greenhouse:
| Trouble viewing this newsletter? View it in a web browser. UW Farm Updates Thanks to everyone who came out to the All-Farm meeting this Wednesday and Saturday's work party! Look at what we pulled up this week! Tuesday Farm Lunch Topic this Week: the Urban Farm Coop (with Charmaine Slavine) More information on our classes page. UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week Be sure to take a look at our new farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:
While you're at it, become a fan of our new Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter! Fundraising Campaign for the Farm - Help us Spread the Joy! We are beginning a fundraising campaign - and we'd would like send a mailer to our farm supporters. So we are collecting addresses - these addresses will not be shared outside the farm community! We will send this to as many people as possible - you can add lots of people - your parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors - basically anyone you know with $5 to share. Are you inspired to donate? You can do so here right now! And if you can't donate now - help us out by adding some folks to our list of supporters. Here is a link to a form. Add your friends to our list of supporters today! Want to get more involved? Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings! Interested in attending a brainstorming session on local agriculture and networking? Put on by Harvest Collective This is a great opportunity for any urban farmers interested in producing food at a marketable scale. Because of the UW Farm's connection to urban farming in Seattle, Harvest Collective is inviting any UW Farmers to participate in a brainstorming session--"practice circle"-- in order to maximize our collective efficiency in growing, marketing and distributing local produce in the coming year. On Wed, Nov 10th at 6p (Location TBD), we'll discuss: On Wed, Dec 1st at 6p (Big Al's Brewing), we'll discuss: Please RSVP to Mikhaila Gonzales of Harvest Collective at mikhaila@harvestcollective.coop if interested Teach Out! Engaging our Local Food Cycle with the Community Alliance for Global Justice AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ABOUT AND WORK FOR A LOCAL COMMUNITY FARM Coordinated by the Food Justice Project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice Sixth Event of 2010! GroundUP and Creatives4Community CAGJ's Food Justice Project invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with key players in the local food region through monthly visits to farms, community kitchens, and community gardens! The site visits will include hands-on work that is needed by or is appropriate to the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action! Each visit will allow for carpool options and many will also feature a bike route guided by a CAGJ member. Through these visits, CAGJ hopes to facilitate a place for the voices of our local food producers to be heard and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated. Puget Sound Regional Food Policy Council Looking for a Policy Intern PSRC is seeking an Intern to provide technical support to professional staff related to the development of a regional food policy needs assessment assist with research, the development of reports, and will respond to the information needs of staff. For full job description and application instructions, see website here and pdf here. Permaculture Design: 101 & 202 (introductory workshops offered at Seattle U) Come for a weekend and learn the basics of this revolutionary sustainable design system. Instructor Dave Boehnlein works as a designer and educator at the Bullock's Permaculture Homestead on Orcas Island. On Saturday we will cover definitions, history, ethics & principles. On Sunday we will focus on site assessment, design and implementation. Join us and learn how you can become more resilient! (all classes held at Seattle University Admin Building Rm. 306) PC Design 101 - Saturday, November 20th 10 am - 5:30 pm, $25-35 sliding scale PC Design 202 - Sunday, November 21st 10 am - 5:30 pm, $25-35 sliding scale For more information, please visit their website here.
UW Student Farm | uwfarm@uw.edu |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
[TheUWfarm] Work Party this Saturday!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Re: [TheUWfarm] Foraging walk, potato dig
Hello friends,
On thursday, if you are interested, please join me in a short jaunt over to the arboretum to see what edibles are popping up. This will be less of a tour than an exploration with the intent of gathering a goodly quantity. I will be leaving the uw farm by bike at 12pm. Next week will be Foraging class #2, and this pattern will continue- one week class with 5 plants, the next week walking and harvesting. If you want to have your email on a list for more frequent updates about foraging stuff and more detailed foraging class materials, please email me. Also, anyone that is interested in digging potatoes on friday at the farm I work at in carnation should email me, I could give a ride there and back. Leaving in the morning, returning early afternoon.
"There is no greater sin than to prepare to defend oneself"
Old Saying
TheUWfarm mailing list
Associated Student Government
Bellevue College
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
[TheUWfarm] Foraging walk, potato dig
On thursday, if you are interested, please join me in a short jaunt over to the arboretum to see what edibles are popping up. This will be less of a tour than an exploration with the intent of gathering a goodly quantity. I will be leaving the uw farm by bike at 12pm. Next week will be Foraging class #2, and this pattern will continue- one week class with 5 plants, the next week walking and harvesting. If you want to have your email on a list for more frequent updates about foraging stuff and more detailed foraging class materials, please email me. Also, anyone that is interested in digging potatoes on friday at the farm I work at in carnation should email me, I could give a ride there and back. Leaving in the morning, returning early afternoon.
"There is no greater sin than to prepare to defend oneself"
Old Saying
TheUWfarm mailing list
[TheUWfarm] all farm meeting November 3 @ 5pm in the botany greenhouse
It is the first week of November and time for our second all farm meeting of the school year. So come one and come all and participate in some collaborative thinking about improving our current space, hear about green team crop plans, outreach fund raising, and learn about some possible upcoming farm field trips! NOVEMBER 3 @ 5 pm in the botany greenhouse. And if you haven't already gotten acquainted with the farm it might be helpful to go to a brief farm orientation before the meeting, starting at 4:30. I hope to see all of your bright shinning faces!