Sunday, November 7, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Farmweek newsletter November 7, 2010

Farmweek Newsletter | November 7, 2010

Upcoming Farm Events and General Information

Tuesday Farm Lunch

All quarter, T 12:30-1:20 in Anderson 022

Monthly Pizza Bake

Next one: Nov. 18th

November All Farm Meeting

Dec. 1, 5 - 6 pm Botany Greenhouse


New ways to get farm information!

We have a new website!

(and blog)

Facebook Fan Page - become a fan!


Send all submissions for the weekly newsletter to

During the academic year, the newsletter will go out weekly on Sunday evenings.


To do at the Farm 11/08-11/12

Remember to cross off completed tasks, clean tools when you're done using them, label anything you plant with its name and date planted, and log the hours you spend working on the farm on the farm cabinet. Thanks! J

Area A:
Harvest some collard leaves
Plant more fava beans in A10-11

Area B:
Kohlrabi needs pest management (determine which pest…)
Chard and spinach need pest management (cayenne pepper? beer traps?)
Kale also needs pest management! (buckets)
Feed kohlrabi, chard, spinach, and kale a dose of compost tea
Plant something in bucket closest to path
Plant more cover in bucket by greenhouse

Area C:
Plant cover in C8 and back of C7
Resow coverà start with C13
Weed arum in carrot beds
Cut back fig tree shoots (make sure to wear gloves and long sleeves)

Area D:
Level out with compost and plant cover crop in artichoke bed (leave artichokes to grow)
Make sure all crops have labels!
Chop in clover in thin bed along Burke trail, then rake it flat
Plant cover crop in D14
Harvest a few (not all) Jerusalem artichokes (and cook them!)
Spread woodchips into bed trench as well as in between and around beds
Directly seed radishes in coldframe
Weed and cover small buckets
Consider expanding along fence
Plant fava beans in D18
Status of D5?

Back 40:
Check on solanum berries drying in greenhouse (adjacent to Area D)
Plant something in empty buckets by picnic table
Several roots in finished compost—throw them aside if you use it
Collect/bring materials for composting
Cut herbs in permaculture garden

Clean fridge!
Replenish recycled soil


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UW Farm Updates

Thanks to everyone who came out to the All-Farm meeting this Wednesday and Saturday's work party!


Look at what we pulled up this week!

Tuesday Farm Lunch Topic this Week: the Urban Farm Coop (with Charmaine Slavine)

More information on our classes page.

UW Farmer Blog: Blog Posts this Week

Be sure to take a look at our new farmer blog! Here is an overview of new stuff this week:

While you're at it, become a fan of our new Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter!

Fundraising Campaign for the Farm - Help us Spread the Joy!

We are beginning a fundraising campaign - and we'd would like send a mailer to our farm supporters. So we are collecting addresses - these addresses will not be shared outside the farm community!

We will send this to as many people as possible - you can add lots of people - your parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors - basically anyone you know with $5 to share. Are you inspired to donate? You can do so here right now!

And if you can't donate now - help us out by adding some folks to our list of supporters. Here is a link to a form. Add your friends to our list of supporters today!

Want to get more involved?

Check out our updated calendar page for work parties, pizza bakes, and committee meetings!

Off Farm Stuff

Interested in attending a brainstorming session on local agriculture and networking? Put on by Harvest Collective

This is a great opportunity for any urban farmers interested in producing food at a marketable scale. Because of the UW Farm's connection to urban farming in Seattle, Harvest Collective is inviting any UW Farmers to participate in a brainstorming session--"practice circle"-- in order to maximize our collective efficiency in growing, marketing and distributing local produce in the coming year.

On Wed, Nov 10th at 6p (Location TBD), we'll discuss:
1) what has worked well (growing/harvesting/marketing/distribution)
2) what hasn't
3) at what scale (in terms of range of collection/distribution; square footage:farmer; distance between plots of land) etc.

On Wed, Dec 1st at 6p (Big Al's Brewing), we'll discuss:
1) what to grow next year
2) where to sell it
3) where/how to market it

Please RSVP to Mikhaila Gonzales of Harvest Collective at if interested

Teach Out! Engaging our Local Food Cycle with the Community Alliance for Global Justice


Coordinated by the Food Justice Project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice

Sixth Event of 2010! GroundUP and Creatives4Community
Saturday, November 13, 10am-3pm
Please support our commitment to alternative transportation methods by biking, walking or taking pubic transit to this event!

CAGJ's Food Justice Project invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with key players in the local food region through monthly visits to farms, community kitchens, and community gardens! The site visits will include hands-on work that is needed by or is appropriate to the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action! Each visit will allow for carpool options and many will also feature a bike route guided by a CAGJ member. Through these visits, CAGJ hopes to facilitate a place for the voices of our local food producers to be heard and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated.

GroundUP Organics is a project of Creatives4Community (C4C) that works to create living-wage green employment and educational opportunities for low-income youth of color in urban centers. Based in Yesler Terrace, the program teaches local teens to become leaders in sustainable urban agriculture. For more information, please visit the C4C facebook page.

**Please note, space is limited, so RSVP's are required. To sign up, fill out the online form here. If you have any questions, please email Molly at We will send you directions and details upon receiving your RSVP, as well as information about what to wear and bring. All activities will be appropriate for children and we can work out disability accommodations if needed.

Puget Sound Regional Food Policy Council Looking for a Policy Intern

PSRC is seeking an Intern to provide technical support to professional staff related to the development of a regional food policy needs assessment assist with research, the development of reports, and will respond to the information needs of staff.

For full job description and application instructions, see website here and pdf here.

Permaculture Design: 101 & 202 (introductory workshops offered at Seattle U)

Come for a weekend and learn the basics of this revolutionary sustainable design system. Instructor Dave Boehnlein works as a designer and educator at the Bullock's Permaculture Homestead on Orcas Island. On Saturday we will cover definitions, history, ethics & principles. On Sunday we will focus on site assessment, design and implementation. Join us and learn how you can become more resilient! (all classes held at Seattle University Admin Building Rm. 306)

PC Design 101 - Saturday, November 20th

10 am - 5:30 pm, $25-35 sliding scale

PC Design 202 - Sunday, November 21st

10 am - 5:30 pm, $25-35 sliding scale

For more information, please visit their website here.



UW Student Farm |
University of Washington Campus


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