Tuesday, February 23, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Re: Follow up to DD meeting

Hey all, 

Here's the list of things that need doing down at the Farm this week (I've attached the file), and the hours that either the interns or the Dirty Dozen crew will be working. 

Monday: 8:30-12:30, 3-5
Tuesday: 8:30-10:30, 3:30-4:30
Wednesday: 10:30-3:30
Thursday: 8:30-3
Friday: 10-12

Feel free to drop in and lend a hand if you've got the time, and you're so inclined. 
Also, we won't be having a work party/potluck on Friday, like we have the past few weeks. 


Rachel Malinen

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Brady William Ryan <bradyr@u.washington.edu> wrote:
Please send the to-do list to the whole farm along with the work schedule, noting that there is NO potlunch/work party on friday.

On Mon, 22 Feb 2010, Rachel Louise Malinen wrote:

Hey everyone,

I hope you've all been able to enjoy being outside in the gorgeous sunshine!

Here's this week's to-do list - I didn't copy down who volunteered for what
project, but you can look at the copy on the cabinet door if you want to
team up on something.

Also, I forgot to mention this today at our meeting, but it would be great
if everyone took a few minutes to research one crop that we're going to be
growing this spring season, and bring the following information to DD
meeting on Monday: where the crop is native to, something about the way that
it grows (i.e. likes shade, or when we'll be planting it outside), and a
recipe with that crop in it. You can find the list of crops in a few places
- the big map on the Farm cabinet has all the spring crops listed on the
beds they'll be planted in, and the green team sent out a file a while back
of their planting plan. Let me know if you have trouble finding that list,
or any other questions about the 'homework.' We'll report back on what we
found at our next meeting.



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