---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julia Reed <juliareed1105@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 10:16 PM
Subject: [Farmvision] Bee committee meeting- WEDNESDAY
To: uwfarm@u.washington.edu, farmvision@u.washington.edu, kdasselin@hotmail.com, evansj5@u.washington.edu, theUWfarm@u.washington.edu
Hello, I know ya'll have been getting so many emails lately, but I remember a bunch of people saying they wanted to be involved/ be informed of bee happenings.

Farmvision mailing list
From: Julia Reed <juliareed1105@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 10:16 PM
Subject: [Farmvision] Bee committee meeting- WEDNESDAY
To: uwfarm@u.washington.edu, farmvision@u.washington.edu, kdasselin@hotmail.com, evansj5@u.washington.edu, theUWfarm@u.washington.edu
Hello, I know ya'll have been getting so many emails lately, but I remember a bunch of people saying they wanted to be involved/ be informed of bee happenings.
There will be a meeting this wednesday morning at 7:30 in the greenhouse! We hope to formalize some people who Evan (the bee master!) will train to take care of/ lead education for the NEW BEES!!!
SO, if you are interested please stop by! I know it's early, but it would be great to know who really wants to be involved so Evan can start training! After all, the bee's are already buzzing away at the farm! woop woop! And if you can't make the meeting, email Kat (kdasselin@hotmail.com) saying you would like to be involved and she'll add you to the listserve!
Farmvision mailing list
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