Sunday, April 18, 2010

[TheUWfarm] Seed Bomb Making

Hey Farmers!
I don't know if this has come up before, but would anyone else be interested in getting together to make seed bombs? From there obviously we could practice some guerrilla gardening and scamper all over campus and the U-district under the cover of night to scatter balls full of edible, hearty seeds!

For those of you who don't know, seed bombs are small (peanut m&m or bigger) balls made of clay and/or a clay-compost-fertilizer mixture packed with seeds that you toss into any bare dirt of ground (road medians, abandoned lots, etc.) in hopes of making it explode with life! When the rain hits, it disperses the clay and the seeds into the soil, avoiding the birds and sun that would kill them. A lot of seed bombers seem attracted to using wildflowers, but in hopes of populating our city with edible foliage I suggest we try it our way with local edible plants.

More info:

Let me know if you're interested! I'd be happy to host a seed bomb making party up at my house a few blocks north of campus if the farm is not a feasible location.

Jamie B.

TheUWfarm mailing list

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