Thursday, May 12, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Clopyralid in our Compost: A Demonstration


Compost committee coordinator here and I imagine you're asking yourself, "what the heck is clopyralid and what does it have to do with compost?"

And my response is: it is an herbicide meant to suppress certain weeds, but unfortunately it has detrimental effects on plants in the aster and legume families. Long story short, clopyralid frequently shows up in compost and if we put that compost on our vegetable beds, some things cannot grow!

So, if you want the long story about how clopyralid persists in our compost even after the decomposition process, come down to the Botany Greenhouse next Tuesday May 17th at 3pm where the wonderful greenhouse manager, Doug, will show us how to test compost for clopyralid! We will also have a short discussion on the history, effects, and persistence of this pesky herbicide.

You will certainly want to be there! Please let me know if you would like to attend or if you have any questions.


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