Friday, May 27, 2011

[TheUWfarm] Seattle City Council adopts Seattle Farm Bill Principles


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CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.

Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!

Thought you all might like this :) -Michelle

5/25/2011  3:41:00 PM 
Phyllis Shulman, Council President Conlin's Office, 206-684-8805
Megan Coppersmith, Council Communications, 206-615-0061
Laura Lockard, (206) 684-8159

Seattle City Council adopts Seattle Farm Bill Principles, providing guidance to the Federal Government

Seattle - On Monday, the Seattle City Council adopted resolution 31296, supporting the Seattle Farm Bill Principles as policy
guidance to the Federal Government in the renewal of the 2012 Farm Bill.

"One of my main goals as a Councilmember is supporting public health, economic development and protecting our environment, all
essential to the viability and livability of our city and our economy," said Council President Richard Conlin, Chair of the
Regional Development and Sustainability Committee and sponsor of this resolution.  "We hope that Seattle's actions will serve as a
model for other jurisdictions, and that they will follow our lead." 

Seattle, along with other municipalities, faces multiple health, social, and environmental problems connected to food.  In 2007,
up to 11 percent of adults in Seattle ran out of food.  In 2008, the incidence of obesity in King County adults was 21 percent.
Currently, 42 percent of Seattle's public school students are enrolled to receive free or reduced meals.

The Farm Bill is the primary piece of legislation that determines our nation's food and agriculture policy and will be renewed in
2012. The 15 Federal Farm Bill titles address important issues including supplemental nutrition assistance programs (SNAP,
formally called food stamps), farm, trade, conservation, rural development, research, and food safety programs.

The policies, programs and funding included in the 2012 Farm Bill will affect how successful Seattle can be in achieving its goal
of strengthening the local and regional food system, improving the economy, and emergency preparedness.

Conlin and other Seattle leaders brought together regional partners and created these principles to help guide decisions by our
elected officials, and make the voice of our community heard.  These principles are meant to provide guidance for the development
of policies, regulations, programs, funding opportunities, technical support, and research priorities for a healthy and
sustainable food system supported by the 2012 Farm Bill.

"Good policy decisions involve the individuals and communities they affect and it is important that rural, urban, and suburban
communities all have a voice in determining the policies that directly affect their economic and social well-being," added

For more information on Seattle's Farm Bill Principles, including the regional partners and specific principles, please visit

Heather Day, Director
Community Alliance for Global Justice


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CAGJ-FJP is a listserv to support the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Project organizing with meeting & event announcements, resources, and more.

Through political action and anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, CAGJ's Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives as we join the global struggle for food sovereignty for all!

Michelle Venetucci Harvey

University of Washington '11

Community, Environment, and Planning

Environmental Anthropology

My profiles: Facebook WordPress Twitter LinkedIn

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