![]() | I've shared Copy of Strategic_plan |
Google Docs makes it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
![]() | I've shared Copy of Strategic_plan |
ps: his group's website is:
pps: This is a chance you might want to skiip class for!
TheUWfarm mailing list
There's also excellent discussion going on catalyst, see below.
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010, Kristin A Miller wrote:
> Dear Farmers,
> You're invited to participate in a brain-storming discussion around planning
> a high-school science curriculum about Environmental Health, for the unit on
> Food and Food Safety. I'd love to see some UW Farmers there to enrich the
> discussion!
> Background:
> An outreach project organized by Dept of Environmental Health is underway,
> developing new materials to train high school teachers in cool science
> topics.
> A seminar course is happening this quarter, and people not registered are
> welcome to attend sessions and participate!
> more info on project and course:
> https://catalysttools.washington.edu/gopost/area/akharmon/52285
> You may participate in one or both of two ways:
> Participate in discussion online here:
> https://catalysttools.washington.edu/gopost/area/akharmon/52190
> Attend in person discussion on Friday January 29th from 3-4:20pm, Health
> Sciences Building Room T-739 (I will meet people at the Farm at 2:45 and walk
> you over, please RSVP if you're interested!)
> PS undergrad students very welcome.
> -Kristin
> Kristin Miller, MS
> Doctoral Student in Epidemiology
> University of Washington
> Box 357236, Seattle WA 98195
> _______________________________________________
> TheUWfarm mailing list
> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
TheUWfarm mailing list
TheUWfarm mailing list
What: Weekly seminar series "Food Environment and Health" sponsored by the Nutritional Sciences program
When & Where: Thursdays 12:30-1:20 Health Sciences Building T-739
See attached schedule or website for future topics http://depts.washington.edu/nutr/500Web.html
Prof. Drewnowski says guests are welcome :)
Seminar is held in a large lecture hall so there would be plenty of room for
anyone who wants to be there.
Topic for 1/28:
Evaluating menu labeling initiatives in Seattle-King County
Barb Bruemmer, PhD, RD
Senior Lecturer, Nutritional Sciences Program
University of Washington Department of Epidemiology
Schedule of speakers and topics:
Enter Health Sciences from bridge from upper campus; you come into "T" wing
on 4th floor. Take stairs or elevator to 7th floor. Room is in T-wing,
T-739. map http://depts.washington.edu/deptgh/docs/healthsciencesmap.pdf
Who wants to come with me tomorrow? Anyone want to meet at Farm at 12:20 and
walk over, I will be the tour guide, as Health Sciences can be a maze!
Kristin Miller, MS
Doctoral Student in Epidemiology
University of Washington
Box 357236, Seattle WA 98195
Environmental Justice Panel
The Graduate Environmental Policy Forum invites you to a panel discussion on
local environmental justice issues and how you, as a UW student, staff, or
faculty member can contribute to the work being done on these issues. Five
panelists from the government, non-profit and academic sectors will talk about
their experiences working on environmental justice issues in the region.
Panelists include:
§ Kevin Burrell, Executive Director, Environmental Coalition of South Seattle
§ Ticiang Diangson, Director, Environmental Justice and Service Equity
Division, Seattle Public Utilities
§ Running Grass, Environmental Justice Program Manager, EPA Region 10
§ Gregory A. Hicks, Professor of Law, UW Law School
§ Shelly Vendiola, Co-Founder, Community Alliance & Peacemaking Project
The purpose of the event is to connect the UW campus community to environmental
justice issues and we hope this event will stimulate further conversation and
action on this issue at UW. The event will include plenty of time for audience
questions and informal networking.
When: Monday, February 1st, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
§ Panel questions: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
§ Question and answer: 7:30- 8:00 pm
§ Networking/One-on-one conversations: 8:00- 8:30 pm
Where: Parrington Hall Forum, 3rd Floor ( map of campus )
Refreshments will be served.
The event is open to all students, staff, and faculty at the University of
Washington, as well as local community members. Please forward to others who
you think would be interested in attending the event.
This event is brought to you by students from Graduate Environmental Policy
Forum ( GEPFa ), with help from the Partnership for Cultural Diversity ( PCD ),
two student interest groups at the Evans School of Public Affairs at the
University of Washington. This event is supported in part by the Graduate and
Professional Student Senate ( GPSS ).
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Gabriela Carvalho
MPA Candidate - Dec 2010
Evans School of Public Affairs
University of Washington
Please remove my name from the mailing list. Thank you.
TheUWfarm mailing list
TheUWfarm mailing list
TheUWfarm mailing list
Since I'm back in Norway after my pleasant stay in Seattle, I wish to be removed from the mailing list.
Best regards Ronny
Ronny Steen
Research fellow, PhD Student
Postal address: INA, UMB, P.O.Box 5003, NO-1432 Ås, Norway
Office: Room 260, Sørhellinga, Høgskoleveien 12
Telephone: +47 64 96 57 78
E-mail: ronny.steen@umb.no
TheUWfarm mailing list
TheUWfarm mailing list
Hey Everyone,
Awesome Seattle Event coming up!
If you are growing food, thinking about food, working in food justice
or want to get started this year, check out this great event! Attached
flyer with more details
Urban Agriculture: Food Justice For All
"Inside the Farmers Studio" with Will Allen, CEO of Growing Power &
2008 MacArthur Genius Grant Recipient
Feb 3rd 7-9pm @ Mercer Middle School Auditorium
1600 Colombian Way, Seattle, WA
Dave Boehnlein
Terra Phoenix Design
To whom it may concern,We are writing to inform you of an exciting new campaign to establish
a Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) on our campus to make the
University of Washington the greenest campus in the nation. The
proposed Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is a major, student-led
investment in a greener, more sustainable campus. It will provide
funding for projects that increase campus sustainability, prioritize
student leadership and involvement, and educate UW students, faculty,
and staff in order to create a more environmentally responsible campus
culture. The creation of the CSF will allow students to set the
University's environmental agenda and create educational opportunities
in the process. It will create incredible opportunities for students
to get engaged and create a lasting, positive change on campus.
However, we need your help to make the CSF a reality on our campus. As
an organized voice for student interest at the University, your
endorsement of the campaign would be an invaluable contribution to
demonstrating student support for the CSF. We have attached a letter
of endorsement to this e-mail, which we hope you will read and discuss
with your organization. If you choose to support this student-led
investment in a more sustainable future for the University, please
respond to campussustainabilityfund@gmail.com with your endorsement.
Additionally, if your organization would like to learn more about the
CSF, we will gladly schedule a presentation for one of your meetings,
so please let us know as soon as possible. You can also find our
detailed proposal and answers to many of your questions at our
website, www.uwcsf.org.
We sincerely appreciate your time and consideration of the Campus
Sustainability Fund, and we hope that you will join us in supporting
this empowering commitment to protect the environment and to enrich
student opportunities on campus.
Thank you.
The Campus Sustainability Fund Working Group
Attached is a pdf document with some work tasks that need help to be completed this week on the farm. There are plenty of ongoing tasks that need many hands and smaller tasks that do not have anyone working on them yet. To sign up for a task or mark off that you have completed something please do so directly on the copy of this document that will live on the door of the farm cabinet. Unsure of how to get started/what to do? Below are the hours this week that either the farm interns or members of the Dirty Dozen will be working. Finally, a reminder that there will be a work party this Friday, bring your lunch at noon, work till you stop/drop.
Monday: 8:30-12:30, 3-5
Tuesday: 8:30-10:30, 3:30-4:30
Wednesday: 10:30-3:30
Thursday: 8:30-3
Friday: 10-12, Communal lunch at 12, work party 12:30-4:30
To whom it may concern,We are writing to inform you of an exciting new campaign to establish
a Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) on our campus to make the
University of Washington the greenest campus in the nation. The
proposed Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is a major, student-led
investment in a greener, more sustainable campus. It will provide
funding for projects that increase campus sustainability, prioritize
student leadership and involvement, and educate UW students, faculty,
and staff in order to create a more environmentally responsible campus
culture. The creation of the CSF will allow students to set the
University's environmental agenda and create educational opportunities
in the process. It will create incredible opportunities for students
to get engaged and create a lasting, positive change on campus.
However, we need your help to make the CSF a reality on our campus. As
an organized voice for student interest at the University, your
endorsement of the campaign would be an invaluable contribution to
demonstrating student support for the CSF. We have attached a letter
of endorsement to this e-mail, which we hope you will read and discuss
with your organization. If you choose to support this student-led
investment in a more sustainable future for the University, please
respond to campussustainabilityfund@gmail.com with your endorsement.
Additionally, if your organization would like to learn more about the
CSF, we will gladly schedule a presentation for one of your meetings,
so please let us know as soon as possible. You can also find our
detailed proposal and answers to many of your questions at our
website, www.uwcsf.org.
We sincerely appreciate your time and consideration of the Campus
Sustainability Fund, and we hope that you will join us in supporting
this empowering commitment to protect the environment and to enrich
student opportunities on campus.
Thank you.
The Campus Sustainability Fund Working Group
On Thursday, February 18th, UW Hillel will be hosting a social justice fair and hunger banquet where students and community members can get informed about issues related to food justice. The event will begin with a social justice fair at 6 PM where different organizations from UW and the Seattle area will provide information about various local issues as well as ways to get involved. The event will continue at 7 PM with the hunger banquet. This dinner will include presentations from two local activists as well as a simulation of food distribution in our world.
We like the work your organization is doing and invite you to host a booth for your group at the fair. This will be a great way to inform students, faculty, and community members of ways they can get more involved.
If you need more information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at morganrc@yahoo.com. Otherwise, let me know by Wednesday, February 3 if your group would be interested in participating in the social justice fair.
Morgan Currier
Tzedek at UW Hillel
Thanks for reminding us about the conference! Let's find a way for those who attend to make a report back to the rest of us on their experience.
With regard to the Cobb Oven schedule, I think it is important that we set a regular schedule and stick to it. Last weekend, another student farmer invited outside guests and they were confused about schedule change; they ended up coming on Monday but too late and missed the party. I have already invited people for the 2nd Friday of February. Can we confirm the start time for the next firing on Friday Feb 12th?
In terms of outreach, we want to be able to invite new people and other on-campus and off-campus groups to visit UW Farm for Cobb Oven Firings, and to plan ahead for this. A few things to consider are adding additional Oven Firings as there is interest, and training more people to operate the oven, and procuring more wood.
In terms of outreach, we On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, anagnost@u.washington.edu wrote:
> Do you think that the group could get ASUW funds for this? It says on their
> website their funds can only be used for events on campus, but I wonder if
> they might know of some other resources that we don't know about. After all
> the farm group is a registered student group and we should make use of their
> services.
> I notice that the dates of this event conflict with the next cob oven firing
> and wonder if the group might want to reschedule the latter.
> Ann
> On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Elizabeth Wheat wrote:
>> Ann makes a good point! Ann: to answer your question - the gathering was
>> talked about at the last all farm meeting and several students from the
>> farm are going.
>> I've gotten permission to leave for the weekend (from a reluctant Sarah!).
>> But my mind is not yet made up for sure. I know that Lydia is going, but I
>> think her car is full. Regardless, it would be great to get a count/ list
>> of folks interested in attending. The UW farm should be well represented
>> and I suspect that we could learn a lot from the experience of other
>> student farms at the gathering. To help us gather information I've made
>> an online survey. If you are interested in attending the conference
>> please let us know by filling out this survey!
>> https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDhITklndE9JSXV1ZklhNzNIWDU1Vmc6MA
>> Thanks in advance! Meanwhile, Ann or anyone else, are there any funds you
>> know about that we could apply for to help fund our travel to Montana?
>> Beth
>> On Jan 23, 2010, at 8:27 AM, anagnost@u.washington.edu wrote:
>>> I believe this is for university-level too. Is anyone from UW going? Ann
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:25:40 -0800
>>> From: "\"Farm to School Connections
>>> Team\" <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu> on behalf of Tricia Sexton
>>> Kova
>>> cs" <TKovacs@agr.wa.gov>
>>> To: Farm to School Connections Team <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu>
>>> Subject: [f2sconnections] FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of
>>> Montana
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Greg Williamson [mailto:Greg.Williamson@k12.wa.us]
>>> Sent: Wed 1/20/2010 2:12 PM
>>> To: Undisclosed recipients
>>> Subject: FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of Montana
>>> FYI
>>> High School students from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming
>>> who are interested in learning about food systems and ways they can take
>>> action in their local community are invited to the "Real Food Youth
>>> Convergence." If you are interested in gardening, health, nutrition,
>>> farming, agriculture, labor rights, fair-trade networks, student
>>> organizing, cooperative business structures or dismantling injustice in
>>> our global and regional food systems-this convergence is for you. The
>>> event will be held February 12-14, 2010 at the University of Montana
>>> Campus. For more information or to register go to:
>>> david@realfoodchallenge.org, northwest@realfoodchallenge.org,
>>> www.realfoodchallenge.org <http://www.realfoodchallenge.org/> ,
>>> http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com
>>> <http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com/> or call (845) 380-0871.
>>> ---
>>> You are currently subscribed to f2sconnections as:
>>> anagnost@u.washington.edu.
>>> To unsubscribe click here:
>>> http://lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu/u?id=757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8&n=T&l=f2sconnections&o=3792645
>>> or send a blank email to
>>> leave-3792645-757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> TheUWfarm mailing list
>>> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
>>> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
> _______________________________________________
> TheUWfarm mailing list
> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
TheUWfarm mailing list
Thanks for contacting us! We're writing to let you know we've received your message and will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you'd like to provide us with additional details or updates, you can reply to this message via email or sign in with your Ning ID and access your question online at:
Hi I am starting a food coop at my university, and though...
Want Real Food on your Campus?
Already have a student garden?
Are you excited about the Real Food Calculator?
Join us on a regional conference call to learn about what young people are doing in the
Northwest related to Real Food. Bring your questions, ideas and insight!
JANUARY 24TH at 3pm AKST/ 4pm PST/ 5pm MST
To join the call: 218-844-3380 and enter the passcode:8236637#
Get an update on the Regional Convergence
Real Food Youth Convergence: Cross-Pollinating Ideas & Action
*Registration closes on January 31st so hurry*
-Check out our blog for More Information-
Call for workshop proposals
Interested in sharing your skills, knowledge or ideas
Shoot us an email (northwest@realfoodchallenge.org) with the subject Proposal
To join the call: 218-844-3380 and enter the passcode:8236637#
Can't wait to hear your voices!
Your psyched NW organizers,
Lyra & Katelyn
There will be a volunteer event on Saturday, Jan 30 from 10:00am to
1pm at Shiga's Garden (5520 University Way NE). This is part of the
final push to make the garden ready for it's grand opening. We will be
moving soil onto the last couple of garden beds. If all goes well, I
hope to open the garden to P-Patchers by Valentine's Day.
Hope to see you there,
TheUWfarm mailing list
I notice that the dates of this event conflict with the next cob oven firing and wonder if the group might want to reschedule the latter.
On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Elizabeth Wheat wrote:
> Ann makes a good point! Ann: to answer your question - the gathering was talked about at the last all farm meeting and several students from the farm are going.
> I've gotten permission to leave for the weekend (from a reluctant Sarah!). But my mind is not yet made up for sure. I know that Lydia is going, but I think her car is full. Regardless, it would be great to get a count/ list of folks interested in attending. The UW farm should be well represented and I suspect that we could learn a lot from the experience of other student farms at the gathering. To help us gather information I've made an online survey. If you are interested in attending the conference please let us know by filling out this survey!
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDhITklndE9JSXV1ZklhNzNIWDU1Vmc6MA
> Thanks in advance! Meanwhile, Ann or anyone else, are there any funds you know about that we could apply for to help fund our travel to Montana?
> Beth
> On Jan 23, 2010, at 8:27 AM, anagnost@u.washington.edu wrote:
>> I believe this is for university-level too. Is anyone from UW going? Ann
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:25:40 -0800
>> From: "\"Farm to School Connections
>> Team\" <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu> on behalf of Tricia Sexton Kova
>> cs" <TKovacs@agr.wa.gov>
>> To: Farm to School Connections Team <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu>
>> Subject: [f2sconnections] FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of
>> Montana
>> ________________________________
>> From: Greg Williamson [mailto:Greg.Williamson@k12.wa.us]
>> Sent: Wed 1/20/2010 2:12 PM
>> To: Undisclosed recipients
>> Subject: FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of Montana
>> FYI
>> High School students from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming who are interested in learning about food systems and ways they can take action in their local community are invited to the "Real Food Youth Convergence." If you are interested in gardening, health, nutrition, farming, agriculture, labor rights, fair-trade networks, student organizing, cooperative business structures or dismantling injustice in our global and regional food systems-this convergence is for you. The event will be held February 12-14, 2010 at the University of Montana Campus. For more information or to register go to: david@realfoodchallenge.org, northwest@realfoodchallenge.org, www.realfoodchallenge.org <http://www.realfoodchallenge.org/> , http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com <http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com/> or call (845) 380-0871.
>> ---
>> You are currently subscribed to f2sconnections as: anagnost@u.washington.edu.
>> To unsubscribe click here: http://lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu/u?id=757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8&n=T&l=f2sconnections&o=3792645
>> or send a blank email to leave-3792645-757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu
>> _______________________________________________
>> TheUWfarm mailing list
>> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
>> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
TheUWfarm mailing list
I've gotten permission to leave for the weekend (from a reluctant Sarah!). But my mind is not yet made up for sure. I know that Lydia is going, but I think her car is full. Regardless, it would be great to get a count/ list of folks interested in attending. The UW farm should be well represented and I suspect that we could learn a lot from the experience of other student farms at the gathering. To help us gather information I've made an online survey. If you are interested in attending the conference please let us know by filling out this survey!
Thanks in advance! Meanwhile, Ann or anyone else, are there any funds you know about that we could apply for to help fund our travel to Montana?
On Jan 23, 2010, at 8:27 AM, anagnost@u.washington.edu wrote:
> I believe this is for university-level too. Is anyone from UW going? Ann
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:25:40 -0800
> From: "\"Farm to School Connections
> Team\" <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu> on behalf of Tricia Sexton Kova
> cs" <TKovacs@agr.wa.gov>
> To: Farm to School Connections Team <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu>
> Subject: [f2sconnections] FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of
> Montana
> ________________________________
> From: Greg Williamson [mailto:Greg.Williamson@k12.wa.us]
> Sent: Wed 1/20/2010 2:12 PM
> To: Undisclosed recipients
> Subject: FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of Montana
> High School students from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming who are interested in learning about food systems and ways they can take action in their local community are invited to the "Real Food Youth Convergence." If you are interested in gardening, health, nutrition, farming, agriculture, labor rights, fair-trade networks, student organizing, cooperative business structures or dismantling injustice in our global and regional food systems-this convergence is for you. The event will be held February 12-14, 2010 at the University of Montana Campus. For more information or to register go to: david@realfoodchallenge.org, northwest@realfoodchallenge.org, www.realfoodchallenge.org <http://www.realfoodchallenge.org/> , http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com <http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com/> or call (845) 380-0871.
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to f2sconnections as: anagnost@u.washington.edu.
> To unsubscribe click here: http://lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu/u?id=757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8&n=T&l=f2sconnections&o=3792645
> or send a blank email to leave-3792645-757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu
> _______________________________________________
> TheUWfarm mailing list
> TheUWfarm@u.washington.edu
> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/theuwfarm
TheUWfarm mailing list
TheUWfarm mailing list
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:25:40 -0800
From: "\"Farm to School Connections
Team\" <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu> on behalf of Tricia Sexton Kova
cs" <TKovacs@agr.wa.gov>
To: Farm to School Connections Team <f2sconnections@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu>
Subject: [f2sconnections] FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of
From: Greg Williamson [mailto:Greg.Williamson@k12.wa.us]
Sent: Wed 1/20/2010 2:12 PM
To: Undisclosed recipients
Subject: FW: Real Food Youth Convergence at University of Montana
High School students from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming who are interested in learning about food systems and ways they can take action in their local community are invited to the "Real Food Youth Convergence." If you are interested in gardening, health, nutrition, farming, agriculture, labor rights, fair-trade networks, student organizing, cooperative business structures or dismantling injustice in our global and regional food systems-this convergence is for you. The event will be held February 12-14, 2010 at the University of Montana Campus. For more information or to register go to: david@realfoodchallenge.org, northwest@realfoodchallenge.org, www.realfoodchallenge.org <http://www.realfoodchallenge.org/> , http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com <http://realfoodnorthwest.wordpress.com/> or call (845) 380-0871.
You are currently subscribed to f2sconnections as: anagnost@u.washington.edu.
To unsubscribe click here: http://lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu/u?id=757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8&n=T&l=f2sconnections&o=3792645
or send a blank email to leave-3792645-757810.ffa1e41db40e3e276325f045b4fca0a8@lyris.cahnrs.wsu.edu
TheUWfarm mailing list
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010, Daniel Wildish wrote:
> Hey everybody-
> The Fungi on the Farm committee is looking to get started growing some tasty
> mushrooms on the farm, but before we go ahead and order inoculants from a
> catalog, we thought we'd ask around and see if any of you on the listserve
> have any edible mushroom-growing supplies that you aren't using, or if you
> know anyone who might, or if you have general ideas or pointers for us. We'd
> love to do this with as low a start-up cost as possible. Things we are
> looking for include:
> -Edible mushroom cultures or spores. Our plan is to begin by growing oyster
> mushrooms (Pleurotus) because they are good and easy to grow. BUT, we're not
> picky. We're on the lookout for any kind of edible mushroom we could
> feasibly grow on the farm.
> -Sawdust.
> -Logs. A mushroom-growing log should be at least 4 in. in diameter, freshly
> cut, and hardwood. Who knows, maybe you have a whole stack of these in your
> garage.
> Any supplies or ideas you'd be willing to pass our way would be greatly
> appreciated. Thanks!!
> Happy farming,
> Dan
TheUWfarm mailing list
Want to add a welcome message for Matthew Steele on their profile? Go to:
UW Food Network
To disable email notifications when a new member joins UW Food Network, go to:
To control which emails you receive on UW Food Network, go to:
ps: Joanne, Rachel and I just threshed and winnowed our quinoa crop and we got about 6 cups of beautiful quinoa, while learning a bit about the ancient (and damn fun) art of winnowing!
TheUWfarm mailing list
You're invited to participate in a brain-storming discussion around planning a high-school science curriculum about Environmental Health, for the unit on Food and Food Safety. I'd love to see some UW Farmers there to enrich the discussion!
An outreach project organized by Dept of Environmental Health is underway, developing new materials to train high school teachers in cool science topics.
A seminar course is happening this quarter, and people not registered are welcome to attend sessions and participate!
more info on project and course: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/gopost/area/akharmon/52285
You may participate in one or both of two ways:
Participate in discussion online here:
Attend in person discussion on Friday January 29th from 3-4:20pm, Health Sciences Building Room T-739 (I will meet people at the Farm at 2:45 and walk you over, please RSVP if you're interested!)
PS undergrad students very welcome.
Kristin Miller, MS
Doctoral Student in Epidemiology
University of Washington
Box 357236, Seattle WA 98195
TheUWfarm mailing list
I am a graduate student in Epidemiology program at UW SPH (School of Public Health) and am looking to build connections between UW Farm and UW SPH, as the Farm is developing plans to grow.
It is important for me to come up with statistics on the number of people, students especially, from SPH and related areas who are participating in UW Farm. I know I've met several of you already.
I'm looking to identify people aligned with UW Farm who are:
-undergrad or grad students in UW SPH
-undergrad or grad students in other UW Health Sciences Schools
-majors/minors in Public Health or similar at UW
-faculty/staff in these programs at UW
-alums of programs listed above
-studying or working in related fields areas, outside of UW
-or anyone interested in public health and connection to UW Farm
If you think you might fit any of those descriptions, please email me and give me your name and what programs or departments or majors/minors you are affiliated with (and an optional brief intro of your interests).
Response requested by 1/24.
Kristin Miller, MS
Doctoral Student in Epidemiology
University of Washington
Box 357236, Seattle WA 98195
TheUWfarm mailing list
Congratulations on creating UW Food Network, your new Ning Network.
There are four simple things you can do to get started:
1. Invite your friends or your first set of members http://uw-food.ning.com/main/invitation/new?xg_source=msg_wel_nc
2. Customize your Ning Network's appearance http://uw-food.ning.com/main/appearance/edit?xg_source=msg_wel_nc
3. Add features to your Ning Network http://uw-food.ning.com/main/feature/add?xg_source=msg_wel_nc
4. Add Content http://uw-food.ning.com/main/index/addContent?xg_source=msg_wel_nc
The Ning Team